Save Live Streams In Fragments?

Aug 20, 2011

I'm planning to have a livestream running 24/7, and to be able to handle the high amounts of storage I need, I want to save the live stream in fragments (By size. For example: each fragment will be 1GB).

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Secure Publishing Of Live Streams?

May 3, 2010

I have installed Flash Media Server on our server.  When I load up the application home page, I see the demo video of a train.
Then I click on the "Interactive" tab on the right hand side.  I was SHOCKED to see that I can create a live stream from my local camera without any  credentials at all.  Anyone who visits this webpage can publish a live video stream on our Flash Media Server?

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Media Server :: Connecting To Live Streams?

Apr 26, 2010

I've been using FMS for a few weeks, and feel relatively comfortable with it, but am currently having some trouble connecting to a live stream in a a video conferencing-type application. I suspect I'm leaving some small step out, but am having trouble seeing what that step is.
I have one client application open the video camera, connect to the FMS, and publish it's live camera stream to the server. Something like this:
Connect to the FMS

nc.connect("rtmp://<ip addr>9/chat_test/");

In my connection (success) handler:

cam = Camera.getCamera();
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);

However, I keep getting "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" errors. This seems relatively straightforward, but I'm clearly missing a small step somewhere.

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Media Server :: Remove Lag From Live Streams?

Jun 4, 2010

I am publishing 2 live streams from a computer with 2 video capture cards in it and I get a lag every 30 seconds or so on the subscribers side. I have tried adjusting the camera quality and setMode properties but still the lag persists inside and outside the LAN, is there a way to create a buffer on the server or adjust the way the live stream is received on the subscribers side so there is no noticeable lag? I saw something about editing application.xml to adjust the queue and a suggested bitrate but not sure if this is applicable, here is the link:
Here is my setup:

The publishing computer:

2 PCI-e x1 cards, one takes S-Video (480i) and the other DVI (720p)
Windows 7 64bit
Intel i7
GB NIC and Switch
From the switch is one hop to a GB router and out to a 10 MB pipe which leads to our datacenter 30 miles away. The swf on this side just gets the 2 cameras, sets the quality to (0,80) and mode to (640,480,25,false) (I have played with these settings a little) and creates 2 lives streams on the FMS.
The FMS:I am running Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 on my own server with two 3.6 Dual Core Xeon processors and 4 GB RAM. This server resides in a Datacenter and has a 100 MB burstable pipe. From the FMS administration console I am barely using 4MB total bandwidth, 1% CPU usage, 2% RAM.
The subscribing computer:I have used many different types of hardwired PC's within the same LAN and outside the LAN, results are the same.The swf on this side just creates 2 new video instances and attaches the 2 netstreams to them. They are placed side by side and the height and width of these videos are undefined.

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Media Server :: 3.5 - Take Multiple Live Streams?

Jun 17, 2010

Can Flash Media Server 3.5 do the following?. Can it take multiple live streams?. Is it possible to control the ip streams - by using API's in to the Media Servers?.

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Media Server :: How To Stop / Ban Live Streams

Jun 15, 2011

I own a site like ustream/justin where users can register and broadcast their channels using FMLE. Sometime I need to ban broadcasters after I receives any complaint against any channel. I do them on website, there is no issue in that. But how to do that on server side at FMIS. I need to do it bcause the stream users are already watching the channel page before it got banned, they still can watch it till they do the refresh. So I need something that can stop the Live Stream of that particular channel on FMS server too. How can I supply stream names to main.asc that should be banned or not to allow publishing without restarting server each time.

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Media Server :: Listen To Multiple Live Streams At Once?

Sep 7, 2009

I am developing an application where I need musicians to play together and I want to have an audience listen to it. I have created my publisher clients and they can create the streams, but now I want to take those multiple streams and combine them so that you can hear the guitar, singer, etc. all together.

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Media Server :: Limit On The Number Of Live Streams?

Jan 4, 2010

I wanted to know if there is any limit on the number of live streams that a client can connect to?For example, there are four live streams s1, s2, s3, s4 being published to FMS, can a flash client subscribe to all the four streams at the same time?If yes, what is the maximum number of streams that a client can subscribe to and what are the trade-offs?

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Media Server :: Latencies / Delay In Live Streams

Mar 15, 2010

I'm doing some tests with FMS and live streaming, but I observe quite long delays. When the stream is first accessed, the latency is around 3-5 seconds, which is acceptable. But as we watch the stream for about 30 minutes or more, the latency grows to around 20 seconds, which is just too much. What settings should I look at to keep the latency / delay minimal?

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Media Server :: Find Metrics For Live Streams?

Jun 2, 2010

We have installed FMS and have used it for a live streaming video event.The event lasted an hour and FMS worked great.How can I get statistics on that live stream? I'd like to know how many people saw the video, and how many people were watching at one time.

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Detect Latency When Playing Live Video Streams From FMS?

Sep 25, 2010

Because of network latency,there will always be latency, how to know how many seconds the latency is with ActionScript?

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Media Server :: Playing Recordings When No Live Streams Available

Jun 1, 2011

I am able to record live streams on server side. Now I am looking for an option to play recorded streams on server side when no one is publishing a live stream. Currently I am able to record all live streams that are currently being published in /opt/adobe/fms/webroot/live_recorded Folder. All the recorded streams are saved in stream.f4v format. I want to change main.asc in livemyapp folder in such a way that if any one is not publishing live streams of the name "abc" then automatically the client is served with the previously recorded abc.f4v in his browser.

Here is main.asc
/* * application.onAppStart:* is called when application load. It contains Live (out of the box) * application specific initializations. */
application.onAppStart = function(){ // Logging
trace("Starting Live Service...");
[Code] ....

What should I write in main.asc so that if a client is requesting to watch a stream and if that is not being published at the moment, he should be served the recorded version of that stream.

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Media Server :: Limit On The Number Of Live Streams

Aug 12, 2011

I wanted to know if there is any limit on the number of live streams that a client can connect to? For example, there are four live streams s1, s2, s3, s4 being published to FMS, can a flash client subscribe to all the four streams at the same time? If yes, what is the maximum number of streams that a client can subscribe to and what are the trade-offs?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Live Flash Video Streams Broadcasted?

Oct 23, 2009

How are live flash video streams broadcasted? I am guessing that as the broadcast is recording, the people that are watching are watching what has been recorded to an flv file a few seconds ago, making it 98-99% live, since it is a few seconds off of the actual recording time.

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Media Server :: Recording Live Streams And Play Files Later

Apr 19, 2011

My Purpose is to record live streams on server side and play recorded files later. What I have done is -

1. Copied All files of applications/live in some safe location.
2. Copied all files from samples/applications/live to applications/live folder. (Deleted main.far from live folder)
3. Restricted SWF and HTML to mydomain in these files - allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt
4. In main.asc I added these line in the end
var mystream;var intervalID;
[Code] .....
5. Then I restarted FMS and tried streaming using FLash Media Encoder. I was able to live stream and then i stopped it.
6. A FLV File was recorded in application/live folder with the stream name that i used in encoder.

I am able to view live video on my domain as well as some other domain, that means allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt did not worked. Another issue is that I am not able to view recorded video after I stopped encoder but I was able see live video before stopping. I am using jwplayer to view the video and using flashvars streamer (rtmp:// and file(abc) to view the live and recorded video.

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Media Server :: Serving Live Streams To IPad And Android Using FMS?

Jun 13, 2011

I need to serve live video streams to Flash players, Apple devices, and Android and Blackberry handhelds. Right now I'm using FMS (actually, the CDN I stream through is running FMS), and configuring Wowza Media Server to suck the Flash stream from FMS and reprocess it for Apple, Android, and Blackberry. It works well, but it's kind oif a PITA having to have a separate server just to handle mobile devices.
Is anyone aware of any plans to release a version of FMS that will stream directly to Apple and Android? I saw a video clip on Techtilt of an Adobe presentation at NAB where they were showing live streaming to iPad, but that clip didn't way anything about when we might actually see that version of FMS become available.

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Media Server :: 3.5.0 Stops Streaming Live Pre-recorded Streams Unexpectedly

Mar 1, 2010

When broadcasting pre-recorded streams on a live applicationFMS always stops streaming at a certain time...
It can be after 10 seconds, it can be after 2 hours, or it can be after any other time, the frame just freezes on the client and the buffer drops to 0.

any attempt to diconnect / reconnect does not resume the streaming, althought the FMS console registers the connected client, no streaming is ensuing. One of the common events we get on the client in such instances when the streaming stops results in get "NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW".[code]...

View 4 Replies

Media Server :: Merge Multiple Live Audio Streams Into A Single Stream In FMS?

Nov 17, 2009

I need to merge multiple live audio streams into a single stream so that i can pass this stream as input to VOIP through a softphone.For this i tried the following approach:Created a new stream (str1) on FMS onAppStart and recorded the live streams (sent throgh microphone) in that new stream.

Below is the code :
application.onAppStart = function()


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Media Server :: FMIS Multipoint Publishing Setup - Viewing Live Streams?

Sep 1, 2010

I am facing a strange issue with a pair of FMIS servers set up with Multipoint Publishing. Configuration is as follows:
Encoder >>>> FMIS1 >>>> FMIS2

When freshly started, I am able to view live streams from both servers, however, periodically, FMIS2 unpublishes the streams as seen in the log below. When this happens lives streams are accessible from FMIS1 but not FMIS2. In order to resume live streams on FMIS2, FMIS1 must be restarted.

2010-09-01 14:31:00 9244 (s)2641173 NGA_1 is unpublishing -
2010-09-01 14:31:00 9244 (s)2641173 FTV_1 is unpublishing -
2010-09-01 14:31:00 9244 (s)2641173 BBCWN_1 is unpublishing -
2010-09-01 14:31:00 9244 (s)2641173 CTI_1 is unpublishing -
2010-09-01 14:31:00 9244 (s)2641173 CNN_1 is unpublishing -

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Media Server :: Retrieving List Of Live Streams Names With Status Publishing

Apr 28, 2011

i have a website like ustream, where user can register and create  live channels and publish live video using FMLE.
Now i want to check wether a particular channel is online or offline. I have stream name for particular channel. My website is coded in PHP. I have tried using getLiveStreamStats function, it works fine where the XML file is not heavy. I mean number of subscribers are less. Then i can just check the Publisher Tag. if it exists that means stream video is live, else not.
But problem arrives when the number of subscribers are high. The XML file do not loads in PHP, and it takes too much time to load the page.
what can be done to just check if the xml file has publisher tag. and display if the stream is live or not

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Media Server :: Retrieving List Of Live Streams Names With Status Publishing?

Jan 3, 2012

I want to retrieve the list of live stream name.

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Flex :: Flash - Multi Bitrate Switching Between Live Streams Using The VideoDisplay Component?

Jul 20, 2010

I am passing to the source property of a VideoDisplay component a DynamicStreamingVideoSource object with 3 different dynamic live stream items, described by this XML, for your consideration:

src="rtmp://" bitrate="19200"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="9000"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="3600"

But the player then runs the stream with the lowest bitrate, out of those 3. Wasn't it supposed to go for the stream with the highest bitrate, that is viewable by the end-user? All 3 streams have been individually tested and they are all viewable.

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Have Script Grab A Picture From Live Stream And Save It As JPG File?

Apr 4, 2010

Does anyone know how to get a script of some kind to grab a picture from a live stream and save it as a JPG file?

In this way a cron job can tricker the script and thereby grab a picture fx every 10'th minute and the picture can be shown on a website so people that are not attending can have a look into what is happening in the live stream.

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Java :: How To Capture And Save Live Feed Of Flash Video

Mar 1, 2010

Is there a tool, any type of programming library, or a way to capture live feed of Flash video and save it? I don't want to capture the screen but rather like to capture the actual feed.

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Media Server :: Allow Clients To Record And Save Part Of Live Stream

Jun 16, 2011

I'm looking for a solution where clients watch a live stream video and can record part of this stream while watching and save this recording to disk. I can think of several solutions but not sure if any of them is possible:

- The selected part is recorded locally and saved through FileRefence.
- The selected part is recorded with FMS though a second NetStream and saved with a unique ID. The user can retrieve the recorded video by download.
- Start-time and end-time of the recording are send to the server where some script extracts the requested video from the live stream recording file and return it as a download.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert A Live Stream Into A Flash Format To Save On Bandwidth?

Oct 3, 2002

Is it posible to convert a live stream into a flash format to save on bandwidth? If so, what player could be adapted to use it, and how could I convert it to begin with? If not, what is the best format to use for a live stream to get good quality without using too much bandwidth?

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Media Server :: Take .f4f Fragments And Do Anything With Them?

Mar 12, 2012

Using FMS/FMLE, I did a live broadcast.  I have all the .f4f files (1.6G) intact and saved off.  I want to be able to repackage, convert, flatten, etc. these streaming fragments to something that can be imported into Adobe Premiere Pro or other applications to product a DVD.  I've seen a lot of posts, but no answers.  Any ideas.  I don't want to think that I wasted 4 hours of a live stream and can't capture off the data.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fragments On Stage After Tween?

Apr 8, 2009

i'm currently working on a project involving a circle animating clockwise and anti-clockwise, there is a mask covering the circle and animating in over 40 frames ( 10 frames for each quater )

However when the circle tweens out, there seems to be a trail / fragments left on the stage which makes the animation look horrible and jerky

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Media Server :: Extract HDS Fragments And Segments From A .f4f?

Mar 13, 2012

I'd like to be able to manually extract the HDS fragments and segments from a .f4f file.  I have the .f4m and .f4x as well.  Once extracted, I'd like to be able to host the fragments and segments on a standard origin (web) server such as Amazon S3.  Is there any way to do this?  If not, does Adobe have any plans on releasing such a tool?

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Flex :: Pass Request Data With URL Fragments?

Sep 1, 2009

I'm passing the following parameter as an url fragment to flex. (#groupID=2385)

This works great on the development box, but when I put it on the production server.. nothing.

Do you think this is a server configuration issue. I presume that flex is talking to the javascript file 'AC_OETags.js' to make this all happen.

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