ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Netstream Play/Pause - Show A Couple Of Short Animations?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using netstream to show a video in .flv.Over this video I need to show a couple of short animations, and when they play, I need to paus the long video so it doesn't plays in advance in the background.I've got this script to pause the movie:

btnPlay.onRelease = function () {

But how do I apply it so that when the timeline hits a certain frame, it calls it. I mean, the user can't really know when to stop to see the animations, so it has to be done at a specific time.

this.onEnterFrame = function(){

Would do it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Play / Pause Clip Not Working With NetStream

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tell by my code why that would happen? I'd at least like to know how to show the pause button whilst it's playing and vice-versa for the play button.

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playBtn._visible = false;
pauseBtn.onRelease = function() {


However, this didn't work - at least not the way I wanted. This code causes the pause button to show up when you cycle through the images and get back to frame one - somehow forcing the net stream to play again. how to show the pause button whilst it's playing and vice-versa for the play button.There's nothing on the timeline that would obstruct the buttons from the end of the timeline to the beginning. I think it's in the code, but I can't see it.

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_connection = new NetConnection();
_connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error On BitMapData.draw() After NetStream.pause() Then

Feb 25, 2010

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I actually have all pieces working great. The only time an error is thrown is when I pause the video, seek to somewhere, and then try to take a snapshot. Then there is a runtime error of:
SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: mySwf.swf cannot access rtmp://myFlashServer/myApp. No policy files granted access.I've seen post after post of suggestions and have tried them, but without success.

I have the crossdomain.xml and my FlashMediaServer security setup fine (it is actually working, except for this one glitch). It just seems to be the pause-then-seek-then-BitMapData.draw() combination which is creating issues.

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fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
fscommand("allowscale", "false");
var randomNum = 0;
var randomNumLast = 0;


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var url:String = <some http url>;
connect_nc = new NetConnection();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pause NetStream Loading?

Dec 21, 2009

i have this (becoming-abnoxious) client, for which i make a video player (using the NetStream class), who came out today requesting that instead of starting to load the video only when the user clicks the 'play button, he want the video to begin downloading as the player loads (before the user clicks the 'play' button), but only the first 10 minutes of video (most of his videos are long, even up to an hour), and after that the loading will pause, and will resume (from the same point of course) after 3:30 minutes if the user doesn't click the 'play' button in the meanwhile.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: NetStream Buffer Pause?

Apr 10, 2007

I have a video file FLV which is dynamically loaded using AS NetStream function.Now I want to stop the buffering of the video after a certain amount of bytes are being loaded. For example, the FLV size is 10mb and I want to PAUSE the buffer after the 2mb of bytes are loaded. During the PAUSE of the buffer, the connection should be ON and I should be able to play the video.Is there any way we can PAUSE the buffer and after certain amount of time, we again can START the buffering process? Say it should again start buffering after 2 minutes.

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var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
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Actionscript 3.0 :: FLV NetStream Pause() Doesn't Work

Apr 30, 2008

I followed lee's tutorial to create my own video player and I'm using AS3 for that. The problem is that for some reason, pause() doesn't work, it will pause the first time I clicked it, but it wouldn't go back and play again. I looked through AS3 books and online, everything tells me that pause() should be able to pause and resume. Another thing is that if I try to use pause(true), an error would appear and tell me that the argument should be no more than zero, and I'm like "why?????" so here's my code, it is basically based on lee's code but in AS3...


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Media Server :: (live_from_FMLE, -1, 4500, True) Got No NetStream.Play.Start?

Nov 5, 2010

I got a bunch of live stream from FMLE, say: "FMLE_channel1", "FMLE_channel2", "FMLE_channel3". And then on the server side, I created several corresponding republished stream called "channel1", "channel2", "channel3".

On periodical basis, we call Stream.get("channel1").play("FMLE_channel1", -1, 10, true) every 10 seconds. Similar things were done on the second channel & third channel.Soon after the above Stream.get("channel1").play() call, I should get the following events in sequence:info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Startinfo :NetStream.Play.Resetinfo :NetStream.Play.Start In the above case all are happy. Clients can view channel1, channel2, channel3 well.But then after a while, one of the three channels, in most case it would be channel1, will not be viewable.

With the server trace info, I found that after the Stream.get("channel1").play() call, only the following two events exists:

info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Starti.e. I was missing the play.reset and play.start event.I further checked and confirmed that the FMLE was publishing all three channels fine to the server. I was able to view the "FMLE_channel1" from flash clients, but not the republished "channel1". the version is FMS 3.5.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Function NetStream.pause() Process Incorect When Embed Swf In Webpage

Oct 26, 2008

I use NetStream to play media file. It includes pause, resume functions. When running in the flash player, there isn't any problem. However, when embedding this swf file in web page, there is following problem. - If clicking [pause] button and then (in short period) clicking [resume] button to continue playing, no problem. But, if clicking [resume] button after longer period (bigger than playing file's time), the swf file will start playing at the next media file in the list, NOT at the time that was paused.

I would like to send the source code link: [URL]

i can't test this article [URL] when I pause netstream. it clear buffer. when I resume it rebuffer

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Professional :: Show Nested Animations In The Timeline?

Aug 17, 2011

I have made a nested animation within a movie clip, but it doesn't show up frame-by-frame in the timeline is there a way to make it appear in the timeline?
I need to take a photo of my screen with each image on it for a stop motion animation project for school I tried exporting a series of still images as a workaround, but for some reason the data from the nested animation also fails to show up in any kind of movie export.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play An Mp3 File Using

Mar 23, 2010

I have a "movie player" that plays flv files using the code below (videoToPlay is the name of the file to play and is just a string). I want to use the same setup to play an mp3 file also.I tried using mySound = new Sound(); and then mySound.attachNetStream(ns);, but it gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method attachNetStream through a reference with static type

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Between And

Nov 4, 2010

1) What is the recommended/best practice method for loading videos (flv, f4v, mp4, etc.) from a play list. Some of the files might be on the local file system, some might be on a streaming server and uses rtmp.
2) Does the internally use NetStream/NetConnection objects? I could get the files to play using both these methods - not sure if one is better than the other. I didn't see any references about streaming in the method - but it does work with rtmp URLs!
3) For a long running standalone application, how do I make sure the VideoPlayer/NetStream objects are properly released/garbage collected? Right now I am closing the netstream/netconnection after playing every file - mainly because I do not know which server/file system the next video is being loaded from.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Movies To Play Consecutively With Play Pause?

Mar 8, 2010

I have several products I want to animate with graphics and text individualy then stack them on a time line for output with play and pause buttons. Is there a tutorial somwhere that shows you how to do this? and how do I stop the entire animation on a frame, I don't understand "not_set_yet"

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Flash :: Streaming - Generate A "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" Error While Play?

Mar 2, 2011

I used"invalid-live-stream-url") to play an invalid live stream. The other arguments are using default, e.g. start = -2, len = -1.

The menu says that when we use the default "start" and "len" to call "", "Plays the live stream until it is no longer available. If a live stream of the specified name is not found, Flash Player plays a recorded stream until it ends."

However, I do not have a recorded stream on the server that has the same name as the live stream, and I did not get the expected "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" error.

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CTR+Return Wont Play My Animations?

Jun 25, 2009

Ctr+return wont play my animation. Instead it just stays on the first frame. It used to play but all of a sudden it just stopped.

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Make Animations Play Immediately After A Preloader?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm using actionscript 2, I've got a preloader working, but now I'm struggling to make an alpha animation play immediately after the preloader. My attempts have ended up with the animation playing during the preloader.

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