Professional :: Create A Drill Down Map Of The State Of Wisconsin

Oct 29, 2010

I am trying to create a drill down map of the state of Wisconsin. I would like to be able to see a map of the state as well as the counties, I would then like to be able to click on a county to obtain more information. How can I create a map that does this?

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Create Pop Up And Setting Its View State Before It Displays?

Jun 29, 2009

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<s:State name="portrait"/>
<s:State name="landscape"/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Rollover And Rollout State That Utilized The NextFrame() And PrevFrame() Commands

Apr 9, 2011

In AS2, I was able to create an rollover and rollout state that utilized the nextFrame() and prevFrame() commands. When hovering over the hit target, a specific movie clip would continuously advance to the next frame using an onEnterFrame command. Conversely, in a rollout state, the movieclip would play backwards until it reached the first frame.

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Professional :: Keep The Down State Of A Button?

Jul 9, 2010

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Professional :: Button Over State Getting In The Way?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a rectangular shaped button.  When someone rolls over it, I want a text bubble to appear to the side of that button.  The problem is, the mouse thinks it's over the button even if it's over the side bubble which does not exist in the "Up" state.  How can I get the cursor to only detect a button ONLY if it's over any part of the "Up" state and not the "Over" state (which because of the side bubble is larger than the original "Up" state.)

Here is a screenshot of the two button states.[URL]... Even if the cursor rolls over the "Over" bubble (and not the Up state), the Over state still shows up.

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Professional :: CS5.5 Buttons State Overlap

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Professional :: Button Hit State Not Working

Jul 28, 2011

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Professional :: Button To Stay In Down State

Sep 19, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic InstanceName - Link The State Id's In The Xml Record To The State MovieClips That Make Up The Map?

May 12, 2009

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I have a XML record that contains specific info for each state.<stateID>01</stateID
I am trying to link the stateID's in the XML record to the state movieClips that make up the map.var stateInstanceName = 'S_' + stateID;
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Mar 30, 2012

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Jan 2, 2011

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Now all of a sudden, I am not able to get those filter settings, to apply for mouse over state, hit state and others in the properties panel.

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Professional :: How To Access A Buttons State With Code

Jul 28, 2011

I already made some buttons that I was planning on using as a menu for difficulty, easy,medium, hard. The buttons are already made with all the states and graphics, so I wanted to add an event listener so  that when you click a button for example easy, if the medium button was at its hit state I would revert it back to up, eg:easyButton.addEventListenere(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:event) { mediumButton.gotoAndStop("up") or mediumButton.up
but then I realized there is no propertie or function in the simpleButton class to change the state of the button,  I know I can make a movieclip, and do gotoAndStop at the up frame, but is there a way to make it work as a button???

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<mx:State name="signin">
<mx:SetProperty name="height" value="616"/>
<mx:SetProperty name="width" value="919"/>

So application resize into 616,919 . After that function finished move to current state like(currentstate='') But size not be changed . How can i set the size for current state?

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Something like:

<s:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
<s:Fade target="*" duration="500" />

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Flex :: Creating State Children Before Switching To State

Mar 25, 2010

In my view I have a welcome screen:


Which is a pretty small component and I have panelContainer:


Whilst the user is reading the warm and fuzzy welcome note in the welcome state I want to be creating the big expensive panels state so taht when we switch there is no delay. Before the panels state is set panelView is null but I presume there must be an IDefferredInstance floating around somewhere that I can use to kick off the creation of the view. How can I get hold of it?

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Professional :: Over State And Actions Not Working With Buttons In Flash Cs4?

May 20, 2010

I am working on a Flash file and some of the buttons in the document are not working.When I test the movie the hand cursor appears when I hover over the buttons they don't change colour (as specified in the over state) and the actions don't work. Not sure what is going on here as I created other buttons in the same document the same way and they work fine.

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Sep 8, 2010

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Professional :: Video Player Is In Connection Error State

Mar 2, 2012

Flash cS 5.5 / Win 7. Inserting video into movieclip both with 'import video' wizard and via component. FLV that plays fine on a number of different servers. On opening (after gathering metadata) the message 'The video player is in the connection error state. It enters this state when a video stream attempted to load but was unsuccessful. There are two possible reasons for the error: no connection to the server or the stream was not found.' Firstly I am treating this as a progressive download, not streaming. Second this plays fine locally, it's only when I upload to a server it fails.

The FLV is in a folder directly below the SWF. Result is same with FLV in same location as SWF. MIME type set to vide/x-flv although I've also set it to application/octet-stream. This is a very basic requirement to call the video directly from Flash, the default parameters of the component are adequate and work locally. However the video does not play. Is it fair to assume this functionality simply does not work correctly within Flash CS5.5? I'm unclear as to what >less< I could be doing with this file.

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Professional :: Button Color Not Changing In State Edit

Apr 3, 2012

I'm learning how to use flash CS5.5 and i'm unable to continue a lesson because my button editing seems to not work properly. -When i double click or right click and click edit on my button I go into the symbol edit screen, where i can see the basic button states "Up, Over, Down, & Hit" but when I try to change the appearence of the button in each state the color and any sort of editing done to it does not happen, it is red in the "up" keyframe and when i try to change it to gray in the "over" keyframe it stays red.

-I found that double clicking the button in the edit screen goes into another edit screen labled "symbol 1" and in there i can change the color of the button, but any edits in that screen remain ineffectuall to the actuall button on the main screen. I don't know what is wrong with it, or if I am missing something, i've tried in both action script 2 and 3 and both have the same results.

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Professional :: Way To Make State Transitions/animations Of A Fl.control States?

Jan 19, 2012

Is there a way to make state transitions/animations of a fl.control states - button for example ?All I can do now is change the skin design and that's it, I can't animate between states like I can with Flash Builder skins. So is there a way to do that, any technique or I have to create a button component from scratch?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make One Sound On The Over State And A Different One On The Down State?

Oct 4, 2008

I am trying to get converted to Actionscript 3 from AS2.In old versions of flash, you simply placed the sound in a keyframe inside the button on the over or down state. Worked fine, but not anymore.I guess the sound must be set up with actionscript and a listener.I understand linkage. how to make one sound on the over state and a different one on the down state?

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Professional :: Make The Button Rollover State Exist On The Highest Layer?

Apr 29, 2008

I'm making an interactive map of the U.S. The layer with the outlines of the U.S. states sits on top. It has to sit on top because otherwise the outlines don't show up above the color fills for each state. I want a popup balloon to appear when you roll over each U.S. state. However, when I turn a state, say, New York, into a button, the button layer sits below the outline layer. So when I create the popup box for the button's rollover state, the popup box is *under* the US state outlines. How can I make the button rollover state exist on the highest layer?

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Flash :: Access State In Flex "Current State" From Movie Clip?

Sep 3, 2011

i curious how to access state in flex "Current State" from flash movie clip?? far i make movie clip in flash and it has button inside with name " button" and i put this flash file into flex in "state 1" flex application..i want to make event handler for "button" that trigger changing state from "state 1" to "state 2" in flex application..and in flex application i do not write anything because i have no idea how to deal with this stuff..

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Professional :: Create A Flash Program That Uses It's Own Code To Send And Create Images?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a flash program that uses it's own code to send and create images. Each square has a colour and that colour gets added into the array. A black, then grey, then white is:

filecode = ["Bl", "Gr", "Wh"];

That works fine, but when I try to paste it into an Input text box it will only fill in the first part of the array.

filecode = ["Bl,Gr,Wh"];

So the program has NO idea what I want.The only ways I can think of fixing this is by putting in 402 text boxes to suit every box...But every one of them needs a Variable Name.Or by sending the information straight into the array. But this way you are just looking at what you just drew, and that is not at ALL practical.

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Flash :: Professional - CS5.5 Pro Movie Clip Bug (movie Clips Have Reverted To A Previous State)

Sep 8, 2011

I have made a number of Flash banners and I save them and everything is good but when I open them, some of the movie clips have reverted to a previous state. So I need to resize and redo thsoe movieclips. I make one banner and then save as new file and resize it. It is really annoying.. I am on P.C. and have all the current updates installed.

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