Html :: Flex - Zooming In/out Browser

Feb 21, 2012

I'm developing a new Flex app that's in the middle of an html page.

I want to be able to achieve what this website achieves [URL] when zooming in and out in the browser. It makes the container smaller but does not rescale the swf file.

Presently my app, scales and it looks ugly. I want it to basically not scale and just make everything smaller.

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Javascript :: Image Zooming Trick In A Browser?

Feb 22, 2011

I would like to do the following trick in a browser:

Create three image files of different size (small, medium, large) from one picture.

First, display the small image in a browser. When a user zooms in the small image replace it with the medium one. Now the user can scroll it within the window up and down, left and right. When a user zooms out the small image replace it with the small one, etc.

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I have just created a site which loads several external .swf's into a main movie clip and the browser zoom works fine UNTIL I incorporate a further .swf which was created from a PDF file (using swfTools - pdf2swf).

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Jun 8, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: FLEX - Scrollbars And Zooming?

Jan 24, 2012

It's going to be used to view complicated scenes in 3D, but to make it work on laptops it's instead showing pre-rendered 360 degree renders of the objects.When you load an object, it first buffers 360 frames into memory, so that you can rotate around this object smoothly. When you release the mouse button, it loads in the high-res image of that frame.

Then, you should be able to zoom in and move around to inspect the model closer.Problem here is when I have the scrollbars enabled it wont work properly.Firstly, I had a problem where the vertical scrollbar moved out of the picture when I was scrolling the horizontal scrollbar.

Then after some more testing, they now stay where they should, but when I zoom in (will post code below) the horizontal scrollbar is not able to go far enough to the left to show the whole image.What happens is, when I zoom in, the scrollbar remains at it's left position, but I zoom in on the center of the image (zooming, by scaling the container. The image fill the container).

My problem is probably just a result of me overlooking some basic understanding. And sorry if the code is a bit messy, I've only done a little bit of clean up. The code I post below is without any scrollbars visible.

You can see that I've tried using scrollbar components too, and it works somehow. But I'm not able to scale the scrollbar depending on the content, so if I zoom in or out, the handle you drag on the scrollbar will be the same...

Image of app running if needed:


<mx:Panel x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" titleIcon="@Embed('assets/img/cog_01.png')" title="vCog Subsea - Draugen Project">


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protected function init():void
var browser:HTML = new HTML();


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private function slider (event:Event) {
// = 0 to 1
// possible values are 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ... 0.9, 1


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<mx:Image id="imgContent"/>
<s:HSlider id="hsZoom" minimum="25" maximum="400" value="100" stepSize="25"


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Dec 5, 2010

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Flex :: Make A Flash Browser App That Could Receive Data From Browser Plugin Or Other Windows App?

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Mar 30, 2011

I have collection of images getting from xml. That images placed in tilelist, i need zooming while mouseover which one image.

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Html :: Running An .exe File From A Browser?

Feb 26, 2011

I have got a page which lets me control some devices in a local network. However, some of the advanced settings can be set only using an .exe file which is located on the computer where I run the configuration page. I would like to have all the configurational tools "in one place" so it would be nice to have a kind of link/block/button/flash animation/whatever which - after being clicked by the user - would run a specified .exe file. I think that it is possible somehow, because I've seen MMO games which are launched using a webpage. I also suspect that html/javascript will not let me to do something like that, so maybe the answer is Flash?

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Html :: Recording Sound In Browser?

Jun 7, 2011

If one wants to record sound from the microphone input in the browser one can do so today through Flash. (Afaik there is currently no other good option which works across browsers.Is there a simple swf-plugin which allows one to do so? That is,with the options "Start recording", "Stop recording", "Get wave of recorded sound (or similar)".

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Html :: Browser Load A Flash File?

Aug 17, 2011

How does the browser load flash files? Do they load progressively, or does the browser wait until the entire flash file is loaded before displaying it?The reason is I have a tiny clip that is extremely high in quality, only a few seconds long, but it's over 4 mb.Will the user have to wait until all 4 mb is loaded before viewing? Or does it load as the user watches it? I just imported a .flv into Flash, and exported as a .swf.

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Mar 9, 2012

<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='165' height='37' id='niftyPlayer1' name='niftyPlayer1'>
<param name='movie' value='audio/niftyplayer.swf?file=/audio/tarantella.mp3&amp;as=0'>


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Apr 14, 2009

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Jan 3, 2010

I'm recording a mono audio stream using a PIC at 8-bit 8Khz and streaming it raw to another microprocessor that houses a web server.I'm currently buffering the data and turning it into a wav file that gets played in the browser.What I'd like to be able to do is continuously stream the audio as it's being recorded without putting a lot of encoding overhead on the second processor.I've been searching but most searches turn up just streaming from a stored file, but since the file size isn't known ahead of time I'm not sure how to do this without the overhead of mp3 encoding.

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Browser Detection - Open The Html File That Is Generated Along With The Swf

Jul 11, 2009

Whenever I publish a Flash project, when I open the html file that is generated along with the swf, I am never able to see the swf embedded in the html file (when I open it in Dreamweaver, for example.) This is frustrating as far as manipulating the html file is concerned. All I see is some text about "Place alternate content here for those w/o Flash Player installed, etc." Why can't I see the swf file? It is there as expected when I upload all the proper files and/or view them in a browser locally. Alternatively, what I am having to do in order to design the html file properly is open a new file and embed the swf manually. But this approach is not good as I am missing out on all the other browser detection features that the html file that is published by Flash includes naturally. How can I preserve this benefit and still get into the details of designing the html file?

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