ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Font Name On Chinese System
Sep 15, 2010
I'm using the font Arial Unicode MS to display Chinese characters. I'm not embedding it. I'll use Actionscript to build TextFields and populate them dynamically with data with Chinese characters.For delivery on western systems, I can set the font property in TextFormat objects to [code]Can I do that on Chinese language operating systems or do I need to use the Chinese characters instead of "Arial Unicode MS" to define the font property?[code]If it's the latter, does anyone have those characters handy (the example above is a different font name) if they'll display here? They're visible in the font menu in Flash CS5, but I can't copy them from there.
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<image source="intro.swf">
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Feb 14, 2011
We have created an application where some Chinese texts need to be displayed. The text filelds have been created dynamically and Chinese Texts are retreived from an XML. [ The file has been created with AS 2.0 ]We have experienced - that
1. [Version CS5- Platform Windows 7]When setting the TextField.embedFonts property to TRUE, even when we create a new font in the library and provide an identifier to be exported, the fonts do not appear. But, interestingly setting embedFonts property to FALSE shows those Chinese characters.
2.[Version CS5- Platform Windows XP, SP 3 ]The Chinese characters does not show up at all, and unknown characters are shown.
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Jun 3, 2011
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Feb 21, 2012
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