Vertically Centering Flash Movie In Browser With Stage.scaleMode?

Oct 30, 2009

I have this flash website where i use Stage.scaleMode to dynamically resize the swf depending on the browser size. (i use A.script 2.0). So the width takes the whole screen and the height is scaled in proportion. My design is in a landscape format. It works fine, except that i need the swf to also be vertically centered in the browser Window. (explanantion - on certain screens, example a 19 inch PC monitor which is quite "squared", my flash movie expands the whole way across the width, and the height in proportion, but as my design is in landscape, i have a big empty space in the browser below the swf.)
This is how it is:    This is how it should be:

Here is the code:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"
Stage.align = "TL";


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Css :: Vertically Centering A Flash Website In A Small Browser Resolution

Jun 10, 2011

We have recently made a new Flash website for our company (URL...). The Flash module itself is 800 pixels tall. We have CSS that centers a div horizontally and vertically that's wrapped around the Flash module (you can see the source of URL...) and when someone is on a browser on a netbook or a smaller laptop (sub 15-inch, generally), they don't have enough vertical resolution (after the real estate used by the Windows start bar and browser toolbars) to see the entire site.Whether you view the html page I've made (again, at URL...) or you view the Flash module itself (URL...) the top of the Flash module clips off the top of the browser. (To see the problem if you don't have a small laptop, just don't maximize your browser window and shrink it's vertical height.)I understand why my CSS is behaving the way it is, due to the nature of the negative top margin, but is there any way to solve this issue?

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Centering Flash Movie In Browser

Mar 30, 2011

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What I'm trying to do is simply center it and basically hide the overflow on smaller screens when the movie appears on the end user's monitor. I can't get it to center, however, as it always just wants to align to the left. I don't want to use the 100% feature because that distorts the movie.

I've tried using the "overflow: hidden; text-align: center;" CSS feature, to no avail. Is there a way in CSS to make this work? Do I need to use javascript or something? If so, which script do I use?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering In Browser Window Using Stage Class?

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having some problems with having my mc's always center in t5he middle of the browser window even when it resizes??

Cheers all,
basically the code i'm using is this:;


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ranQuote = new LoadVars();
ranQuote.onLoad = function(success) {


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When the value of the scaleMode property is not set to StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE, the stageWidth property represents the width of the SWF file as set during authoring in the Document Properties dialog box. This means that the value of the stageWidth property stays constant as you resize the Flash Player window. This property cannot be set. So stick this in a new FLA


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<div id="Nested" style="position:absolute; left:22px; top:32px; width:400px; height:300px; z-index:1;">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="


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Center Flash Vertically In Browser?

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Aug 16, 2007

I'm currently working in Flash 8 with Actionscript 2.0.

I've been trying different alternatives and none of them are working. I've even posted here previously and tried a few things but I haven't quite resolved my centering to stage problem. Some of you may have already read pieces of this from another post.

I have a landscape that functions sort of like a 360 vr tour. The main movie clip directly on the stage is labeled, "mainMovie", and within it is another movieclip labeled, "singleStrip".

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The problem I'm having is for the letters that are in view on the stage, I want the user to be able to "click" on them and then that letter zoom up to the center of the stage, (through the "x" coordinate). I'm having difficulty with this since the letter movieclips, (example, "letterA"), are within the "singleStrip" movie clip, which sits inside the "mainMovie" movie clip, which are both constantly moving and their x position continues to change.

I've been using the tween class in order to animate them with easing and it's usually the "endx" variable that I'm having trouble because I don't know how I can match it up to the center of the stage, whether it's a "endx = stage.width._x /2; " or something else. Here's an example of some of the [code]...

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and i'm having trouble getting my mc to center in the stage and is the code i have on frame1:

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stageListener = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScaleMode And Two Movie Clips?

Aug 2, 2010

My stage is currently set to noScale. My bottomleftcornerbtn movieclip loves this. My worksinshow_all movieclip hates this.My bottomleftcornerbtn is set to

ActionScript Code:

My worksinshow_all, is already positioned on the stage and already scaled down to 33.5%. With the current stage.scaleMode="noScale";, my bottomleftcornerbtn is always in the correct spot. However, worksinshow_all will not scale the way I need it to.

worksinshow_all is a movie clip that has several loaders in it. Each are different widths. So far, all the scale proportionally actionscript I've found has worked really well if the image is a square.get bottomleftcornerbtn to always sit in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen when the screen is set to SHOW_ALL?

ActionScript Code:
//pseudo code but rough idea of what I think I need to do

var stageratio=stage.stageHeight/stage.stageWidth;
var worksinshow_allratio=worksinshow_all.scaleY/worksinshow_all.scaleX;

if (stageratio>//and now I'm stumped.

ActionScript Code:
//kind of where I think I should go if I use SHOW_ALL
bottemleftcornerbtn.x=0;//that was easy
bottemleftcornerbtn.y=stage.stageHeight-bottomleftcornerbtn.height;//does not work.. just tried it.

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Jan 10, 2010

I have a full flash website built using Flash (of course). So I publish it using flash itself. But I am having a difficult time aligning it in center with its original dimension. I dun want my swf stretch out or scale at all. I want to display it without scaling and also in the center of the browser window.
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
I did try these and also tried changing my publish settings but didn't work.

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Flex :: Sprite Scaling Children Even Though Stage.scaleMode = "noScale" And Stage.align = "TL"?

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public function BaseWindow(){
var winInit:NativeWindowInitOptions = new NativeWindowInitOptions();
winInit.type = NativeWindowType.NORMAL;[code]..........

How do I prevent the distractor Sprite from scaling its children?

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Center A Flash Movie Vertically On A Page?

Aug 6, 2009

It used to be so easy to centre a flash movie in the center of a web page, but the days of aligning a movie in the center of a 100% x 100% table are over!

how it is done now a days? I'm guessing it's done using CSS code, but I'm a noob when it comes to CSS.

show me the code they would use to center a flash movie (dimensions 955px by 664px) horizontally and vertically on a web page?

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Actionscript 3 :: Centering Objects On Stage And Auto-Scaling With Stage Resize

Oct 19, 2011

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Html :: Get Flex App To Scroll Vertically When View In A Browser?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a web app built in Flash Builder 4.5. Its dimensions are 1150 x 900. When I try to view it on a smaller monitor or lower resolution, I can only scroll horizontally. I need it to scroll vertically. Is there a setting I am missing or could it be something else. I am not going to post any code at this time because I do not believe it is a syntax issue. If anyone feels I may be wrong, I will post the code needed. [URL]..

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Flash :: Movie Is Repeating Vertically In HTML Page

Mar 22, 2011

If you go to this URL and scroll all the way down - you will see that my Flash movie is showing up twice in the screen - stacked vertically on top of each other.  Can you hit view source and tell me what code I need to take out of my HTML page to stop it from repeating a second time.[url]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Centering The Swf In A Browser?

Feb 22, 2010

- How can I center my main SWF inside the browser without stretching the the swf? I just want it to be center both horizontal and vertical when you resize the browser.

- I found some tutorials but it is only referring to just ONE movieclip. What if I want to center the whole stage? Is there any other way to call the stage that has content in it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering SWF In Browser?

Jul 8, 2004

I'm trying to center an swf in a browser without using table width and height 100% and the most promising way i've found so far is to set

Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";

in the first frame and then set the width and height of the object tag in the html to 100%. However, i'm having trouble getting this to work with the doctype in some newer browsers.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering SWF In A Browser?

Feb 22, 2010

I have some questions about centerting your SWF inside a browser using actionscript 3.0.

- How can I center my main SWF inside the browser without stretching the the swf? I just want it to be center both horizontal and vertical when you resize the browser.

- I found some tutorials but it is only referring to just ONE movieclip. What if I want to center the whole stage? Is there any other way to call the stage that has content in it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Centering SWF In Browser

Jul 8, 2004

I'm trying to center an swf in a browser without using table width and height 100% and the most promising way i've found so far is to set Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";in the first frame and then set the width and height of the object tag in the html to 100%. However, i'm having trouble getting this to work with the doctype in some newer browsers.[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Centering A Pop-up Browser Window?

Jun 2, 2009

how to horizontally and vertically center a browser pop-up window in Flash? Below is the code tied to my Flash button:

on (release) { getURL("javascript:openNewWindow('','thewin','height=300,width=400,toolbar=no ,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes') ");}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering My Site In The Browser?

Sep 18, 2009

I've just finished building a website with a fluid layout. When I tried it in the browser, it's not centered. I tried adding <center> </center> tags to the body of the HTML page but this didn't work... so how can I fix it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering Site In The Browser

Sep 18, 2009

I've just finished building a website with a fluid layout. When I tried it in the browser, it's not centered. I tried adding <center> </center> tags to the body of the HTML page but this didn't work.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Centering Mc On Browser Resize?

Mar 24, 2011

I am working on a flash website which needs to be fluid layout. The background image is resizingperfectly fine when the browser is re-sized.I have also managed to make the logo centre on re-size. My problem is with the two other movie clips which both have other mc inside.My content is residing inside a movie clip called "content_mc" inside the content_mc I have other movie clips with AS. I have tried using the same line of AS I used to centre the logo on "x" but the content disappears of the screen on run time!I thought maybe I am doing something wrong in the math. Note my content_mc it is positioned at x= -1620 and y= 270 W= 900 H= 7412. Here is the AS I use to resize the bg img and to centre the logo_mc

Code: Select all// background image resize..//
function init()


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IDE :: Centering Website In Browser When Published?

Dec 25, 2002

how i canter my website like, etc. Right now whatever i do, dreamweaver positions my flash site in the top left corner of the browser, save the small border on the top and left,

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