Professional :: Importing Flash Embedded In A Webpage, Convert To JPG?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm a virgin to CS4, and a historian wanting to copy some documents that are in SWF files into JPG format.Is there a simple, "dummies method" for me to copy the SWF file, and then what are the basic steps for conversion.The website of interest is the Mexican national archives:[url].....When moving through the site it is possible to select images (Ver imagen/s).This is where I'd really like to be able to copy the image to JPG.

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Professional :: Importing A Flash Video To A WebPage?

Feb 3, 2011

I am having a problem getting my flash file to work on my webpages. I first converted the original .avi to a .flv format,then I imported the.flv into flash. It has a skin because I wanted the users to be able to stop and pause the video. When I test the file outside of the web page it works fine. The skin file, the .flv and the .swf are all in the same folder. But when i Upload the webpage , the flash does not play online. If i preview in design mode, the flash file plays. Although with out the skin. Now if i open the flash file outside of the webdesign software it opens in a web browser and all works.

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I am trying to get a Flash movie I created to stop looping in my browser AFTER loading it into Dreamweaver. Here's what I've tried:

a) Place an AS3 "Stop();" at the end of the action script for the file (in Flash CS4).

b) Publish with "Loop" in HTML tab unchecked.

c) Open the tandem created .html file in my browser (Firefox)......and the movie plays then stops as hoped

d) Open Dreamweaver CS4

e) Import the swf file into a blank HTML page and Save the file.

f) Test the document in my browser. Movie plays, but the movie continues to loop.
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Aug 31, 2011

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<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="200" height="20">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />


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<script type="text/javascript">AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','


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Professional :: Importing Swf To Flash?

May 4, 2010

I have a swf presentation with 28 pages. Each page contains a swf movie. It was originally done in 2005 with Flash Studio MX 2004 . In 2005 I imported a swf movie to each page and it all worked perfectly. The filesize was small and exe-filesize was 1,2 MB. Now when I have done small modifications to the swf in Flash CS4 and I try to import it to the main fla then it imports dozens of bitmaps and other stuff. After adding just that one swf exe-filesize is 5 MB and the swf is not even working. it is just a still.
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Flash :: Professional - Importing Sound Into CS4

Feb 15, 2009

so i've just been learning flash and i'm really enjoying it, i have got to a point when i want to import sound but when i do. i get the following message... "one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them." i am using windows xp and i have had this problem trying .aif and .mp3. (i haven't tried any other types but i think these should work anyway)

does anybody know why it isn't working? is it because i don't have the latest media players that flash uses? if so do you know which media player i should have? or is it something else?

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Feb 20, 2010

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Professional :: Importing Sounds Into Flash CS5?

Sep 15, 2010

I am using Soundbooth to record some sounds. I'm trying to save them as either a MP3 or WAV,but no matter bitrate I use for either file type, I get an error when I try to import it into Flash. I have the newest QT installed from the wormy fruit vendor, does not make a difference. I can save it as an .asnd and import it just fine, but that file type is huge.The files that give me the error open just fine by themselves in WMP

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Professional :: Importing 3D Illustrator FXG To Flash?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a simple rectangle with a 3D-bevel effect built in Illustrator that I need to export as an FXG file for use in Flash.When I export from Illustrator to an FXG format, it creates bitmaps and embeds those in the FXG file.if i import directly into Flash CS5 there are transparent gaps (and the symbols created are very complex), and it warns me that the objects aren't compatible with flash and they should be converted to bitmaps firstIs there a way to export the object to an FXG file and keep it in a vector format?if not, and this may be an Illustrator question, is there a way to create the same kind of effect so that I can get an end FXG object that will work in Flash?

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Professional :: Importing Audio To Flash CS5

Apr 18, 2011

I'm having a lot of trouble determining the cause of this problem... I have an uncompressed .wav file, and when I attempt to import the file into Flash Professional CS5, something... happens to it. The audio quality is reduced somewhat, but more importantly, the pitch drops at least an octave! I have checked to make sure the file is correct. I tried messing with the Sound Properties window for that in the library. I tried re-importing the sound normally, and using the Sound Properties box to do the same. No matter what I do, I can't get Flash to maintain the sound of the original file.

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Professional :: Importing .swf Url To Flash File?

Apr 26, 2011

ok i have used the code snippets in cs5 that grabs a .swf online and shows it in the flash file. However this is not exactly what i want.
Instead of the command triggering from a click i want the movie to load automatically. How?
Also is there any way of getting a .swf file and importing it into a new flash document? i have tried all the methods out but the .wf does not actually work properly. I cant just copy the timelines over as i dont have access to the one file all i have is tthe .swf -
So either i grab it from my server or if there is a way to import it into the flash that actually works.

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Professional :: Importing PSD File Into Flash CS5

Jun 18, 2011

I have a PSD file with layers that I am trying to import into Flash. The problem that I am having is that the text effects that I have applied in Photoshop are not transferring into Flash. All I get is the Font, Font size, and color. But I used Drop Shadow on some of the and some other effects as well. None of these are transferring over to Flash. Do I have to save them in a certain way i n Photoshop in order to effect the transfer. I want to be clear. I am not trying to import text effects as separate layers or anything complicated. I just want the text to look like it does in photoshop.

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Flash :: Professional - Importing Sound Into CS5.5?

Jul 27, 2011

I have an mp3 file of a song i downloaded from [URL]. i tested it to make sure it wasn't a virus or anything like that- but wheneever i click file->import to library i select the mp3 file and an error comes up saying that it wasn't able to be imported! I don't understand why it willnot im[ort into flash. Im using actionscript 3.0 by the way. and it has the same error message when i try to import any song into flash.

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Professional :: Importing Ps Files Into Flash?

Aug 16, 2011

so Flash was importing my PSD files in the folders I had my layers filed into.  Well ... now, Flash will only import PSD folders as one big file and so I cannot edit in Flash.

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Professional :: Importing MP3s Into Flash CS5.5?

Sep 26, 2011

I have been using the new version of Flash since it came out in May or June and have had no problems with sound file import. Now today all of a sudden I can't import MP3s - I get an error that says it can't import the file, but nothing further to help me diagnose the problem. I have downloaded these from the web from a company that records files - the same company I have used before with no problems. The old files from them still work, but the new files, and recent MP3s I've downloaded won't work. I tried downloading on another machine with Windows NT but that didn't work either. I have had a programmer work with the MP3s to make sure they were indeed formatted as MP3, and those files won't import either. I am on Windows 7 Pro. I also turned off my firewall in case that was the problem, and still no resolution.

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