ActionScript 1/2 :: Zooming In And Then Zooming Out In (Without Scaling The Image)?
Feb 27, 2012
Basically I want to know if there is a way to go from a zoomed in version of something, and then seeing the whole image in another frame. (By pressing a button)
Let's say there's a tree, I would bascially like (upon pressing a button which I can do) to zoom out and see the whole scenery. Is there a way I can do this without actually changing the size of the image?
I look at professional animations and notice the camera-like effects they manage to put into these animations. I'm wondering how I can do the same without having to just enlarge or reduce a movieclip across the stage. Is there any way to add a camera view on your animations or do you just have to bear with Flash's basic necessities?
I'm trying to scale a container/parent movie clip up so that I effectively zoom in to a point referenced by one of its children. I've figured out how to use globalToLocal to get that point at the center of the stage, but the problem is the registration point for the container clip is (and needs to stay) at the upper left, so when I scale the container clip up, the point does not stay in the center of the screen. Here's my code:
Is there a way to that users can zoom in and out of an image and even drag/scroll around if the image is larger than the viewing window.I looking for a way to creativly display my portfolio in a limited area.
I have an image that is loaded into a scrollpane, which works fine. I have two buttons on the stage that I want the user to be able to click on in order to zoom in or out of the image that is loaded into the scrollpane. I can't seem to get these zoom buttons to work on the movieClip with the image that is loaded into the scrollpane.
Lastly, I don't know if this makes a difference, but this swf file is loaded upon release of another button on the root timeline of another swf.
I tried attaching a simplified version of this file to this message but even zipped I cant get it lower than 380kb. I can email it to anyone if they are interested.
I'm panning on an image 2kx2k pixels. Panning is working wonderfully. I added a scrollRect to the image container and test the mouse position. I'm trying to add zoom: Main Movie -> PanClass Object -> Image Container -> External Swf.
I have a couple test buttons that simply allow a user to zoom in or out on that image. I figured that by zooming in (adjusting x and y scale) of the external swf that my movie would scale and continue to pan which it does, but it is still panning at the original size of the image. I need it to pan in the same size window as before but with the new scaled dimensions. I've included the panImage function.
I have loaded an image from a particular site using loader..and added this loader in a Movieclip.. I want to zoom and pan theimage.. How to zoom particular area of a movieclip?
I have a photo gallery. All the photos are displayed as thumbnails. When a user clicks on a thumbnail, the preview will be displayed in a canvas with full size. Now, I want to zoom the displayed image as much as possible.
I have this .fla that loads and xml file along with several other classes. This purpose of this file is to zoom content. Whenever you use your cursor to zoom, it goes to the exact location where your mouse pointer is. My problem is --it only works fine when the image is 200px by 200px or less. The image that I wanna load will be at least 500 by 500. I tweaked the settings but the zoom zooms too slow or too fast. I think the image size conflicts with the zoom.
here is the code in .fla -------------------------------------------- = "prod1.xml";
've got an image slideshow that dynamically loads images from an XML file, and it works great.It loads an image, and fades into the next one, no problem.But I want the image loaded to be zoomed in, and slowly zoom out, while still fading to the next image when it gets to a certain point.
I want to zoom in and out on an image (it's actually a thumbnale which pops up). Or if you want, to have a small image 'grow' to a larger formatI tried it with scaling + tween, but it is hardly a smooth transition.
I come across this again and again in flash. Using the default timeline based tweening (with the FPS set to 24) there any way of smoothing out the jerkiness? any AS i can add on frame 1 for example?
Is there any way that i can smooth out images that zoom in/out with normal classic tween. they are so jittery it looks terrible. I even have a little bit of easing and frames per second set to 30.
I have an app in Flash CS5 that I am creating for iOS. I am loading an external image to a frame with the UILoader. I would like to be albe to use the two finger zoom and single finger up/down/left/right movements on the image I loaded with the UILoader.
I would like to do the following trick in a browser:
Create three image files of different size (small, medium, large) from one picture.
First, display the small image in a browser. When a user zooms in the small image replace it with the medium one. Now the user can scroll it within the window up and down, left and right. When a user zooms out the small image replace it with the small one, etc.
I would prefer JavaScript (Flash is the second option). What tool would you recommend ?
I have a series of buttons on the screen and a single background. I need a small masked area around each button to zoom in slightly when the user rollsover the button.Im currently using a mask over a copy of the background and then changing the reg point of the copy.I then tween the scale up and down, but if I flick to another button quickly it doesnt update the reg and the image behind the mask for that button is incorrect.I thought there may be a way to capture what was inside the mask and then to convert it to a bitmap, and then scale up the captured bitmap.
I'm working on a newspaper reading application using Flex, which displays scanned newspaper pages. I need to make a image zooming function, so the user can zoom in and out, as the minimum of 25% and the maximum of 400% in the size.This is what I have so far:In the mxml:
how to zoom the image displayed with the help of an item renderer.If i apply the Zoom effect on rollover ,the particular cell zooms the image with the scroll bars. Is their any other way of doing this without showing the scrollbars.
i have a mobile application that i am creating in Adobe Flex (Flash Builder 4), and i am trying to create a zoom function. The one i have works, but the point is to be able to more easily read words that are in the image (the images are .jpg files). The images are 2550x3300 originally, but as soon as you zoom, the image quality reduces drastically, and nothing is readable.
I'm currently testing various ways to zoom images (or rather, whole DisplayList hierarchies). Using scaleX and scaleY works quite well, but when I use the z property to zoom the image (by placing it further away) the image gets blurred when returning to z=0. The image is put in a Sprite ("groundLayer") and that Sprite itself is put in another Sprite ("zoomLayer"). Whenever I'm zooming I'm manipulating properties of the "zoomLayer" only. This image was taken right after returning scaleX and scaleY back to 1.0: This image was taken right after returning z back to 0.0:
I've tried searching for information about this phenomena but couldn't really find anything useful. Can anyone explain what's happening there? Why is Flash blurring the image after manipulating the zproperty? Is there a way to prevent that (well, other than obviously leaving z alone)?
how to zoom into(hence zooming the map outward) set locations on a map, yet only those locations. I have a script which will zoom to your mouse location and also if I set the specific x and y, but still zooms when clicking on any other spot.
how do I zoom to only a set location and nothing else within a map/image.
I'd like to have my viewers mouse over any of the MovieClips on the scene and using the keyup / keydown have only that MC scale up or down. The scaling should only effect the moused over MC.Here is what I'm using for the scaling on one MC now...
var Listener:Object;Listener = new Object();Listener.onKeyDown = function(){ if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { container._xscale = container._xscale + 10; container._yscale = container._yscale + 10; } if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { container._xscale = container._xscale - 10; container._yscale = container._yscale - 10; } };Key.addListener(Listener);
I was just working on trying to zoom a flash movie using JS but cant seem to get it and it is driving me nuts any of you guys know how I can zoom in and out on a movie using action script.
I need some help with creating two buttons that zoom in and out of a movieclip.I have seen some tutorials and tried them, but got really confused.My problem is that the movieclip i want zoomed (in & out) is embedded inside another movieclip, so don't know how to refer to it.
also where should i declare the zoom function?? on the movieclip or on the main timeline?? the buttons that control the zoom in and zoom out are on the main timeline.
I am a really new flash beginner, and I am trying to write a site that can do this scaling in/out effect (Not an image) after when a new file is loaded into the page. I've googled and searched everywhere and couldn't find a possible solution to this.You can see the site, there is a zoom in and moving effect after a button/new page is loaded.
Here are the scaling, I am talking about:http:[url]....
I had found a script which zooms to your mouse position, but is there a way to adapt this so it only zooms in on the particular mc and not the mouse position?