Professional :: How To Create Motion Tween (Text On Single Layer)
Aug 21, 2011
I know it is very easy. Right click> create motion tween> drag to where I would like the text/object to move. But, Sometimes it doesn't seem to work when I drag the text. It will work the first time and for the second text on the frame it won't work. What are the requirements of a motion tween when it comes to text on a single layer in the same frame.
I'm rather belatedly getting to grips with the new tweening system introduced in CS4. To be quite honest it's been a nightmare, but I'm starting to see its good points now.One thing that still drives me crazy is when you create a new tween and Flash creates a new layer for you and puts the tween into it. Why? And how do I stop it? Over the course of a 10 min animation with a lot of tweens I could end up with hundreds of layers
I feel like this should be pretty straightforward, but I can't figure out a way to easily move a single keyframe within a motion tween to adjust timing. I can't even figure out how to delete a single keyframe, for that matter. Everything I try ends up deleting all the keyframes within the tween or the entire tween.
IF you copy a motion tween as an AS how do you insert the code so that it still performs the motion?I created a motion tween, copied it, deleted all frames, made just 1 frame, placed the object on the frame (from the library with the same name used in the original tween) pasted the AS onto that frame of the relevant layer but it does not work
Is it possible to create multiple layer masks over a single layer using Actionscript3?Below is the flash effect I wanted to create with masks.First it starts from A and goes to B and C simultaneously.Then from B it goes to H and D simultaneously (the same applies to C).This is how the end result will look I need my background to be transparent. I'm embedding it into a web page later.
I have no problem creating shape tweens in Flash CS4, but motion tweens are a problem. Here's what I do: - I draw a rectangle and convert it to a symbol on frame 1. - I create a key frame on frame 25, where I place the symbol in a different position. - On frame 1 I create a motion tween. When I run this nothing happens until frame 24, and on 25 the symbol appears on its final position. I can do the movement with a shape tween, but I want to do it with a motion tween, as this may be a question at the exam next week.
I have already created an animattion of a bird flapping its wings. I want to include this within another animation of it flying around as well as flapping wings and wondering how this can be done. I tried to import it as both a gif image and swf movie and although it holds the original animation I cannot add the motion tween to draw the flying path.
Basically, I created an image and converted it to a movie clip. Inside of this movie clip, I create a new layer and I give both layers 70 frames. On the top layer, I then draw a path, right click on the layer, and choose guide. I then drag and drop the bottom layer, which represents my movie clip, under the guide layer. The next step is to right click on the bottom layer, my object layer, and choose create motion tween. This for me however is blocked out, and my only option is to create a classic tween.
Just as a note, I am using CS5 and the tutorial I am following looks to be using an older version. Additionally, they don't right click on the layer and choose motion tween. They select the layer and from like their properties panel, they have a tween option, and from the drop down, they choose motion. I cannot find this option box in my interface however. Is there any logical reason why it wont allow me to do a motion tween?
whether it is possible to automatically create a motion tween of a black circle that would result in an animated drawing of a line? The circle should not only move but also leave its own copy at each frame of its route.
i want to have two different tweens on different movieclips within same layer...but what happens groups both the mc into a single graphic...and applies tween for the entire graphic..and also i loose the Mc instance.
how can i achieve diff tweens on diff objects within a layer? More important is dont want to loose the MC instance
I have a MC called Canal_Paddle_mc on a different layer which I have called Canal_Paddle. The paddle has a motion tween on it. I want to be able to play that motion tween only when i click the mc on layer 1.
If I put any text letter of any size at the top of the stage, lets say for example a "T" of 10 pts. Then move the timeline to frame 50 and insert a keyframe and then move that "T" down to the bottom of the stage and resize it to say 50 pts. (I want the effect of the letter growing as it moves down the stage).If I then isert a Motion Tween and scrub it the letter just stays at 10 pt until the keyframe at 50is hit and then it resizes to 50. Not the effect I am looking for.But if I use the classic tween then it does do what I want which is gradually grow from 10 pts to 50 pts by the bottom of the stage.
If I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...
I used the liquid Flash layout file from this site , but i got one problem.I placed the script in a layer called actionscript and on frame 1, under it there is a other layer called background. I placed in just a square with a gradient color and made it a movieclip. I also placed this on frame 1. Everything is working perfect from this point but when i want to place a keyframe on frame 10 in the background layer and make a motion tween so that the background fades in from 0 opacity to 100, it doesn't work.
I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.
I am facing a problem in one of my animation with flash CS4 - I have nested a Shape Tween in a Motion tween to get more control over the easers and effects, unfortunately I am not able to view on the timeline of my Motion Tween the action of the Shape tween nested inside.
It only show the first shape of the Shape Tween during the entire Motion Tween and that is really a problem for me because I need to see the final frame result of that Shape tween to be able to position it in a precise way on my scene according to other instances.
I'm making a "master movie" for an assignment and I'm stuck right now. What I've got is an Intro page that will serve at the Parent.swf to load 4 other child swf's upon a mouse click. The problem is I have a theater stage where I tweened an animation to make it appear the curtain on the stage is going up but once it reaches it maximum height....the tween abruptly stops. I want it to HOLD there until a user clicks a button.
How would I make this happen? Here is the page in question: [URL]...
I'm just learning the software and haven't been able to figure this out. I'm trying to create an historic timeline for our company and am using 20 jpg images, which I placed on separate layers and then converted each jpg to a symbol and motion tweened to go across the screen. The problem is that there is a gap between the frames when they play as a movie and I don't know how to get rid of that so that they flow continuously across the screen from left to right seamlessly.
I dont have any examples now, but you know when you tween a movieclip across the stage (changing its x and y properites) and then according to speed of a movieclip a blur effect is applied?
i want to collapse a complex scene with all different layers and different transparency into a single layer (or as few as possible) to optimize the flash file for online (were experince proformance issues). I have tried the combine and manually copying pasting into one layer but it cuts the fill below and replace with transparent fill. I want to have a end file that is 100% solid.
How do you create a motion tween when I insert keyframe in frame 28 then I click on the object and create motion tween but when i click in 60 to insert keyframe I get opition of position, scale, skew, rotate ect. I just want to insert keyframe. What am I doing wrong?
What would be a good way to create a sin wave motion using the math, not tween, class? In maya it was quite simple with sin(value) but I can't seem to get a decent undulation out of Flash. The case I'm working on is a bubble generator, you know, just for kicks. That fish tank screen saver has the bubbles moving in a sin wave it seems, looks like it works well enough.
What would be a good way to create a sin wave motion using the math, not tween, class? In maya it was quite simple with sin(value) but I can't seem to get a decent undulation out of Flash. The case I'm working on is a bubble generator, you know, just for kicks. That fish tank screen saver has the bubbles moving in a sin wave it seems, looks like it works well enough.
I have one layer with two tween spans, and would like to have a different symbol for each span. However, I cannot seem to do this without adding a keyframe in between the spans: if I have just the two tween spans, and replace the symbol in one, the symbol in the other span is also changed. What am I doing wrong here? (Using CS4)
after I create a motion tween, why is it that I don't always see the path of that tween? It seems that I've got to shuffle stuff around a bit before I actually see the colored path. Is there some trick to this?
I am trying to move the instance in a particular path, but by the time I finish defining the entire path, the first few points all go astray. I then completed only 5 change points, but by then the 2nd, 3rd and 4th point were all astray, as in, not in the position I had originally defined them.
I am very frustrated with this as I have been working on this file for ages now, and nothing of this sort happened before. I have redone the tween atleast five times but it still acts weird by the time i move ahead a few frames.