ActionScript 3.0 :: Published To Match Movie Size In HTML Options, No ScrollBar

Dec 22, 2010

So I published my Flash Movie using the HTML settings of Match Movie Size, rather than Fit To Screen (fit to percent, I believe it is) under the publish settings options. This way it works great, but there is no scrollbar on the browser. So my stage size is pretty big, lets pretend its 1200x1200 lol. So, now I want every monitor in the world to be able to see the entire page. I do not want it to fit to their screen, but I want them to be able to scroll down using their browsers scrollbar rather than a scrollbar within the SWF itself.

So imagine you are on a 15 inch monitor, and you are browsing my 1200x1200 HTML page, calling the SWF. You need to be able to scroll down to see the bottom, and scroll right to see the right side. Why is the browser scrollbar not appearing? Is there anything I must do?

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The code I want to match is the first two items in quotes for each entry to build the array list of page names, and their URL. The problem is that the pages won't be named as nice as the example below. Each time it can be a different page name, and page url, so I need to match what is in the first two quotes.


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HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


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background-image: url(images/background.jpg);


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var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myswf.swf");var loader:Loader = new Loader();
// Btns functionfunction btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

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e.g. (codes to center the swf, meta name, keywords, etc...)

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Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to get a regex match on HTML code that is parsed into a text box in flash. I have successfully loaded the HTML code and then began the regex matching, but am stuck on getting the right regex expression to match. The code that I am using in html page builds a tree view list on the html page, so once it's loaded into the flash text box, i am trying to match the html pages to build a list from. The code below is what I am trying to match. The code I want to match is the first two items in quotes for each entry to build the array list of page names, and their URL. The problem is that the pages won't be named as nice as the example below. Each time it can be a different page name, and page url, so I need to match what is in the first two quotes.[code]

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Video Won't Play From Html Published File When Moved To New Website

Oct 26, 2009

Can't figure it out. I've got a video file to stream from my published Flash file. Works great at home.All the files are in a single folder. I transfer the folder to a jump drive to bring it to school and when I load it up on the website I get this green/black filer on the play skin andthe video won't play. I double check to see if I can play it on my school machinestraight off the jump drive and it doesn't work either (it did on my home machine).

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Professional :: Published F4v Video And Html Plays Locally But Not Online?

Jun 16, 2010

I am running Windows 7/64 and Master Collection. I've created a clip of DV NTSC footage to test F4V publishing. Done this many times with CS3 and flv files but this has me stumped. I can successfully view the video and web page locally in IE and Netscape but on upload to my server I have the menu and placement right but no video appears. I created the clip in Premiere Pro CS5 and exported to F4V/FLV best quality. Opened an Actionscript Media DV NTSC template in Flash Pro CS5 and imported the video which I had pre-placed in my root web folder locally. I then exported the swf and saved the fla. All files were then in my root folder and the scrpts in the scripts folder. In Live View in Dreamweaver CS5 all looked fine. In each browser locally the video played as expected. Once all files were uploaded the video was not visible.


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Feb 28, 2012

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Aug 29, 2011

Im building a program that queries a database for options and displays the options in a number of comboBoxes. The comboBoxes are dynamically built and loaded via code and added to the stage. I would like to build the comboBoxes into a single movie clip (maybe not the correct wording) so I can use options like tweening and such to make it look better. The code is below.

package classFiles
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Flash :: Read Flashvars Into File By Modifying The Standard HTML Published Out Of CS5

Sep 30, 2010

I'm trying to read flashvars into my flash file by modifying the standard HTML published out of Flash CS5. The following isn't working:[code]

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