Set A Corner Radius On A Spark List Flex 4 Air Mobile?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm creating a spark list in my flex mobile application and i want to do like a list on the iphone with a corner radius Unfortunately there is no cornerRadius or simply radius in list styles.


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I'm creating the list in AS:

_dropDown = new List();
_dropDown.styleName = "dropDownListStyle";

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PopUpManager.addPopUp( _dropDown, this );

The problem is that the corners of the newly created popup are not rounded. I found that border-style is needed in order to get the effect, but adding this property didn't help. I'm building the project with Flex 4.1, but the List and its parent are MX components and it's a lot of work to migrate them to Spark.

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<pages:One label="ThisOne" id="one" name="One"/>


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