ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Flash Movie Resize In The Browser Window?
Mar 12, 2005
I'm working on a school project. It contains a main section which has 7 buttons. Each of these buttons is a character which you can zoom in to, see who they are, click and see a small cinematic/animation and proceed to it's respective section. I have a couple of concerns.
1. What is the best way of loading my project? I've been thinking of using the loadMovie and have placeholders, each section with a progress bar. what should I load when?
2. how can I make the flash movie resize in the browser window using actionscript ? so that I have no problems with screen resolution sizes. I use 1280x1024, but I guess there are still people on 800x600(which is lame) Here is an example of the resizing I mean: [URL]
I'm trying to run my swf by going directly to it on my serer eg(, later I will embed it using HTML or PHP, however Im wondering why it keeps getting resized to the window size, I want it to stay the size of the swf. In the publish settings I set dimension to Match Movie, and I set scale to No Scale in the HTML tab of publish settings, am I doing something wrong or can you not have it stay its original size without emedding it into html?
I want to make a Flash movie be 100% of the browser window. I know how to do this just usaing the Publish settings. The problem is that I want the stage of the movie to fill the browser without scaling up the actual movieclips and components of the movie.
I want to make a Flash movie be 100% of the browser window. I know how to do this just usaing the Publish settings. The problem is that I want the stage of the movie to fill the browser without scaling up the actual movieclips and components of the movie.
When the browser is resized, how do I make the movie resize?in the HTML parameters, I put width 100% and height 100% and in the .swf file I have: Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";Stage.align = "TL";ow, I notice if I were to shrink or make my browser stretch out. The swf doesn't resize on it's own to fill the space when larger or resize when you shrink the browser width/height. I've been told to use a listener, but I have no idea how it works, I've tried putting in scripts with no luck.
I am having an application that uses the Drawing API to draw a graphic on the stage (using a fill color & alpha setting). This graphic is updated every 5 minutes. When publishing from within Flash all works fine, Except when I call the published HTML file, the 'fill' of the graphic is removed from the stage.
I am desperately trying to make the movies in the attached file resize with the web browser but anchored to the white line on the left. The coloured buttons should not resize but move left or right to align with the edges of the pictures.
Most flash-based browser games don't seem to resize properly when the user resizes their browser window (i.e. ctrl+mousewheel). Example of bad resizing: Boxhead The Zombie Wars. Please refrain from playing for a moment, lest you forget about my question.
Some (surprisingly very few) actually do resize properly. Example (at least in Chrome): D.N.8
Is there a simple or standard technique to accomplish proper resizing? How do you do it?
I'm trying to get my main class to resize to the browser window size. I'm listening on the stage to Event.RESIZE, updating my width/height to match the stageWidth/stageHeight, and drawing a rectangle to show me how big it is. When I resize, it flashes between a small and big size every other time the event fires. The width and height are correct in both cases, but in the "small" case, everything is in a small box.
how to constrain the proportions of a flash site so that when a browser window is resized the swf resizes to fit?Is it actionscript needed in the fla or some html in my dreamweaver file? [URL]
What I would like is to keep my original movie size (800x600) but have it centered both horizontally and vertically in the browser window. If the user expands the browser window, I'd like it to dynamically center itself both horizontally and vertically in the new window size.There is one that fits what I need, but it doesn't work properly. [URL]The current result when I use this in the HTML file is that everything is enlarged past the window size (and I end up with scroll bars), and the flash item is not centered.
i.m attempting to move the contents of full browser flash with easing on resize
the problem i.m having is establishing a relationship between the stage.width /height with mc, in such a way that mc moves with easing from its natural position - NOT THE CENTER
how would i work this - so any mc i place on stage will move with easing to its next position in relation to browser window resize
dash._x = Stage.width ; dash._y = Stage.height ; var obj:Object = new Object();
What it's supposed to do is in a full screen flash site when the browser or window is resized the targeted movieclip will automatically move to a position / or center itself in the screen with a smooth easing motion to it.I'm wanting to the center the MC and only on the X axis (horizontally, don't need the mc to move up or down) but i'm having troubles getting this function to work at all
and I have an #include in the root file i need to use this function in how do I correctly call the function from the external AS? I had this working at one point but even then i had a problem aswell with the speed of the motion and stuff but hopefully we'll get to that after i get this thing working.
I've done some research but all I can find is help on how to fill the browser window.Does anyone know how to resize the browser window to fill the full screen - that works in both Mac and PC?I want to have an opening page in HTML and a button to open the .swf in full screen mode, centering the movie.
how would i resize the window in a flash movie at different intervals? example here:[URL] in that movie, the window box resizes at different set intervals.
what I want to do is publish my flash file so that it scales down but not up!So if a browser window happens to be smaller than the pixel height, the movie is scaled down but if the browser window is bigger than the pixel size, the movie is not resized and just centered.
i'd like the contents of my swf to re-position itself in relation to the resize of any browser window with easing here's examples of what i.m aiming for only my swf is aligned top left }}} [URL]
is there anyway to have a published flash swf fill 100% of the browser? especially when the broswer resizes, so does the movie to match the browser size?
IE 8 Flash CS4 v10 Windows XP Home SP3 (NOTE: The word "Resize" refers to an HTML change of the movie size; it does not refer to a Window resize)
Objective: Display a transparent 800x600 flash movie in IE, stretching movie to 100% width and height of webpage but keeping the objects within the movie from getting re-scaled. Objects are re-positioned at runtime via ActionScript with values meant to be relative to stage dimensions.
Problem: The movie resize is messing up the object re-positioning. The movie is indeed stretching to 100% of the width & height of the browser window's client area, but the objects are repositioned relative to something else (perhaps screen dimensions, but not sure). Result: Objects which were programatically positioned relative to original stage size are spaced way too far apart in IE, in some cases off the screen entirely, though they were not like this in the Flash editor.Question(s): Why are objects which were positioned within the original stage dimensions being kicked off the browser screen while the movie itself remains entirely on-screen even after resize? What dimensions/values are guiding the automatic post-resize repositioning of the objects? (These proportions appear to be different from the change in proportions of the movie itself.)
I'm using Adobe Flash CS4I'm currently trying to fit a flash intro inside the browser window (height 100%, width 100%). I've tried changing the height, width attributes but with no luck. What am I doing wrong?
Anyone know of a place with a sample .fla on how make a browser window shake controlled by Flash.I have tried a few tutorials from other sites and have had no luck. I am wanting to shake the window's x and y when a movie clip reaches a frame in the timeline.
I have to put a flash lesson I created on a cd for a client and while testing it I noticed that my exit button in the movie no longer seems to function.This is my close window function
function closeWindow(evt:Event) var url:String = "javascript:window.opener=self; window.close()"; var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); try
how to horizontally center my Flash movie in the web browser window after publishing?
A bit of background: I was able to achieve this using <center></center> tags a few years ago. But I have since upgraded to CS5 and I understand that this old method is now obsolete.
I have found a few threads/forums that address this, but I know nothing about HTML and these threads don't help me because they assume you have more knowledge than I possess. When opening up the index.html file in Dreamweaver I can't find anything that looks vaguely familiar to what is being discussed. I have found some code samples using <div></div> tags but have no idea where to place it.
So I will need it explained to me in a step by step fashion, including which file I need to fix and what program I should use. Code samples will be very welcome if you can tell me exactly where it goes.
in the same way a UIWebView on XCode behaves, is it possible to embed a website or browser window in an Adobe Flash movie? Like an iframe, but within Flash itself.