Published HTML Movie Won't Play
May 12, 2009
I just published a short movie from Flash CS4 and placed the entire set of files at this URL[URL] and when my web designer or me for that matter double clicks on the HTML file the movie doesn't play. We get a black screen and at the bottom of the frame in the progress bar there's a little green & white zebra like moving line. I'm pretty sure this is how I've delivered movies from CS3. I'm obviously missing something obvious here, but I haven't a clue. If I double click on the HTML file on my machine that has Flash installed it works great. The .FLV file plays correctly in media player also.
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Oct 26, 2009
Can't figure it out. I've got a video file to stream from my published Flash file. Works great at home.All the files are in a single folder. I transfer the folder to a jump drive to bring it to school and when I load it up on the website I get this green/black filer on the play skin andthe video won't play. I double check to see if I can play it on my school machinestraight off the jump drive and it doesn't work either (it did on my home machine).
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Feb 28, 2012
I created a flash file that contains a flv file inside. After I published it on my Mac in both html and swf format and it played well. But when I copied all this folder include the swf, html and the source flv to test on a pc it played well but the video part (flv) was blank. So I copied the .fla file to pc and published again, then it works fine (including the flv video part) on both pc and Mac. All the settings were same while publishing.So I wonder what's wrong with publish from Mac side? I work with Mac and so it's very inconvenient to publish my work on PC.
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Jun 10, 2009
I am testing Flash CS4 at the moment, but something is wrong with it. What I did hundreds of times in CS3, here it just doesn't work.I used Adobe Media Encoder to make F4V from AVI. Then I imported that file to flash (load external video with playback component). Then I previewed it (ctrl+enter) and everything was fine, but once I saved (or published) it, the movie didn't play anymore. There was just background and no movie nor playback component.I tried encoding that file to FLV, even for older flash versions (I have the newest one installed), but that didn't help.
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Dec 22, 2010
So I published my Flash Movie using the HTML settings of Match Movie Size, rather than Fit To Screen (fit to percent, I believe it is) under the publish settings options. This way it works great, but there is no scrollbar on the browser. So my stage size is pretty big, lets pretend its 1200x1200 lol. So, now I want every monitor in the world to be able to see the entire page. I do not want it to fit to their screen, but I want them to be able to scroll down using their browsers scrollbar rather than a scrollbar within the SWF itself.
So imagine you are on a 15 inch monitor, and you are browsing my 1200x1200 HTML page, calling the SWF. You need to be able to scroll down to see the bottom, and scroll right to see the right side. Why is the browser scrollbar not appearing? Is there anything I must do?
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Oct 12, 2009
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Sep 14, 2011
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Dec 15, 2009
I have learned how to listen and handle SWFAddress events in this video tutorial by Lee Brimelow:[URL]The html file he learns how to write doesn't display my Flash site as I wanted to be displayed. In IE the swf is a little square, in Firefox it doesn't display anything, etc.I have posted below the HTML that Flash CS4 has published for me. I have added the lines to include the swfobject and swfaddress javascript files. The address does change when I click something but the back and forward buttons (browser buttons) don't change the pages inside the swf movie.Lee Brimelow's HTML file (with my changes in the name of the swf):
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myswf.swf");var loader:Loader = new Loader();
// Btns functionfunction btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....
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e.g. (codes to center the swf, meta name, keywords, etc...)
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Jan 25, 2011
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Nov 23, 2010
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Jun 16, 2010
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Sep 3, 2010
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Oct 12, 2009
everyone out there that is smarter than me. I have made this little prototype video player, and it isn't working. It'll eventually become a nice little player show videos from our summer camp for the last few years, but first I want to make it work in a basic stripped down version. There is a playback component with one of the skins right above the three buttons.
Here's the ActionScript: btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid2);btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid3);
function vid1(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video1.flv"};function vid2(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video2.flv"}; function vid3(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video3.flv"};
It runs fine when I test in in flash and even the .swf file runs fine alone, but when I put it in a .html file via Dreamweaver and in the published .html it doesn't run. What up?
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Dec 1, 2010
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Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:
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Apr 21, 2010
I have this flash file for a website that needs editing. However, I know next to nothing about Flash (I still have Flash 8, so that tells you alot). Anyway..I have made the edits, and as far as I can tell, the bits I have edited haven't changed where the problem occurs.
Basically, theres 2 'slides', you click 'next' and the 1 slide fades away, and the next fades in. However, if you drag the timeline thingy, this fade happens all ok, however, ctrl+enter to test the movie, or publish it and play it the swf part of the first slide doesnt fade out, it stays there in the background. Its seperate from the rest of the slide in terms of not been all one image or whatever, its text, but i cant edit it (if that makes sense?).
I can delete it, by clicking and double clicking around randomly till its highlighted, but then it disappears completely from the movie.
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May 9, 2010
I have not worked with Flash for quite awhile and just finished a personal project in Flash CS4, originally created in Flash MX, but when I uploaded the complete swf and html to the Web, the swf file is not visible at all I see a blank page. The previous version, saved in MX, works just fine online but I no longer have the MX version.
what ActionScript version should I output for the SC4 version, 1 or 2 (I tried version 3 and got an error message)?
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a very simple flash movie. It has 6 images that fade in and out in a loop. I created the movie and when I play it in Flash using Control > Play (with loop playback) it all works perfectly, but when I publish it there is a blank space at the end of the movie before it loops through again. It only lasts a fraction of a second but it breaks up the smooth image transitions. I have checked and there are no layers that go past the last image, and there is a keyframe on the last frame of the last image.
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Mar 16, 2010
I'm having the following problem. The menu movie clip on my website keeps blinking when I publish on the web. I don't have that problem when I'm testing on the CS4 flash player. I've gone over the code to check for something funny but everything looks good. May be this looks familiar to somebody. Here is the url.
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm using a different domain to host the swf file. The different domain is a media server to take the load off our own server and ISP. Actually, we have 2 different media server URLs. One each for development and production. I'm pretty sure the problem is a security issue in the flash. When I take the media server URL out of the file paths everything works. Although I have a crossdomain.xml with the media server urls included, I don't think it's permitting the request.
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Sep 2, 2009
ive publish a html file with flash detection enabled from flash.[code]now since the default codes places my flash movie on upper left corner, ive made my own tables with the flash on it, how or where do i place this code to the upper codes?[code]
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Nov 11, 2009
I made a flash mp3 player and it works fine in any other test pages. but when i embed it onto my site it just shows blank. what do i do? my site is [URL] and the flash player i tested here [URL] and it plays. What im i doing wrong? i tryed everything. right now i just got it in a iframe but i dont want that iframe.
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Apr 13, 2009
I am using basic addEventListeners and functions to create a basic navigation for my homepage... when I test the movie on my local drive it fuctions perfectly, but when I upload it to the www, the movie behaves different... All the buttons must be clicked twice to function properly.... each button uses the UI Loader to load the appropriate .swf clip, but on the first load the movies dont function properly, when the same button is clicked again and the movie is loaded again, it works fine. I noticed cause I have a preloader for every movie clip that loads and on the first click it doesnt work, on second click it works, and because it function fine on my local drive I'm lost as to what I can do to fix the problem, or what the problem is.
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