ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Rotation Of Symbol?

Nov 23, 2005

how to rotate a symbol(wheel like wheel in fortune..) in random order and stop in a random order also using actionscript

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Professional :: 3D Rotation For Symbol About Y Axis Using Pivot Point

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to rotate a symbol about the y-axis, 45 degrees one direction, then back to center, then 45 degrees the other direction. Seems like a relatively simple task, except here is what happens.

Here is the object with no rotation:
Here is the object rotated exactly 45 degrees:
And here is the object rotated exactly -45 degrees:

I need the object to rotate the same as it did the first time but in reverse, otherwise "45" and "-45" are generally worthless numbers to refer to. Is it something to do with the pivot point? I made sure the registration point was in the center when I created the symbol. It doesn't seem to be pivoting the object around the center though. How do I rotate about the y-axis using a pivot point that is actually in the center and gives the same (but opposite) effect when rotating it one way versus the other?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Motion Editor Not Showing Rotation X Or Y For MovieClip Symbol In CS4

Nov 30, 2009

I'm just now trying the Motion Editor for the first time in CS4 Professional. I've created a shape, converted it to a symbol, done an Insert Motion Tween, and brought up the Motion Editor. I'm looking for Rotation X and Rotation Y, but only see Rotation Z. My Publish Settings are Flash Player 10, ActionScript 3.

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Professional :: CS5 Bug: Symbol Rotation Points Shifting With Long Timelines

May 16, 2010

I have come across a large, and very annoying bug in CS5. When animating with the same symbols over a long and complicated timeline, the rotation points of symbols earlier in the timeline begin to shift around very slightly. The more you work on the flash, the more they shift, so things that you did right at the start will begin to wobble around all over the place once your timeline gets very big. This is because, as we all know, when you tamper with a tweened symbol's rotation point, the symbol moves out of place while tweening.
This has completely ruined a large project I was working on that I began in CS4.
I am using a Mac Pro running 10.6.3

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Professional :: Rotation - Slight Pulsing As The Symbol Rotates When The Animtaion Plays

Aug 14, 2010

I've got a symbol that's circular, and I'm trying to make it rotate. My problem is that everytime I rotate it (45 degrees per frame), the dimensions change slightly on me. It's a circle with a height and width of 364 pixels. After rotating it clockwise 45 degrees, the new dimensions are 386.9 by 397.4. The result is a slight pulsing as the symbol rotates when the animtaion plays. I can't figure out what's happening, and it's SUPER frustrating.

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IDE :: Random Image Rotation With Crossfade

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to make a website banner, which would rotate images in a random order, with a crossfade.Basically like this one here: URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grid With Random Defined Rotation?

Mar 27, 2004

I have mde a grid that loads great but I want to add a little flavor by having two events occur:I want the grid boxes (all duplicates of an mc named "sq") to rotate either 90, 180, 270 or 360 degrees. The thing is I have written a script to make them rotate 90 degrees with each new duplicate but I realized that doesn't look as good as what I'm going for. That code is here:

gridx = 31;
gridy = 31;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Random Movement / Rotation And Speed With Array

May 10, 2008

I have a rock movieclip that is in an array and a timed function that places an instance of the rock on the stage every 5 seconds. So every 5 seconds a rock is placed onto the stage. What I want is when a rock is placed onto the stage it rotates either clockwise or anticlockwise. So every 5 seconds a rock appears and it will rotate either clockwise or anitclockwise. I also want the rocks to rotate at a random speed. So every time a rock appears its rotation speed will be different. I also need the rocks to move in a random direction. So every time a rock appears it will travel in a different direction to the previous rock.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Rotation Around A Fixed (Central) Point

Jan 15, 2009

I have a project on the go which has a compass that I would like to have move randomly around a fixed central point (giving the idea of changing direction).Would anyone be able to help me out with the coding to get this to work?

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Jun 19, 2009

It is a simple matter to place your object in a random place on the stage and not have it hanging over the edge, like so:[code]But for some reason I am having great difficulty coming up with a solution to how the random placement might work once the object has been rotated. and the registration point is no longer in the global upper-left corner. This might be easy if the rotation was a fixed # but I am rotating randomly along the whole spectrum.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Rotation Values To Movie Clips?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a number of movie clips on the stage, and I want them to have a rotation value of either -5 or 5. The rotation values have to be randomly generated.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Background Rotation With Transition Effect?

Jun 4, 2010

im not exactly sure where to start right now im using a script for dhtml to rotate imaged randomly what i hope to accomplish is background , that will have some type of transition effect and randomly show my images

i have 32 images atm i would like to rotate through i found this and have tried to use it , but not exactly what i want , i need a transitional effect of somekind, and want it to rotate at a given amount of time , say maybe 12seconds[URL]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Random Symbol Display On Timeline

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to find a script which displays my frames on a timeline randomly (and shows them for a second or so).

I did find a script but when i place the movieclip a couple of times over my stage - what happens is that the random script is not working anymore.[url]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Center Is In Left Of The Image - Aren't 3D Rotation From Transform Panel

Jan 7, 2010

I have a movieclip and when I do 3D rotation from Transform panel, It rotates perfect, center is in the middle of image, and when I apply mc.rotationY, rotation center is in left of the image, aren't 3D rotation from Transform panel and mc.rotationY from AS same? what's up?

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Actionscript 3 :: Augmented Reality Flartoolkit Rotation - Trace The Rotation Of The Marker

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to do some augmented reality projects with flartoolkit . I can now put simple 3d objects on my marker and it works fine , but I wanna give my project some events that the user can interact with. I'm trying to trace the rotation of the marker. there's a container:DisplayObject3D which my application uses to add the 3d objects , I traced this :"trace(container.rotationZ)" but it's just returning 0 . I studied another AR application's source code and it was using the rotation of it's container object without problem .and I think I should mention that I'm using the exercise file of seb lee delisle papervision3d course from [URL]. anyone has any experience with flartoolkit? the main functions of my my code is as below:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Of Nested Movieclips, Separate Of Parent Rotation?

Aug 11, 2010

Is it possible to have the child movieclip rotate separate of the  rotation  properties assigned to the parent? so ultimately giving the  child  element it's own axis?I've customized Lee Brimelows ( 3D carousel to spin  on  the x axis to make it a vertical carousel. I've also rotated that by 45 degrees on the y axis to see all the items, and wrote a snippet of   code to hide the left portion of the carousel. The entire  carousel is contained within the 'container' movieclip, and  inside of  that are my carousel items (as seen below), with the larger  item being  the item in focus.

On rollover of the item in focus, I want to rotate it so it faces the   viewer (as seen below),basically removing the 45 degree rotation   applied to the container.The problem i'm running into is when you rotate the container (changing   the rotationX of the container), the axis basically rotates with it, so   when i rollover the next item 'in focus', the following happens..(in  the  example where it appears how it want it to, the carousel is at a   rotationX of 0, so it works fine)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Inconsistent Rotation - 270 Degrees Of Rotation Disappear?

Apr 21, 2009

Program A has a cannon that aims to line up with where-ever the mouse is pointing, in 360 degrees, and fires when the mouse is is clicked. Program B has an eye instead of a cannon that should in theory do similar functions when the capslock key is toggled, but instead only has a 90 degree range of motion from the Right of the eye toward the bottom (quadrant 4 only). Where did the ther 270 degrees of rotation disappear to?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A 3d Rotation Much Like The Widely Used Carousel Only The Rotation?

Aug 11, 2006

i.m trying to create a 3d rotation much like the widely used carousel only the rotation i desire consist of four upright(90 degrees) movieclips resting on a slanted, 30 degree plane which rotate onEnterFrame or following a tween on a oval like path - then pause for a given number of seconds at the four movieclips positions equal in distance on the plane

function around() {
this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s = this._y /(centerY+radiusY);


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IDE :: Z - Rotation X And Rotation Y Missing In Motion Editor Panel

Feb 23, 2009

Why isn't there the Z, rotation X and rotation Y fields in my motion editor panel?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Rotation X Rotation Y Don't Show?

Oct 8, 2009

I am watching the tutorial on the motion editor and when he opens the motion editor to edit the Rotation X and Rotation Y values I'm in trouble.My motion editor now only shows Rotation Z but, no Rotation X or Rotation Y. What am I doing wrong?

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Flash :: Change Visibility Of Symbol Instance From Inside Another Symbol's Script

Nov 22, 2011

I have a project in Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.

I have a movieclip symbol (referred herein as "background" with scripts on various keyframes inside of that symbol. I need to hide or show another symbol (referred herein as "object") sharing a stage with "background".

To put it another way, I need "object" to be hidden when "background" reaches a certain internal keyframe. However, as "object" and "background" are both children of the same stage, how do I do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace A Certain Symbol(button) By Another Symbol(movieclip) Stored In The Library?

Dec 25, 2004

what i want to do is, when certain button is clicked, replace a certain symbol(button) by another symbol(movieclip) stored in the library. i try things like loadmovie("","") to replace the symbol from a external jpg, but some how it does not align even both images are exact dimension. can i replace an image straight from the library?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D - Rotation Via MatrixTransformer - Do A "pseudo 3D" Rotation Of A Movie Clip

Dec 2, 2008

I am trying to do a simple "pseudo 3D" rotation of a movie clip. The clip would "flip" on to the screen. I have created the effect using PaperVision3D, however, the final SWF is about 64k and my project requires a smaller file size. I tried to create the flip effect manually by creating skewed versions of the clip and tweening between them, except this doesn't work because the shape is not tweaked along the vanishing point as it should be. It looks like perhaps I could accomplish what I want to do using the MatrixTransformer but I've not had much luck so far.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause Rotation On Rollover Of A Movieclip And Restart Rotation On Rollout Of The Movieclip

Oct 3, 2006

I'm trying to pause my rotation on rollover of a movieclip and restart rotation on rollout of the movieclip. Here is my current code,


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Professional :: Blinking Inside Of A Movie Clip Symbol And Placed The Symbol?

Aug 5, 2011

I animated eyes blinking inside of a movie clip symbol and placed the symbol on a face outside of the symbol.The eyes are stuck on the first frame. I am using CS5. What do I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The HitTest() Function To Test If A Certain Symbol Is Hitting Another Symbol?

Sep 3, 2010

How do i get the hitTest() function to test if a certain symbol is hitting another symbol, but, only if drawn parts of the symbol are touching, not thier outer bounds.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The X And Y Position Values Of A Symbol Within Another Movieclip Symbol?

May 16, 2011

Basically there's an object in a movieclip. I want to find the location of that object in relation to the movieclip, not of the object's symbol. So when i look at the x and y of it, it wont show 0, it will show the x and y location in the movieclip it's in.

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Create A Duplicate Symbol And Then Be Able To Drag The Symbol Around The Screen?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm, trying to create a duplicate symbol and then be able to drag the symbol around the screen.I have an image - once converted to a button and on the stage as paddock_btn. The other converted to paddock_mc in the library, with a linkage identifier of "paddock".I want to be able to click the button, and create a duplicate, which can be dragged and placed on the screen.Unfortunately, I don't get any output errors here.


//create a function to duplicate paddock
function dupe_paddock():Void {
i = i + 1;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX2004] Movie Symbol As A Button Symbol

Apr 24, 2005

I have a scrollout menu for my flash movie, but each of the buttons have to be movies symbols. I try to attach:

on (release) {
gotoand stop(4)

But I get the error that this script only works for buttons. Anyone able to lend some assist? I suck at actionscript.

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Button From Within A Symbol Effect Frame In Another Symbol?

Sep 25, 2009

So i've done SOME work with flash and AS3, right now i'm working on a website for my boss, he bought some template online which has stuff laid out and animated and everything already, now I just have to integrate our content.My issue is this, I've got 2 symbols on the screen, one of which contains alot of buttons that list our services as company, the second symbol contains the content (or descriptions) of those services, which on are separate keyframes.What I'm trying to accomplish is that when you hit the button in "symbol A", it affects the "symbol B" and goes to the corresponding keyframe.For example when I click "button 2" in "symbol A", "symbol B" goes to keyframe 2.Now if they were in the same symbol it would be something like



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