ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movie Match Browser Size On Resize

May 6, 2009

is there anyway to have a published flash swf fill 100% of the browser? especially when the broswer resizes, so does the movie to match the browser size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Objects In A .swf Resize To Match Browser Size?

Jan 30, 2010

I have been looking for a tutorial or thread to help me figure this out. I am trying to make a site that when the browser is resized the objects in the site either resize or keep their position and stay visible. The link below is an example of exactly how I want this to work.[URL]...

Im working in AS2, and Im not sure if this can be done in flash alone or needs to be done in html or a combination of both.

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Scale Swf To Match Browser Size?

Jul 17, 2010

I've created a website in Flash and have posted it to the net. I want it to scale as the user resizes the window, but having little formal training in Flash I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Website Resize According To Browser's Size?

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how do I get the website to change it's size according to the browser's size? and Have a max and min size the site can resize to?

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Actionscript 3 :: Fluid Flash Layouts - Get Main Class To Resize To The Browser Window Size

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I'm trying to get my main class to resize to the browser window size. I'm listening on the stage to Event.RESIZE, updating my width/height to match the stageWidth/stageHeight, and drawing a rectangle to show me how big it is. When I resize, it flashes between a small and big size every other time the event fires. The width and height are correct in both cases, but in the "small" case, everything is in a small box.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Stage According To Browser Size?

Oct 18, 2009

I want it to take the whole screen but i dont want to scale it.The elements on the application will change the position according to the stage size,but i dont know how to change the stage size according to the browser size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Stage To Browser Size?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm wondering how to set my stage to resize relative to the size of the user's browser and keep the main movieclip centered.  But I don't want the stage to scale, I want the physical boundaries to get larger without scaling the content.
The reason for this:  I have something that we'll call "snow" falling in the background.  When the browser resizes, I don't want the stage to scale and the snow flakes get bigger or smaller, but have the stage show more area for the snow flakes to fall.  I already have the snow flakes falling outside the current stage boundaries, I'm just wondering how to make the stage boundaries extend dynamically to the size of the browsers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Swf Size For Browser Window?

Jan 13, 2012

You know how people have different monitors and resolutions how do i change my swf to fit that resolution in the browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Published To Match Movie Size In HTML Options, No ScrollBar

Dec 22, 2010

So I published my Flash Movie using the HTML settings of Match Movie Size, rather than Fit To Screen (fit to percent, I believe it is) under the publish settings options. This way it works great, but there is no scrollbar on the browser. So my stage size is pretty big, lets pretend its 1200x1200 lol. So, now I want every monitor in the world to be able to see the entire page. I do not want it to fit to their screen, but I want them to be able to scroll down using their browsers scrollbar rather than a scrollbar within the SWF itself.

So imagine you are on a 15 inch monitor, and you are browsing my 1200x1200 HTML page, calling the SWF. You need to be able to scroll down to see the bottom, and scroll right to see the right side. Why is the browser scrollbar not appearing? Is there anything I must do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Swf Width And Height To The Browser Size?

Dec 14, 2010

I have been trying to resize my swf width and height to the browser size for the past 10 days...this is what I was able to get so far
looked at numerous tutorials online...but no luck with my swf I would like my images to fill the entire browser without the white background on the side and I would like to do it so that my images will not look distorted...

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Flash Movie To Different Size Broswers?

Mar 14, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 and dreamweaver CS4 and AS2.

Because i design on a new mac book pro, my resolutions is very high and the flash movie fits perfect in my screen, just the way i want it to sit in every computer.

But on a computer with a lower resolution, i now that that my web site would be much larger and not fit right.

So how can i make it so the movie adjusts to different resolutions and sits just perfect?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Resize Stage Within Fixed Browser Size?

Dec 31, 2009

i have searched this and many other forums as well as the doc for the answer to this question. I have a flash movie in which I dynamically create a diagram at runtime. The size of the diagram varies, but I need to display it within a fixed size area on the HTML page. What I would like is for the stage to scroll dynamically based on the size of the diagram, but have no scrollbars at all if the diagram fits within the fixed area in the browser.

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IDE :: Resize If Browser Window Is Smaller But Not Go Bigger Than Pixel Size?

Feb 10, 2009

what I want to do is publish my flash file so that it scales down but not up!So if a browser window happens to be smaller than the pixel height, the movie is scaled down but if the browser window is bigger than the pixel size, the movie is not resized and just centered.

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Professional :: Browser Resize Of Flash Movie Mis-positions Objects?

Feb 16, 2011

IE 8 Flash CS4 v10 Windows XP Home SP3 (NOTE: The word "Resize" refers to an HTML change of the movie size;  it does not refer to a Window resize)
Objective: Display a transparent 800x600 flash movie in IE, stretching movie to 100% width and height of webpage but keeping the objects within the movie from getting re-scaled.  Objects are re-positioned at runtime via ActionScript with values meant to be relative to stage dimensions.
Problem: The movie resize is messing up the object re-positioning.  The movie is indeed stretching to 100% of the width & height of the browser window's client area, but the objects are repositioned relative to something else (perhaps screen dimensions, but not sure). Result: Objects which were programatically positioned relative to original stage size are spaced way too far apart in IE, in some cases off the screen entirely, though they were not like this in the Flash editor.Question(s): Why are objects which were positioned within the original stage dimensions being kicked off the browser screen while the movie itself remains entirely on-screen even after resize?  What dimensions/values are guiding the automatic post-resize repositioning of the objects? (These proportions appear to be different from the change in proportions of the movie itself.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Flash Movie Resize In The Browser Window?

Mar 12, 2005

I'm working on a school project. It contains a main section which has 7 buttons. Each of these buttons is a character which you can zoom in to, see who they are, click and see a small cinematic/animation and proceed to it's respective section. I have a couple of concerns.

1. What is the best way of loading my project? I've been thinking of using the loadMovie and have placeholders, each section with a progress bar. what should I load when?

2. how can I make the flash movie resize in the browser window using actionscript ? so that I have no problems with screen resolution sizes. I use 1280x1024, but I guess there are still people on 800x600(which is lame) Here is an example of the resizing I mean: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Stage Size To Match Photo Size?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm working on a slideshow where I'm calling in photos from an xml file. How do I tell AS to resize the stage according to photo dimensions? Would I need to list the dimensions in the xml file? If so, how would I pull that into the fla file with AS?

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Actionscript 3 :: Make Flash-movie Full Browser Size?

Oct 31, 2010

I'm trying to create a small flash-app, which needs to run as big as possible on the browser. For example regexr and Grooveshark work this way. However, if I use the File -> Publish Settings and there set the width and height 100%, it resizes to full browser, but... When I use stageHeight and stageWidth, they don't change. I only have one frame in my animation, so should I fire a eventListener for something like "resize"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scale A Flash Movie To The Browser Size If Resized?

Jul 28, 2009

How can I publish a flash movie so that it resizes automatically when the browser is resized? What is the html or flash code for that?

I am not useing Flash or Flex but FlashDevelop so I beleve I have to do it in code to make it work.

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IDE :: Resize External Swf Movie To Stage Size?

Feb 5, 2009

What i try to do, is to make a "wrapper" in Flash, in which other swfs could be embedded. (passing the URL of the external SWF by URL) to attach a link to the swfs. (ClickTag - Issue, maybe someone knows this).In the HTML - Code this would look like this:

<embed src="wrapper.swf" ...>
<param name="filename" value="path-to-external-swf.swf"/>
<param name="clickTag" value=""/>

The SWF "wrapper.swf" should load the "path-to-external-swf.swf" an puts a onClick - Event on the whole area.That works just fine, BUT The loaded external SWF should always fit to the stage size (like 100% width and 100% height) .My code looks like this:

// Variables should be passed by URL
_root.filename = "";
_root.clickTag = "";[code]....

mClip._width = Stage.width;

When i click on the swf, the movie fits exactly to the stage width...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ease Movie To Center When Resize The Browser

Nov 16, 2006

When I resize the browser it calculates the new center and eases the movie into position. It also aligns with the left edge when the window gets smaller than the movie. This has probably been discussed somewhere, but I can't find anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Position On Browser Resize?

Mar 20, 2008

why isn't this working?

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var myListener:Object = new Object();
myListener.onResize = function() {


I want the movie clip to be at the bottom right corner or the stage at all times when the browser is resized. The name is the clip is bottom right piece. The flash movie takes up the whole browser with no scale. The movie clip is always over or under the point in space its suppose to be. When i trace the value or the movie clip's _x... its the same as the Stage.width... but it doesnt portray that visually on the stage...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When The Browser Is Resized, Make The Movie Resize?

May 16, 2008

When the browser is resized, how do I make the movie resize?in the HTML parameters, I put width 100% and height 100% and in the .swf file I have: Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";Stage.align = "TL";ow, I notice if I were to shrink or make my browser stretch out. The swf doesn't resize on it's own to fill the space when larger or resize when you shrink the browser width/height. I've been told to use a listener, but I have no idea how it works, I've tried putting in scripts with no luck.

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Swf Size Can't Match Up With Ppt Slide Size

Mar 30, 2009

A friend is wanting to run a brief Flash animation in his ppt. I've made the animation to match his ppt document size which is 10" wide by 7.5" height. In the document settings I've set the Flash stage size to 720 pixels wide (10") by 540 pixles (7.5") height. Yet, when I publish the swf, it seems smaller than the ppt slide. I've sent the swf to my friend and he says it's not filling the document size. Does Microsoft and Adobe have different measurements for pixels and inches?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Resize And Position Relevant To Browser?

May 27, 2010

I want to make something like this:


The movie clip containing the photo resizes based on the size of the browser window, and the other two movie clips are positioned based on the outside edges.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie In Attached File Resize With Web Browser

Sep 2, 2009

I am desperately trying to make the movies in the attached file resize with the web browser but anchored to the white line on the left. The coloured buttons should not resize but move left or right to align with the edges of the pictures.

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Professional :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To The Browser Window Size?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.I have found this solution [URL].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To Browser Window Size?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.

I have found this solution [url].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.

Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip...

I need it to stay exactly at the same position whatever the size of the movie-clip. [code]...

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Flash :: Make Size (width And Height) Full Size In The Browser?

Sep 15, 2011

I would like to know how to make flash size (width and height) full size in the browser? the real size of flash is w:955px h:600px I tried to make w:100% and h:100%, it makes pictures pixelate.

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Flash :: Full Browser Detecting Browser Size?

May 8, 2007

[URL].. Anyone know the AS to make it automatically check the size of the browser for the listeners_notice when you resize the browser it works perfectly...but not when it first loads up.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Stage To Dynamically Match External Movieclip Loaded Into Empty?

Nov 15, 2004

Does anyone know how I can resize the stage to match the size of an external graphic/movieclip which is loaded into an empty movieclip

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