Professional :: Show Only A Short Segment From A Long Video?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a long video of 50 minutes duration..
I want only show a segment for that video, for example I want to start from minute 15 until minute 16, Only shows a minute for that video, but, I want to see that video as a complete short video of 1 minute duration. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Only A Short Segment From A Long Video??

May 19, 2010

I have a long video of 50 minutes duration..I want only show a segment for that video, for example I want to start from minute 15 until minute 16, Only shows a minute for that video, but, I want to see that video as a complete short video of 1 minute duration.How can I make this goal?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Long Code Into Short And Compact?

Jul 7, 2010

I am using the following code in many places, like you can see, there is m1,m2, m50,m51 m100 etc, it means i have 100 movieclips(in example below, there are 10 mcs only). [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace Long Object Path With Short Var?

Aug 15, 2006

This is what I would like to do. Change this:

if (blaah){ videoMC.vLoader.vContainer.holder.gotoAndStop(videoMC.vLoader.vContainer.holder._currentframe+2);


Is that possible, to substitute a long path with a short var. I know it can be done with any object property, but I'm not sure how to do it with a path, b/c what I've done so far doesn't work.

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Flash :: Professional - Video On Webpage Takes Very Long Time To Load Before It Starts Playback

Nov 21, 2011

I just created a basic flash file to play a video on my web page and it's taking several minutes to load before it starts playback. I'm using progressive downlaod and the file is in *.mov format and is 84MB in size. At first that seemed large to me for web play back, but I thought it could handle it since I thought the way progressive download works is that it would start playing the first frame right away and progressively play other frames as they download. However, this seems to be downloading the whole file first (or a major part of it) before starting any playback at all.

Is there some kind of setting I'm missing or is my understanding of the download incorrect and the file size is too large? Some vitals: I'm using Flash Pro CS5 - To create my flash file, I used the standard import video wizard and selected the a file that is "on my computer" and "load external video with playback component" and then, I selected one of the standard skins.- To deploy the vidoe on my webiste I have three files:

1) swf file containing the FLV component

2) the swf file related to skin

3) the actual video (84MB, mov file) - Web page includes/embeds reference to swf file

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Professional :: Video Plays In .SWF But Flash Template Video Controls Don't Show Up

Sep 9, 2010

I'm porting in an .flv to Flash for the first time. I created the .flv from an .MP4 using Media Encoder CS5, and then opened a new Actionscript 3 .fla in Flash Professional CS5, clicked File > Import > Import Video. Then selected 'Load external video with playback component'. Everything seems to have imported fine, but when I publish the SWF and import it via Dreamweaver CS5 and preview the page, the video is there, but the controls are not. There's just a white box where the controls should be. Also, the video is out of sync with the audio, which I believe is a problem with Media Encoder, not Flash.
Here are some links:
The page that I'm working on (video at the bottom of the page)
The .FLA 
The .FLV 
The .SWF

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Netstream Play/Pause - Show A Couple Of Short Animations?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using netstream to show a video in .flv.Over this video I need to show a couple of short animations, and when they play, I need to paus the long video so it doesn't plays in advance in the background.I've got this script to pause the movie:

btnPlay.onRelease = function () {

But how do I apply it so that when the timeline hits a certain frame, it calls it. I mean, the user can't really know when to stop to see the animations, so it has to be done at a specific time.

this.onEnterFrame = function(){

Would do it.

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Create Banner With Imbedded Short Video No More Than 5-6 Sec?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm quite new to flash but have experience in other adobe programs, I'm trying to create banner with imbedded short video no more than 5-6 sec.I was desperately trying to find some tutorials or any help on this subject without success.

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Replace The Pictures With About 25 Short Video Files All Under 30 Seconds?

Mar 9, 2010

I am a beginner looking to build my first Flash product. I am attempting to replace an existing PowerPoint, which is all text and picture based, and make it less boring by using Flash. I need to replace the pictures with about 25 short video files all under 30 seconds. Is it worth it to do this in Flash?Is there an existing template for this type of project?

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Php :: Implement A Short Video (10 Seconds, Looping) In A Webpage?

Jan 27, 2012

I'm currently trying to implement a short video (10 seconds, looping) in a web page. Initially, we tried using HTML5 Video tag with .mov (and H.264 as video codec inside). The file size was a couple MB, but the servers we're using were at 99% CPU usage - which is way too high because they're stacked on top of one another and they could burn up if left at that pace for too long.

My question is simply: what is a good way to display a short 10 second looping video inside a web page that limits CPU usage and will keep a descent frame rate? We're exploring the option of good ol' Flash (SWF) files, but wanted to get some input.

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Professional :: Imported Video Doesnt Show Up?

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to import a .flv video to my flash websiteI do it by choosing the "Progressive download from a webserver" optionIn the .swf file generated, the video runs normally , but when I run my website trough the index.html file and I goto the page where It is supposed to be, the video doesnt show up, as if it never existedI dont know what may be hapenning

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show A Screen Before A Long Execution Script Runs?

Aug 22, 2011

I want to show a movieclip that says something like "please wait" before I run a function that takes a few seconds to fully execute.

below is what I have tried but it doesn't work...

ActionScript Code:
//pleasewait is a movieclip on the stage in flash professional
pleasewait.visible = true;


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Professional :: Show Loading Icon When Video Freezes?

Sep 29, 2010

I inserted a video into my movie clip. It freezes sometimes if internet connection is not fast enough but freezes at any frame. I want a loading icon displayed once it stops and disappear when it continues.

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Professional :: Why Flash Doesn't Show The Image After Embedding The Video

Jun 21, 2010

I have Background layer, Bkg_Image layer & Video layer. I have embeded the flv movie on Video layer. Though on stage it shows all the layers, but when I test the movie it shows only Background layer & Video layer. I can't see the Bkg_Image layer.

The Actions layer has external swf loading AS3 which is working fine. Only the problem with Bkg_Image layer which is imprortant for me.
When I test movie, I see as in the following snapshot (Just the Background_Image & Video): 

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Professional :: Skin On Video Player Does Not Show Up In On-line Webpage?

Jun 27, 2010

I published a viedo.swf with a skin. I tested the video.swf both - both the html doc and the swf file and the skin is in each.I uploaded to my web server the following:1. video.swf,2. skin.swf3 video.html. and4. the AC_RunActiveContent.jsAll are in the same folder.When I goto the url the the video.html is located I do not see the skin ... on line.

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Professional :: Publishing To Exe Video, Dynamic Text Wont Show?

Mar 28, 2011

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Professional :: Keyframe Keyboard Short-cut?

Jan 18, 2012

While working on a project involving a mask layer and artwork layer the tutorial that explained the procedure said to press F6 to add a new keyframe to the timeline. While on the current frame, the tutor was hitting F6 and a new frame with a keyframe was produced. I need to click on the next frame then hit F6 to make the keyframe. The project is to make a vine look like it is growing and involves making lots of subsequent keyframes in this manner. The tutor breezed through making one keyframe after another - I have to physically advance to the next keyframe THEN hit F6.This really slows things down.

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FMS Save H264 Video Can't Last For A Long Time

Nov 11, 2011

I use FMLE to publish h264 video to FMS , my server side code (main.asc)[code]...

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Video - Long Delay Before Playback In Flash JWPlayer?

Jun 9, 2011

I've got a Flash video that takes a very long time (30 seconds+) to load, which is obviously frustrating for users. I'm using the JWPlayer to embed the video.Flash experts (which is not me), what am I doing wrong? Or is the video file too big/server too slow? I've tried embedding in various ways (direct embed, swfobject) without change.I notice it does sometimes play right away on load, but I'm not sure if this is because at that time, the Flash video is cached in my browser.

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Show Video Via Flash / If Failed Show It Via Html5

Aug 26, 2010

how I embed a html5 video player only if there's flash in the browser? If there is flash in the browser I want to use it instead.

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Remove Black Bars On Long Side Of IPhone Video?

Feb 11, 2012

How do you remove the black bars on the long side of iPhone video? I'm converting video to .flv for a Dreamweaver site, and would like to trim the black bar that runs along the long sides of the video.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: StartDrag And Bounds - User Will Be Able To Drag The Image, As Long As The Edges Of The Image Doesn't Show?

Jan 19, 2011

I have an image on the stage which is bigger than the stage itself:

The stage is 700x550

The image is 2100x1650, and it's registration point is at its center, if I remember correctly.The initial location of the image on the stage is 350,75.I want to make sure that the user will be able to drag the image, as long as the edges of the image doesn't's what I did:

mapRect = new Rectangle(0-mapMC.width/2, 0-mapMC.height/2, mapMC.width, mapMC.height);

and later on:


The the top and the left of the image are bounded well, but as far as the bottom and the right side of the image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum - Users Of The Player To See How Long They Have Listen Or How Long Time Back Of The Song

Feb 5, 2004

I'am making a advanced mp3 player arund this tutorial: [URL] and i want the users of the player to see how long they have listen or how long time back of the song. i have the AS i what to use but i cant connect them. becuase the tutorial i used does not make a sound objekt (MUSIC)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStream: Video Is Taking A Long Time To Begin Buffering

Jul 28, 2009

I'm trying to implement a simple NetStream video player with Progressive Video, but for some reason the video is taking about 12-13 seconds to begin buffering...I don't get it. If you check this link, you can see the buffer progress, you can see that it sits at 0 for >10s, until finally starting to buffer, at which point it finishes very quickly. [URL] It's a hard one to search for as any query using connection or slow obviously returns a bunch of crap that I don't need...


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Flex :: Playing A Large/long H264 File With NetStream Takes A LONG Time To Begin Playback?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to play a 10 minute long video (h264/mp4) which is 39MB in size, after I call it doesn't start playback until its loaded around 12-16MB of the file (many many seconds later), I finally get onMetaData at this point too. Why doesn't it begin playback right away, or at least w/in a couple seconds? What can cause this bloated lead in time?

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Media Server :: Dynamic Streaming Taking Too Long Time To Switch Video Using NetStreamPlayOptions In AS3

Aug 18, 2010

why dynamic streaming taking too much time to switch video from lower bit rate to higher bit rate and vice versa. I am doing dynamic streaming in following ways -
var param:NetStreamPlayOptions = new NetStreamPlayOptions();

I am using duel buffering and that is 3 seconds when video starts and 10 seconds when "NetStream.Buffer.Full". Video taking approximately 30-50 seconds to switch video and when I am calling the above code.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Video Controls To Show Up In Fullscreen Video Flash?

Oct 17, 2010

I am building a flash video player with a custom UI, and admittedly I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing. I tried altering a skin, but that always comes out wonky due to whatever coding they use. So I'm altering single video components and putting them in the mc what I want them. It looks great, but the problem is that when video goes to full screen, all of the controls dissappear and I can't figure out how to make them show up. How do I get a movie clip to display on top of the video when it goes to full screen in flash AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When A Video Is Played The Video Doesn't Show Up For About 10 Seconds

Apr 20, 2009

I have a sporadic bug where sometimes when a video is played the video doesn't show up for about 10 seconds but the audio is there.

i'm using flash as3:

_video = new Video();
_sound = new SoundTransform();
var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Flash :: Video Skin - Show Up Underneath The Video Are Not There

Jun 11, 2009

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Nov 8, 2010

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