Professional :: Registered Trademark Symbol (®) Not Displaying In Any Chinese Font - CS5?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm on a mac using CS5/AS3 and I'm having trouble getting the ® symbol to display in a dynamic textfield embedded with a Chinese font (Hei - but others fail as well). I can type the ® symbol into the textfield in the authoring tool, the problem occurs when dynamically populating the textfield via XML at runtime. I have tried multiple Chinese fonts, multiple encoding types in the XML (unicode, html, etc) and all characters are embedded properly as far as I can tell. I'm not having font trouble in general, all other characters and symbols I have tried work fine except for the registered trademark,

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i have a problem to make the trademark symbol smaller and stick on the top (to give it a nice look, now it looks like this "dflasdfa�" and thats not very nice). Im using htmlText textfield, the data comes from an xml file. So i could use CDATA and put some <span> tags around trademark, but that wouldnt send it to the top right? And it would be a lot of work too.

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Chinese Characters Not Displaying In Flash?

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Flash :: Embedding And Displaying Chinese/japanese

Oct 15, 2010

I have been working on a subtitles engine for flash/flv video player. On my Mac everything is great, nice aliased glyphs, displaying all the characters, etc. Switch to windows, it all goes out the window. Some machines with Eastern Characters enabled display fine, but I can't guarantee all users will have this option selected.

I am using the TLFTextField, I am pulling in UTF-8 XML with Chinese/Japanese characters. I have tried embedding the (required fonts/glyphs) but pushes the file size up massively. I have also tried changing it to unicode, with no joy. Has anyone got any experience with displaying these characters while maintaining a low file size.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The .embedFonts With A Chinese Font But This Does Not Appear To Work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Font Name On Chinese System

Sep 15, 2010

I'm using the font Arial Unicode MS to display Chinese characters. I'm not embedding it. I'll use Actionscript to build TextFields and populate them dynamically with data with Chinese characters.For delivery on western systems, I can set the font property in TextFormat objects to [code]Can I do that on Chinese language operating systems or do I need to use the Chinese characters instead of "Arial Unicode MS" to define the font property?[code]If it's the latter, does anyone have those characters handy (the example above is a different font name) if they'll display here? They're visible in the font menu in Flash CS5, but I can't copy them from there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed Chinese Font In Flash?

May 3, 2008

i am working a music site which has 3 languges(eng, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese). All the contents Loading from XML.. Every thing working Properly.. Here my Problem is am using one Chinese Font(Simsun). Which should be Embed in Flash, if i give embedFonts=true Nothing show in swf . Please help me any one.. using Flash 8 as 2.I have to embedfonts then only i can use some Property like _rotation ,_alpha etc..

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Chinese Font Embedding - Can't Load Page In Web

Jun 29, 2009

I have a chinese page to upload in web..normally the file size is 15 to 20 kb, but when i embed the character(glyphs) the file size will be more than 7mb, so i cant load my page in web....Do u have any solutions for this.the page is in as2. The reason of embeding character is my page is flip book type...when i flip the text will be rotate, that time the txet is not appear....if i embed character the text is appear when i flip......

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Professional :: Embedded Font Is Not Properly Displaying When Browse To Certain Portions Of Site

Sep 27, 2010

I'm noticing that my embedded font is not properly displaying when I browse to certain portions of my site with my other office pc's. The "about me" section of [URL] in particular. What's confusing is that the other portions of the site do display the font properly!?! I've uploaded the original .fla file to the server for anyone that's really interested in helping. It can be downloaded at [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Font Into The Flash Library In An FLA File The New Font Symbol Dialog Box

Oct 1, 2009

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I'd like to assign this font to a TextFormat instance, but as you can see, something is wrong or missing. But what?

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Professional :: Dynamic Text Field Not Displaying Text Even When Font Is Embedded?

Jan 16, 2011

So, I have some basic actionscript code.  It's a legacy site, so I'm using AS2.  The line of code simply does this:
myField.text = "some text"
So, I select the text field on the stage, then ensure the font is embedded.  All the glyphs I want are checked, but then when I compile and test, the fonts don't show up when the code is executed.  Instead, the textfield is blank!  What happened?!  Where did the text go?
I should mention that the .swf which I compile is loaded into another parent .swf during runtime.  If that parent .swf does not contain embedded fonts, is that why it's broken? 

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Professional :: Activex Control Could Not Be Registered

Sep 9, 2010

I have gone through the trouble shooting page twice and cannot get it to download.

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Professional :: ActiveX Control For Flash Player Could Not Be Registered?

Jul 16, 2009

I am in need for some serious help before i have to do the ultimate and reformat my hard drive and spend the next 12 hours reinstalling everything. The issue is flash. I get this error "ActiveX control for Flash Player could not be registered" anytime i tru to install flash. I can see flash content in every browser except internet explorer 9 so I don;t know what to make of this. I have tried everything to now avail. There are a few programs that won;t work and always prompt me to install flash. When I do I get the same error. The fact that this error can;t be fixed is amazing to me. I am asking has anyone got any idea on how to fix this problem minus the usual links that Adobe has, none of their remedies work. I am using windows 7 64 bit.

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Professional :: ActiveX Control For Flash Player Could Not Be Registered

Aug 11, 2011

i have to do the ultimate and reformat my hard drive and spend the next 12 hours reinstalling everything. The issue is flash. I get this error "ActiveX control for Flash Player could not be registered" anytime i tru to install flash. I can see flash content in every browser except internet explorer 9 so I don;t know what to make of this. I have tried everything to now avail. There are a few programs that won;t work and always prompt me to install flash. When I do I get the same error. The fact that this error can;t be fixed is amazing to me. minus the usual links that Adobe has, none of their remedies work. I am using windows 7 64 bit.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying A Symbol Through Class Constructor?

Apr 10, 2009

i have been working on this project. I made a class with a empty blank symbol.

package {
public class imgHold extends MovieClip {
public function imgHold (imgSrc:String)[code]....

I want to be able to add this class on my stage and put in a string in the contructor parameter and the class will display w/e symbol accordingly. How would i make this class link to different symbols depending on the parameter in the contructor?

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Professional :: Blinking Inside Of A Movie Clip Symbol And Placed The Symbol?

Aug 5, 2011

I animated eyes blinking inside of a movie clip symbol and placed the symbol on a face outside of the symbol.The eyes are stuck on the first frame. I am using CS5. What do I do?

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PC Static Font Not Displaying Correctly On Mac?

Jul 13, 2009

I have a PC fiash file with static body text that is New Gothic font. The published swf looks great on the PC, though when testing on Mac, none of the text appears. I thought that with static text fields, the font is automatically embedded?
how I can get the font to display properly on a Mac?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Font Not Displaying?

Feb 10, 2011

Then here is the code I'm using to create a new textbox and display text in the embedded font:

var myFont:Font = new Font1();
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();myFormat.font = myFont.fontName;myFormat.size = 24;myFormat.bold = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Font Symbol Procedure With Styles?

Jul 31, 2009

I've imported two styles of the Trebuchet MS font into the library. One without selecting the 'bold' checkbox in the Library Panel upon importing and the second with the 'bold' checkbox selected.If I look in the font list of the property panel I now see the two embedded fonts (with asterisks behind their names):

Trebuchet MS Regular*
Trebuchet MS Bold*

The first textfield uses Trebuchet MS Regular* and off course shows the text in plain style.The second uses Trebuchet MS Bold* and I would expect the text to turn immediately bold, but it is still in regular style when I select Trebuchet MS Bold*. In both cases (Trebuchet MS Regular* and Trebuchet MS Bold*) I would have to select 'B' in the properties panel to make the text bold. Which in the second case seems a bit too much to me. Why still have to click 'B' when I already have Trebuchet MS Bold* selected?

Too make it more weird: I could also import Trebuchet MS with Italic selected, choose Trebuchet MS Italic* (which would make the text 'regular' at first) and click 'B' to also make the text bold. why Flash works this way with imported fonts?(I know I should/could use TextFormat, but I'm curious about this other approach and why Flash works this unlogical way with embedded fonts)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Font Symbol And Dynamic TextField

Dec 29, 2004

I am trying to use a font symbol from an external shared library. When I place the script below in my frame, trying to format a textfield on the stage, the textfield disappears. Only when I place another element (from the same shared library) in the stage, the textfield responds to the script. Although, when I tried to create a static text using the same font symbol, the dynamic textfield dissapeared, while the static text got the font symbol without any trouble.

var myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.color - 0x999999;
myFormat.font = "Harmony";//Harmony is the Identifier of the symbol
myFormat.size = 16;
_root.my_txt.embedFonts = true;
_root.my_txt.text = "Some text";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Font Not Displaying En Or Em Dashes

Sep 14, 2008

Does any one know how (by using AS3), I can choose to embed certain glyphs? When I use the embedFonts = true, it doesn't seem to be including en dashes (-) or em dashes (-), only hyphens!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Pixel Font Right In Animation?

Aug 22, 2006

I am having problem with displaying pixel font right in animation, check: [URL] Font is embed in dynamic text field. If it's 'antialiased for animation' then font is blurry and if it's 'Bitmap text (no anti-alias)' then animation is not smooth.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Font Symbol And Special Characters Embedding

Sep 27, 2009

myText.html = true;
myText.embedFonts = true;
myText.multiline = true;
myText.wordWrap = true;
var myVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

What should I do to also embed special characters? I thought importing font symbols should take care of that?

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Actionscript 3 :: Embedding A Font That Supports The Euro Symbol?

May 3, 2011

I'm building a Flash ad that uses the Neo Sans font, the text that is shows contains the Euro symbol, but I can get the Euro symbol to show. This is how I'm embedding the font:

[Embed(source='C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/NeoSans Medium.otf', fontFamily='_NeoSansMedium', embedAsCFF='false', mimeType="application/x-font", unicodeRange="U+20AC")]
public static var _NeoSansMedium:Class;

As you can see I'm using the unicodeRange to try to show the Euro symbol, but still it is not showing up.

This is how I'm using this embedded font:

var subPriceFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
subPriceFormat.font = "_NeoSansMedium";
subPriceFormat.size = 40;


How can I check that this font supports the Euro symbol, and is the unicodeRange the reason the Euro symbol is not being displayed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Font Symbol From An External Shared Library?

Dec 29, 2004

I am trying to use a font symbol from an external shared library.

When I place the script below in my frame, trying to format a textfield on the stage, the textfield dissapears. Only when I place another element (from the same shared library) in the stage, the textfield responds to the script. Although, when I tried to create a static text using the same font symbol, the dynamic textfield dissapeared, while the static text got the font symbol without any trouble.

var myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.color - 0x999999;
myFormat.font = "Harmony";//Harmony is the Identifier of the symbol


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Professional :: No Dynamic Bold Font If Regular Static Font Present On Stage (CS5)?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a strange issue where a dynamic text field will not show a bold version of a font (Gerstner BQ) if the regular version is on the stage in a static text field.Remove the static text field and the dynamic text field displays the bold font correctlyI have created a test FLA to reproduce this and by turning the layer with the static text field on and off (Publish settings -> Flash -> include hidden layers [unchecked]), the issue is quite clearhis issue is so big for me that I have had to abandon a project in CS5 and start again in CS4 just to work around this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Field Not Displaying Font Correctly?

Jul 2, 2010

I was coding an AS3 file and it worked great until I started writing a class to extend the textfield class. After that, every time I tested my movie, the text field is created but nothing showed up. After some troubleshooting, I discovered that the text was actually in the text field, but was outside of the bounds of the text field and the field's height cannot be resized through code or with multiple lines of text. I found this out because I could copy the text and paste it into a text editor (and no, the text isn't set to white). Everything works properly with dynamic text fields created on the stage, just not when created in actionscript. I have tried embedding a font and using the default with no luck. The code even works on a different machine!! The same problem occurs in AS2. I have tried dumping the class file I created, reinstalling Flash, the Flash Player, and even uninstalling my font management program and still nothing.


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