Professional :: Importing SWF / FLA Contact Form Into FLA File

Jun 4, 2010

I've been trying to import, embed, or load a contact form into a fla flash website (i have the fla and swf files) however i cant seen to get it to work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing SWF / FLA Contact Form Into FLA File?

Jun 4, 2010

I've been trying to import, embed, or load a contact form into a fla flash website (i have the fla and files) however i cant seem to get it to work. The form is separate file, I have the fla source file for it as well.I'm using Actionscript 3. I would like to have the form dynamical load into my existing project/page [URL]..

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Professional :: Add A Contact Form To The End Of A Video?

Sep 15, 2010

I'm trying to add a contact form to the end of a video. I'm assuming this would be fairly simple with flash/AS, but I'm not incredibly accustomed to itI have some flash and AS experience, so I should be able to handle it.  But I would love a quick tutorial to point me in the right direction.

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Professional :: Flash Contact Form Key?

Feb 25, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Button On A Imported Swf That Targets Contact Forms On The Importing File

May 15, 2011

I have a swf named garage. When you click the garage door it opens and a tool chest emerges. You can either click on the gargage door again to close it or click on the top of the tool chest to close it. The drawers on the tool chest represent buttons that will bring up a contact form to be sent to the perspective person. These buttons are a secondary navigation. The main movie that is importing garage.swf has navigation for the contact forms. I need to code the buttons on the tool chest to match the code on the main movie so if you click the buttons on the tool chest they will respond as if they were the buttons in the main movie that it has been imported by.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form With File Upload?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm working on a contact form for one of my clients, and need help implementing it. It has to have three fields (name, phone, and email) and three more fields where they can upload images from their computer. There's gonna be a submit button that when they hit, it emails these six pieces of info. (Presumably using a PHP file.)

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Professional :: Contact Form Not Allowing Certain Characters

Sep 14, 2010

I added a contact form to a site, and the input fields aren't allowing numbers or certain letters. If I test the contact form swf by itself, it works fine. But as soon as I test it in the site, the problem occurs. I haven't got any other actionscript around the contact form, so am puzzled. The site is [URL] - the contact link is on the bottom left menu.

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AS2 :: Professional - Tabindex Not Working In Contact Form?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a contact form on my site for which the text inputs are  created via AS2. This works fine but I cannot get the tabbing to work  (or even have any effect) no matter what I do. I have a menu that  sometimes displays at the top, sometimes on the left and sometimes at  the bottom. If it's at the top or bottom then the form tabbing works  fine, however if it's down the side then when i tab from  contact_namefield it goes to the 8th menu option, then the 9th menu  option, then contact_emailfield then contact_messagefield.Similarly if i  tab from the top of the menu it's goes down sequentially to menu option  7, then to contact_namefield, then menu option 8, then menu option 9  then contact_emailfield then contact_messagefield.

I cannot for the life  of me work out how to change this, I would rather avoid setting  tabenabled=false for every other element on the page (as i'd still like  these to be tabbed), but either way I don't think this will fix it as  the tabindexes i've specified seem to be having no affect at all, no  matter what values i put in (even if i reverse them) the tab order is  always exactly the same. I am using the following code and would be so  grateful if anyone could point out what i'm doing wrong as I can't for  the life of me figure it out!

var currfont=_root.textfont;
var inputcol = "0x" + _root.textcolour;var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_fmt.bold = false;my_fmt.font = "Arial";my_fmt.color = inputcol;


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Professional :: Contact Form Not Accepting Certain Characters In Email Box

Jul 25, 2011

I am currently using a flash template from and i have installed it etc... The problem I have is that when you go to send a message in the contact form you cannot enter certain characters in the email box, especially the '@' symbol.

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Professional :: Flash CS5/AS3 Contact Form Without Php Complications - More Than 1 Per Site?

Nov 17, 2011

I love Flash CS5 and working with the AS3 package yet I have done everything and now I am stuck at the most frustrating part - I want to add contact forms to  my site and its now allowing me to add another form, brings up errors as follows:

Scene 1, Layer 'Action Script', Frame 291, Line 3 1021: Duplicate function definition. 1st Code that works fine send_details.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData); function sendData(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ trace (fullnames_txt.text); trace (email_txt.text); trace (contact_numbers_txt.text); trace (postage_details_txt.text); trace (message_txt.text); var [code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Php Contact Form - Unable To Receive The Contact Email

Sep 26, 2008

the source files work perfectly when I upload them to my server - but when I insert the form into my flash website - I am unable to receive the contact email at all. The problem must be with the flash file becuase I have not altered the php (except to send to my email)

I am using Flash CS3 (but publishing for action script2) I have double checked all my input field sare named correctly with var_names that match the php code. The form fields have been created as a moviclip named "form" and the following action script attached:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Construct The Custom Contact Form And The Php File In The Event?

Jun 13, 2011

I have been searching for a tutorial to teach me how to create a custom form. Unfortunately there are none. I've tried taking a few free forms I have found and customizing them but to no avail. Therefore, I have come to this fountain of knowledge to see if I can find what I am looking for. I want to fully understand how to construct the forms and the php file in the event I need to create different types of custom forms successfully. I need a form that has the name, email, phone number and of course the send button.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form Saved To Spreadsheet Or Text File?

Aug 7, 2009

Is it possible to create a contact form and have it saved onto an existing spreadsheet or xml file or text file on the hard drive without having to be connect to the internet?

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Flash :: Professional - Send Mail - Contact Form With Php Error

Feb 9, 2012

again (".)I've making this contact form on flash & i got the script for the action script but i'm unable to integrate a php script that would send the mail from my form.I'm using two input feilds with instance names as theEmail and theMessage Here is the action action script code i'm using -


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Professional :: Importing From A .PSD File Gone Bad?

Aug 6, 2010

Within Photoshop I added some 17 new image layers, then I copied (from an existing image layer) and pasted the layer style onto the newly added image layers. Everything went fine in Photoshop.  All images show up correctly with the correct layer style in place, meaning the shadows showing up correctly.Anyhow, once I import the .PSD into Flash CS4 the new image layers show up with darker shadows (100% instead of 50/75% opacity)

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Contact Form Not Working?

Jun 15, 2009

I am really in trouble with flash forms and need help please. Ive been trying to get a contact form working for a few weeks but have had no luck.Below is the code I am putting in to the flash form and php file.(this is the code I have put for the send Button)
on (release) {
if (name eq "" or subject eq "" or message eq "" or email eq "") {               stop();         } else {         loadVariablesNum("form.php", 0, "POST");         gotoAndStop(2);     }}

(this is the code I have put for the clear Button)

on (release) {    name = "";    subject="";    message="";    email="";}

(And this is the php file i created in dreamweaver and saved it as form.php)
$to = "";   $msg = "$name
";   $msg .= "$message
mail($to, $subject, $msg, "Message From: Online client
Reply-To: $email
I have uploaded the swf file and php file on the server but my form is still not working by sending the information to my email.

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Flash And PHP Contact Form?

Dec 5, 2009

I created a simple web site in flash cs4 with a contact form, however, when I press submit, no email is sent even though my site says it was successfully sent.

Here is my actionscript and PHP:
function submit(e:MouseEvent):void{ var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); variables.fromname = nameText.text; variables.fromemail = emailText.text; variables.frommessage = messageText.text; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact.php"); = variables; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sent);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form In Without Using PHP?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a request to create a contact form within one of our existing Flash sites, [URL] (password is "insight"). I can't use PHP because our server doesn't support it (long story, my company has very tight restrictions on what they'll support due to government guidelines on security online).

All the searches I've seen use PHP to accomplish this, so I'm hoping someone knows how to do this using JavaScript.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form Using It?

Sep 18, 2011

Is i can make contact form uisng AS 2.0 or AS 3.0 ?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Lee's Contact Form With PHP

Feb 15, 2009

I followed Lee's contact form tutorial and was able to have a successful contact form work when I test movie in Flash. Once I uploaded the swf and html to my server, I can not get it to work online. Here is a link to the page in question... [URL]

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IDE :: CS3 - Email Contact Form

Jun 19, 2008

I'm using Flash CS3 with AS2 and have been trying to set up a basic contact form and nothing seems to work. I used this [Url]to create the AS code for the send button for my form + the php code as well from this Kirupa link.I'm being hosted by Godaddy with the linux server with the email being sent to...When I fill out the form and submit - nothing is recieved in my inbox.Having tested the forwarding from Godaddy to yahoo - does work!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form Without PHP?

Aug 10, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to create a contact form in AS3 without using PHP? The reason is because I am planning to create a co-op portfolio and host it on my university file space. The problem is that the university server doesn't support PHP, or other server side scripts

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Professional :: Error When Importing File Into CS5?

Jun 27, 2010

When I tried to import an Illustrator CS5 file into Flash CS5, I got an error from Windows saying that the program "stopped working" and it was searching for solutions to the problem. When it found no solutions, it said that it had to close the program. I've tried three times now and the same thing keeps happening.

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Professional :: Importing .swf Url To Flash File?

Apr 26, 2011

ok i have used the code snippets in cs5 that grabs a .swf online and shows it in the flash file. However this is not exactly what i want.
Instead of the command triggering from a click i want the movie to load automatically. How?
Also is there any way of getting a .swf file and importing it into a new flash document? i have tried all the methods out but the .wf does not actually work properly. I cant just copy the timelines over as i dont have access to the one file all i have is tthe .swf -
So either i grab it from my server or if there is a way to import it into the flash that actually works.

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Professional :: Importing PSD File Into Flash CS5

Jun 18, 2011

I have a PSD file with layers that I am trying to import into Flash. The problem that I am having is that the text effects that I have applied in Photoshop are not transferring into Flash. All I get is the Font, Font size, and color. But I used Drop Shadow on some of the and some other effects as well. None of these are transferring over to Flash. Do I have to save them in a certain way i n Photoshop in order to effect the transfer. I want to be clear. I am not trying to import text effects as separate layers or anything complicated. I just want the text to look like it does in photoshop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Contact Form Without PHP

Aug 10, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to create a contact form in AS3 without using PHP? The reason is because I am planning to create a co-op portfolio and host it on my university file space. The problem is that the university server doesn't support PHP, or other server side scripts. Is this still possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form Flash Php ?

Nov 6, 2009

I am creating a contact form and I have completed the form in flash.How do I get flash to talk to php so that when a user clicks on the submit button it will send the data via php to an email account. Right now I have trace functions that are reading the input in flash. I just need to figure out how to communicate to php. It would be a bonus if I the input text can check to make sure the email is a valid email.

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CS3 :: Edit Menu And Contact Form?

Mar 5, 2010

i am trying to edit flash site , i had finish all edits i want except

1- the menu in flash i don't know from where i can change the words which is in the menu

2- i don't know also from where i can setup the contact form to receive the messages from people ( put my e-mail and wait , set it up )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form Not Sending?

Sep 16, 2011

The contact form doesn't seem to sendI'm not sure where the problem is but i have tried to attach all the relevant files (i might of missed something). I don't even know where to start The email i'm trying to send to at the moment is but that will change to once i have it working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Contact Form In AS3 Without Using PHP?

Aug 9, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to create a contact form in AS3 without using PHP? The reason is because I am planning to create a co-op portfolio and host it on my university file space. The problem is that the university server doesn't support PHP, or other server side scripts. Is this still possible?

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