Flex :: Scrolling An Editable Spark TextArea From Hero Mobile On A Touch Device?
Mar 21, 2011
How do you scroll an editable TextArea (Flex Hero) on a touch device? I am referring to the situation where the text does not fit in the TextArea height.When I try to tap and drag the text gets selected and not scrolled... Am I missing a something here? I am using verticalScrollPolicy = on (also tried auto).I am testing the code in the Blackberry Playbook simulator (my targeted device for my app).
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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PS: Power Stackoverflow-users, consider adding a tag for Android-AIR or Flex-Hero or maybe Flex-Mobile
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Aug 2, 2011
I am simply wanting to stop a user entering carriage returns in a TextArea. I have been experimenting with the 'restrict' property in the TextArea but cant seem to work it out.I have the following code:
<mx:Canvas id="cvs1" label="Panel 1" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete"addEvtListnerOnPlaceText()" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF">
<mx:TextArea id="txtP1T1" x="10" y="176" text="{placeName}" width="210" textAlign="center" color="#DC0000" restrict="this is where I need some help"/>
I've now managed to get something working:
private function addEvtListnerOnPlaceText():void{
txtP1T1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyEventDown);
txtP1T1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyEventUp);
The only issue now is that if you hold return down, it clears the first carriage return and then keeps adding as long as you hold it down. I need a way to stop this happening without just losing focus on the text area.
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var sqlConnection:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();
sqlConnection.open(DBFile, SQLMode.CREATE, false, 1024,null);
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Script: Actionscript 3.0
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Nov 3, 2010
I am treating a spark TextArea as text input(by setting heightInLines="1"). The TextArea is part of an mxml component and I want to resize the component when the text is changed.
I haven't been able to use textArea.measureaText(textArea.text) to get line metrics and use it. I get this error "Parameter antiAliasType must be non-null."
Is there any way to get the width of a TextArea which it is going to consume at runtime for a particular string or a particular TextFlow?
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Apr 15, 2011
I have done lots of searching on this subject, but it seems what I am finding is either out of date or just does not seem to work.With TextFields in the past, you could set the TextField to a certain width, set wordWrap to true and you would end up with a textfield that changed height according to the text you added.Now I am trying to do this with either the Spark TextArea or RichText.I tried this HeightInLines = NAN, but that seems to be out of date.I also tried this routine:
var totalHeight:uint = 10;
var noOfLines:int = this.mx_internal::getTextField().numLines;[code]....
But the mx_internal is not in the Spark components.I am trying to do this with AS3, not MXML.
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Jun 24, 2011
Is it possible to get content of each line from spark's TextArea or RichText?
What I want to achieve it to split textarea's (or richtext) content into rows and modify some of them.
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May 28, 2010
I'm having issues with the property "editable" of textArea control. I have a component: OrderView.mxml and it's associated data class OrderViewData.as. Orderview.mxml is inside a viewStack to enable navigation from a component to another. In this particular case, OrderView.mxml is called by another component: SearchResult.mxml. I can thus navigate from SearchResult.mxml to OrderView.mxml, and back to SearchResult.mxml... OrderView.mxml has textArea and textInput control, that have to be editable or nonEditable depending on the property var isEditable:Boolean from OrderViewData.as.
When the application is launched, isEditable = true. So, all textInput and textArea controls are editable the first time the user gets to OrderView.mxml. When the user clicks on the button order from OrderView.mxml, isEditable = false. When the user goes back to SearchResult.mxml, isEditable = true (again) --> Until here, everything works fine. The thing is: when the user goes back to OrderView.mxml for the second time (and beyond), even if the property isEditable = true, textArea controls are still non editable... But the textInput controls are editable!
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May 19, 2010
I have imported a Html text into textarea using Textconverter and it works well, but I have a problemI need to mark with "image not found" if and image inside into imported html isn't more online or simply don't exist
var string:String = '<img src="elvis.gif" />';
aTextArea.textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(string, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT);
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Jul 24, 2010
The Below code is running well...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" >
Then htmlText doesn't support Spark Textarea. Hence produces error. How does one go about displaying HTML formatted text with spark Text Area Property.
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Dec 27, 2010
I want to get the line count of the spark text area content.
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Feb 21, 2011
I want to make the background appear as if a modal window was opened but, instead of a window, I want to use Spark TextArea.. Is this possible?
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Jan 30, 2012
I'm trying to show a horizontal line under each row of text in a Spark TextArea. I want to give the text area the look of legal paper.
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Feb 6, 2012
I can't seem to get TextArea to render any embedded fonts in project. I've searched online and have found a couple of instances of this issue but no solutions.
I have a few fonts embedded with my app. Spark Label & the mx:TextArea (switching embedAsCFF to 'false') will display them correctly so I know they're embedded OK. I have the fontFamily value in a binding but I even tried just instantiating a new TextArea then assigning one the the embedded fonts via the fontFamily style and have had no luck.
/* In my CSS file */
@font-face {
fontFamily: UbuntuMono;
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Feb 29, 2012
I am trying to use a text area to display some text on a mobile AIR app. It works fine whenever I am using the phone emulator on my desktop to debug, however whenever I put the app on my phone, the text displays, then disappears. I've also noticed that if I lock the screen and unlock, the text will display just fine when I come back.
Here's the code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="Program Overview">
One other interesting thing to note is that it only happens on certain Views, and only on Views in the first ViewNavigator tab. This leads me to believe that there isn't really anything wrong with my use of the TextArea, but something else happening at a higher level in the application.
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Jun 1, 2011
I'm creating a spark list in my flex mobile application and i want to do like a list on the iphone with a corner radius Unfortunately there is no cornerRadius or simply radius in list styles.
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Oct 4, 2011
I've got a spark ListForm with a custom mxml itemRenderer,all the itemRenderer has is[code]...
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Dec 28, 2011
I am using spark.label for Mobiles in Flex, I want gradient on label text instead of solid color. But performance should be kept in mind as it will run on mobile device.
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