Professional :: Text On The Stage Not Match The Movie?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a paragraph of text on the stage that looks good (Helvetica Neue, Ultralight), but when I play the movie it looks much thinner and really bad. Why does the text on the stage not match the movie?

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Professional :: Flash Pro CS5 Not Displaying Text When Test Movie / Export Only On Stage

Feb 26, 2012

how I export the thing (as an image, or a movie, and in any format) I can't see the text. This is especially frustrating because text forms the entire basis of my animation.Tried converting text to movie clips, no difference. The weird part is, I was able to test the thing early on with no problem-- text displayed and everything. I should add: I have used MULTIPLE fonts... and I think this was about when things started not working.I'm working on a deadline and if you know how to fix this, it would make a big difference to my life.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A Movie Clips Height Automatically To Match The Height Of Some Dynamic Text

Jul 1, 2010

I am resizing a movie clips height automatically to match the height of some dynamic text that is displayed above it (will eventually be loading it from xml ). is there a way to keep a safe margin top and bottom? this is my code so far Text_Box_Graphic.height = Text_Box.height;

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Oct 28, 2010

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q1) do I need to specify the sprite height/width to match the stage or is this implied with canvas1=new Sprite();addChild(canvas1);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Stage To Dynamically Match External Movieclip Loaded Into Empty?

Nov 15, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Match XML Attribute Name To Text Box Instance Name?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a list of items in XML that populate dynamic text boxes using the code below. I basically reference an attribute in the XML element to a specific instance name on a text box.

This works great for a few items, but I need to do this for several hundred, perhaps a thousand, items in an XML. Rather than copy & paste my code for each item and call out each specific text box and attribute value, is it possible to modify this code to match an instance name to the XML attribute value? In other words, one set of code that says "if the text box instance name is "x," provide the price of "x" from XML, but if the name is "y," provide the price of "y."

My xml code (3 item sample):

PHP Code:

<info_source id="SQL">
<item id="apples">$1.00</item>
<item id="oranges">$2.00</item>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Text And Image Don't Match

Mar 25, 2010

the preloader bar doesn't reach its maximum size while the text goes from 0% to 100% correctly (when it says 100% the bar is still at 20 or 30 percent of its original size).[URL]This is my website, with the preloader at the beginning: [URL]

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Can I add a mask or a border to the whole thing just to make the rounded corners transparent and see the background colour of the site I'm putting it on?
Note: the corners are currently white. I can't change the colour to match the site background as 1. the banner will be shown in different places, and 2. the background is a gradient.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movie Match Browser Size On Resize

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX]: Dynamically Sizing A Movie Clip To Match Character Width

Apr 12, 2003

For my menu on my page, I want to do things dynamically. For the drop down menu, I want to have a box around the link when moused over, that changes depending on the number of characters that are going to be placed on it.


See how the "tab" around team is smaller than the menu? But GRAPHICS will be larger, and so on.

I'm parsing an XML file to pull in the data for the menu, so I want to handle this portion dynamically as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Published To Match Movie Size In HTML Options, No ScrollBar

Dec 22, 2010

So I published my Flash Movie using the HTML settings of Match Movie Size, rather than Fit To Screen (fit to percent, I believe it is) under the publish settings options. This way it works great, but there is no scrollbar on the browser. So my stage size is pretty big, lets pretend its 1200x1200 lol. So, now I want every monitor in the world to be able to see the entire page. I do not want it to fit to their screen, but I want them to be able to scroll down using their browsers scrollbar rather than a scrollbar within the SWF itself.

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Professional :: Movie Clips On The Stage?

Feb 8, 2011

If I create a 2000 frame Movie Clip and then drag it onto the stage of my main scene... shouldn't it work/play through  it's entirety from within one frame of the main scene timeline? IOW I'm having to make the layer on the scene stage that i drag the movie clip onto 2000 frames long in order to see the nested 2000 frame movie clip play.Seems like in the past I could get Movie Clips to play and loop and what not from the main scene/stage without doing this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Regex Match On HTML Code That Is Parsed Into A Text Box In Flash

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to get a regex match on HTML code that is parsed into a text box in flash. I have successfully loaded the HTML code and then began the regex matching, but am stuck on getting the right regex expression to match. The code that I am using in html page builds a tree view list on the html page, so once it's loaded into the flash text box, i am trying to match the html pages to build a list from. The code below is what I am trying to match. The code I want to match is the first two items in quotes for each entry to build the array list of page names, and their URL. The problem is that the pages won't be named as nice as the example below. Each time it can be a different page name, and page url, so I need to match what is in the first two quotes.[code]

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Flash :: Video In CS4 - Importing An Image To Stage And Set The Width And Height To Match The Image

Nov 8, 2009

I have a Flash CS4 Professional version installed in my machine. Here is my problem.

1st - I'm importing an image to stage and set the width and height to match the image. (everything is good, no problem) 2nd - I am using the FLVPlayback components build-in from Flash CS4. It does load the video and everything. (everything seems good) 3rd - Publish the video to my local drive (everything seems good) 4th - I could play the video from my local pc and it loads fine and fast 5th - Upload everthing from my local folder to the Web server, it does display the background image but not the video. It has a white blank screen. What is going on? I copy the exact folder from local to server. What have I missed? How could I make the video to load?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar For Dynamic Movie Clip - Horizontally And Resizes To Match The Width

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Stage To Dynamically Match External Movieclip Loaded Into Empty Movieclip?

Nov 15, 2004

know how I can resize the stage to match the size of an external graphic/movieclip which is loaded into an empty movieclip,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Stage Size To Match Photo Size?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm working on a slideshow where I'm calling in photos from an xml file. How do I tell AS to resize the stage according to photo dimensions? Would I need to list the dimensions in the xml file? If so, how would I pull that into the fla file with AS?

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Professional :: Enter TLF Text Onto The Stage?

Nov 30, 2010

I am working through the Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Classroom in a Book.The exercise is to enter TLF text onto the stage, when I do so all I get is a blue outlined box that appears in the upper left corner of the stage. I do not get a text cursor.When I open the supplied reference file for that chapter it also shows a number of blue outlined boxes, all in the upper left hand corner of the stage. When selected the properties manager indicates they are TLF text.

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Professional :: Removing A Movie Clip From The Stage?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a simple Flash website with the sections laid out the timeline with labels  In one section called Media, I have a movie instance of a Flash movie gallery player. It loads just fine but when I leave that section to go to another, the sound of the video is still playing Visually it's not seen but the sound still plays.I suspect I need to put some sort of remove commamnd in the script but I'm having trouble getting the right result

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Dec 14, 2010

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Professional :: Symbols Are Appearing On My Stage When Export My Movie?

May 14, 2011

I've made a movie which has symbols waiting to come onto my stage. When I watch it, all seems to be fine until I run a test. A random symbol sits in the top left corner not moving which isn't there when I watch it.

I've looked through all the layers and none of them are duplicated. When i do a test, this following message appears:WARNING: Multiple 3D objects on the same frame have the same instance name. 3D instance names must be unique. All but one of the instances will be renamed during export.

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Professional :: Custom Text Not Appearing On Stage If Not Preloaded

Jul 7, 2011

I've added text to the stage and if I test it out using ctrl+enter, it does not show up. If the swf "loads"/"simulate load" then the text shows up, but not in the correct font.This is the error when the swf is not preloaded:VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flashx.textLayoutcontainer::Container Controller could not be flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()at spot_fla::MainTimeline/l()I've also recently added an AS3(CS5) preloader which is when this started. The library mc items have been set to export in frame 2 but the font doesn't show up. The font has been embedded as well but linking/unlinking it does nothing. The AS3 preloader is a simple script that a lot of tutorials online use.The textfield is located in frame 2 of the timeline and is not referenced in AS. However it is inside of a mc that has a mouse listener on it(mc).

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Professional :: Customise Movie Clip Mouse Pointer Inside & OUTSIDE Stage

Jul 1, 2010

I have a customised movie clip that replaces the original mouse pointer arrow. It plays well within the stage (when published onto IE), however, when the mouse moves OUTSIDE of stage, the movie clip disappears to be replaced by the arrow instead.
How can I have my movie clip (for the mouse pointer) to play inside and outside of stage?

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Professional :: Make A Movie Clip Go Back To The Main Stage Once It Is Clicked

Mar 31, 2011

How do i make a movie clip go back to the main stage once it is clicked.. it has a roll in and out which is inside the movie clip.. i have a door and i want it so when you click the door it goes to another key frame on the main stage

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Professional :: Movie Clips Suddenly Invisible On Stage (Same File OK On Other Comps/CS5)?

Apr 10, 2011

Flash CS4 had been working regularly on my Macbook Pro (Intel - Tiger) for a while, and then suddenly,I opened a file and all the movie clips went from being visible "stills" to invisible and represented only by an "o". I have tried settings, preferences, even uninstall/reinstall, but somehow my settings or something got messed up and I can't view movie clips on the stage.

I have tried a variety of different .fla files and none allow movie clips to be visible on the stage.The files were created in CS4.This is true for movie clips that have 1 frame to many frames.When I Publish or Test Movie, the clip is visible and normal, but it is impossible to edit the file without being able to see the movie clips.I know that the issue is with my installation of Flash/settings being messed up, not with the file(s) because when opened on other computers (CS4 and CS5), movie clips are visible on the stage, as they should be.Example below: In Flash CS4, the stage just has "o"s where I used to be able to see my movie clip, but in the Test Movie, everything is there. To be clear, I could see the movie clips in this exact file, and then the next time I opened it I could no longer see them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause Movie On Stage Enter/Continue Movie On Stage Exit?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to get my flash movie so that it pauses when the mouse is over the movie and continues when the mouse is not over the movie during certain segments of frames in my movie clip. So basically I need some code that executes this: if the mouse is over the stage between frame 25 and 45 pause the movie until the mouse leaves the stage or the next or back buttons are selected.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize The Caption Box To Match The Caption Text's Length

Jul 24, 2003

I've completed the Hover Caption tutorial at [URL] successfully. What I'd like to do in addition, is to resize the caption box to match the caption text's length.

I've tried giving the background box a name (box) and turning it into a button and then doing: = * 8;

But the box never aligns with the text properly after that. don't know what methods to call in order to get the bottom corner of the text and bottom corner of the box and align them properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text Number Match Number?

Feb 8, 2012

i got a input text , how do i set some number if they input the right one?like i want (2,4,6,8,10) to be true if they input the the same number ,i want boolean to be true how i going to do this?

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Professional :: Text Missing When Testing Movie

Jan 20, 2009

I recently updated text in a page. Now, when I test the movie, random characters within the modified text are missing. Is this a bug or am I overlooking something? I am using Adobe Flash CS3 on Windows XP.

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Professional :: Movie Clips Grid And Text

Sep 23, 2011

I am creating a grid of MovieClips through loop [ rows and cols vary as it is user input value ]
I want to enter Text along outer movie clips and text between spaces (outside) as rows and cols are dynamically so there can be many rows and cols

Is that possible to add text like in the image at the time of grid creation ?

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