Professional :: CS5 Bug: Symbol Rotation Points Shifting With Long Timelines

May 16, 2010

I have come across a large, and very annoying bug in CS5. When animating with the same symbols over a long and complicated timeline, the rotation points of symbols earlier in the timeline begin to shift around very slightly. The more you work on the flash, the more they shift, so things that you did right at the start will begin to wobble around all over the place once your timeline gets very big. This is because, as we all know, when you tamper with a tweened symbol's rotation point, the symbol moves out of place while tweening.
This has completely ruined a large project I was working on that I began in CS4.
I am using a Mac Pro running 10.6.3

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Don't know about new files.The files I'm working on originated on a Mac, and they may have gone back and forth between CS4 anc CS5 versions, and finally are going to CS5.5 on a pc.I have seen this problem now in both CS4 and CS5 on both the Mac and the pc.It only seems to affect newly imported assets.Doesn't seem to matter how they're imported.Sometimes I use the menus, sometimes I drag and drop them into the library, sometimes I copy them from other Flash files and paste them into the current one.So far, I'm not sure that his problem has been seen on my own equipment.Just at my contractor location.Because of the things I'm seeing around, I'm beginning to suspect that this could have something to do with these RAID systems these guys usually set up, which I know virtually nothing about. RAID5 on these new machines.But I'm wondering if some caching of something is going on somewhere, and somehow not being saved somewhere else

I'll probably start trying some things like importing assets, saving,closing and re-opening before I do anything, or some such exercises, in an attempt to make it stop happening.Like I said though, it's virtually impossible for me to reproduce.It really seems to be one of those things that just likes to happen out of the blue.Maybe 15 to 20 percent of the time.Probably whenever it'll do the most damage.

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Jan 21, 2004

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During my investigation works I understand - this error do not affect ADT tool for compiling iOS or Android. When I include many files to project - all this files sends as parameters to external file adt.jar.But flash can't send huge amout of parameters.
I googled this issue and found - any other app can have this bug looking on wrong parameters sending options.this is only Flash CS5.5 bug, not ADT. How I understand this? I can use command line for compiling with all this parameters and command line compile succesful.

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Mar 8, 2010

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I want only show a segment for that video, for example I want to start from minute 15 until minute 16, Only shows a minute for that video, but, I want to see that video as a complete short video of 1 minute duration. 

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Feb 8, 2010

I added a music file to the stage, the movie clip is only about 35secs long. The music is like 3mins long. Anyway my problem is that the movie clip stops and music continues playing. And the movie clip and music start playing again while the first music is still playing. And it sounds as if it continuing to do this. How do I stop the music when the movie clips end. Is there some actionscript code that will stop this.

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May 30, 2010

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so all i want is to make a small round ring rotate as long as the file is loading. so i looked and followed a lot tutorials but all the preloaders tutorials are much more compliceted then i need. they all have persentige sowing, and a bar that is filling according to how much the file has loaded, and colors changing etc. so i tried to take from the tutorials wat i need for my simple preloader to work but i get stuck.i built the animation of the rotating ring, but i get stuck with the actions i need to make the animation work as long as the file is working. i called my ring animation "circularloader". here is a image of the page with the ring:

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Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to make about a minute long animation of two koi fish.

1. Fish slowly swim in frame
2. Fish swim in circle a couple times
3. 4 food pellets drop into water
4. Fish eat them one at a time
5. Fish slowly swim out of frame

I've finished step 2, but now I want to go back and do step 1. I've attatched a picture of my koi and I was wondering if there was any way I could flip the image of them and tween them to make it look like the fish were moving their bodies all in flash.

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Flash :: Professional - Video On Webpage Takes Very Long Time To Load Before It Starts Playback

Nov 21, 2011

I just created a basic flash file to play a video on my web page and it's taking several minutes to load before it starts playback. I'm using progressive downlaod and the file is in *.mov format and is 84MB in size. At first that seemed large to me for web play back, but I thought it could handle it since I thought the way progressive download works is that it would start playing the first frame right away and progressively play other frames as they download. However, this seems to be downloading the whole file first (or a major part of it) before starting any playback at all.

Is there some kind of setting I'm missing or is my understanding of the download incorrect and the file size is too large? Some vitals: I'm using Flash Pro CS5 - To create my flash file, I used the standard import video wizard and selected the a file that is "on my computer" and "load external video with playback component" and then, I selected one of the standard skins.- To deploy the vidoe on my webiste I have three files:

1) swf file containing the FLV component

2) the swf file related to skin

3) the actual video (84MB, mov file) - Web page includes/embeds reference to swf file

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Dec 17, 2011

I would like my video to play through the external flv once, and then loop back to the middle of the external flv.I have made 3 cue points on the stage in actionscript, labeled "beginning","middle", and " is my code which seems like it should work, however, I get an invalid seek 1009 error.


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Jul 1, 2011

if there is a way to get by Actionscript the position of points in a polygon made using Pen Tool?

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