Html :: Get Flex App To Scroll Vertically When View In A Browser?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a web app built in Flash Builder 4.5. Its dimensions are 1150 x 900. When I try to view it on a smaller monitor or lower resolution, I can only scroll horizontally. I need it to scroll vertically. Is there a setting I am missing or could it be something else. I am not going to post any code at this time because I do not believe it is a syntax issue. If anyone feels I may be wrong, I will post the code needed. [URL]..

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var imageSnap:ImageSnapshot=ImageSnapshot.captureImage(myCanvas);
var as ByteArray;

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var printJob:FlexPrintJob=new FlexPrintJob();
printJob.addObject(myCanvas, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);

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Vertically Centering Flash Movie In Browser With Stage.scaleMode?

Oct 30, 2009

I have this flash website where i use Stage.scaleMode to dynamically resize the swf depending on the browser size. (i use A.script 2.0). So the width takes the whole screen and the height is scaled in proportion. My design is in a landscape format. It works fine, except that i need the swf to also be vertically centered in the browser Window. (explanantion - on certain screens, example a 19 inch PC monitor which is quite "squared", my flash movie expands the whole way across the width, and the height in proportion, but as my design is in landscape, i have a big empty space in the browser below the swf.)
This is how it is:    This is how it should be:

Here is the code:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"
Stage.align = "TL";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MouseWheel Scroll Not Functioning In The Standard View

Feb 7, 2008

Ok I have implemented a zoom feature where you can zoom in/out by scrolling the mouse the standard view, if the mouse is over the exhibitor list on the left, the map is not supposed to zoom when the mouse wheel is scrolled, but the list does scroll...this works fine as it should...when you switch to full screen view...when you have the exhibitor tab open, the mouse wheel scroll is only supposed to control the list component and not scroll the main map...this works fine locally from the flash workspace....however once I put it on the server...when the exhibitor tab is open...and you scroll the mouse on the list, the map zooms in and the list scrolls...this is crap and it shouldnt be happening...why does it occur online but not locally? here is the code...


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Flex :: Change A View From Inside A View?

Jun 13, 2010

I have one .mxml file (the Application) with a ViewStack (with 4 views) and a ControlBard, obviously I can change the views with it, but what I want to do is: in view #1 I have an image which I want to convert to a "hyperlink", so when I click it I go to View #2, is this doable? Also I would like to pass somehow some data (like a String) to that View #2 (lets say the it's a user avatar I click so I want to go to the second view which will show me his profile, that's why I need his name/id).

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