I am trying to access the variable myParentVariable within the function myParentFunction() from the MovieClip's myMovieClip_mc function myMovieClipFunction().
I know that It works if I declare the variable myParentVariable outside of the myParentFunction() but I don't really want to do that
main timeline //-------------------------------------------------------------------- --- myParentFunction(); function myParentFunction():void
I have been banging my head against a brick wall regarding the following problem which must be very simple to fix, just can't see the answer.I have a class assigned to a movieclip called canvas. The class is called drawClass. I have called the instance of canvas on the stage 'drawingCanvas'.When I trace "drawingCanvas" I get object drawClass] which is fine. Tracing drawingCanvas.name gets me the instance name 'drawingCanvas'.This is a String variable.Basically what I am trying to do is pass the MovieClip name to another class. In my example the class 'toolBar', which can then interact with the MovieClip.
The problem is passing 'drawingCanvas.name' results in a String, so I get an error saying :TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "canvasArea" to flash.display.MovieClip.I can't for love or money find a way to convert a String variable to a MovieClip variable! I have the name of the MovieClip, I just need to tell the toolbar class. But I can't find a way of doing this as the instance on stage is an object of drawingClass, not a MovieClip (unless MovieClips with attached classes are not treated as standard MovieClips?).
I have a button in a movie that I want to set a global variable to a new value when clicked. I want it to access a parameter of a movie clip that this same button loads onto the movie for the new global variable value. I have the final line under this button's onrelease script with something like this:
globalvariable1 = movieclip.parameter;
Everything is on level 0 and I've tried prefixing everything with _root. but it didn't make a difference, the global variable still wasn't changed. I'm a newbie so don't laugh if this is a really dumb question!
I'm trying to reference a variable of type String as a MovieClip that is linked from the library. For example, I have a linked library movieclip called HomeFrame, in my class I have a variable with "Home" and need to create an instance of HomeFrame based on the string I receive.[code]
I have a String variable in my flex (flash builder 4) application containing CSV data. I need to allow the user to download this data to a local file. For example, giving them a "csv" button to click and it might present them with a save file dialog (and I would be sending the contents of my string variable).Is this possible / how ?I am using the ResuableFX component for the datagrid to csv. This the code I ended up with that works to save the string to a text file for the user (in a web browser):
var dg2CSV:DataGrid2CSV = new DataGrid2CSV(); dg2CSV.includeHeader=true; dg2CSV.target=adgEncounters;
Trying to replace a portion of a string with a "-" if it matches a string variable in AS3.
var re:RegExp = new RegExp(imageArray[j][1],"gi"); trace(imageArray[jTemp][2].replace(re,"-"));
imageArray[jTemp][2] is a string imageArray[j][1] is a string as well I'm not getting the result I expect. I would like trace above to return 'permanentContainer-' Here are the traces for the above variables
how you would target a function's local variable through a concatenated variable string.For example:
var txt = "Hello World"; function testing(msg) { var test1 = msg;[code].........
I'd expect the trace to be "Hello World" but rather is given "undefined". So if variables created outside functions are created on the main timeline, where are local function variables created and how would you access them?
i'm getting a value from a class that gives me e.g "icon1" as data. i want to use this within a function to control the visibility of an item nested in a movieclip on the stage. the nested movie has the same name as the data being sent.
// here's what i want it to do: mymenu.icon1.visible = true; // but i cant append the 2 together as flash will see it as a string not read it as path.
In actionscript an object's property can be accesses in this way: object["propertyname"] Is something like this possible in c#, without using reflection?
I have an engine I created a while back that loads objects into a container based on XML data. A really quick example of the XML would be like this: <level> <object cname="enemies.Robot"> <pos x="200" y="400" layer="mobiles" /> </object><object cname="Player"> <pos x="12" y="89" layer="mobiles" /> </object></level>
I have a class Environment that has a method loadLevel(data:XML) which I parse the XML through, then the function runs through the XML finding all object nodes and uses getDefinitionByName to determine which Object I want to create based on object.@cname. From here, I have to manually define each property based on the XML like so: obj.x = xml.pos.@x; obj.y = xml.pos.@y; etc.
I was wondering if there's an inbuilt method for setting a property based on a String. By this I mean something like so: var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); mc.someInbuiltFunctionThatSetsAProperty("alpha", 0.5);
This way I could change my XML to be more like so: <object cname="Player"> <props> <x>200</x> <y>221</y> <alpha>7834</alpha> <health>Something</health> <power>3</power> </props></object>
And iterate through all the children of props to set all of my properties on the fly. I know if I create an Object and set properties within it like so: var obj:Object = { var1: "hello", var2: "there", name: "marty" };
That you can then iterate through names/values using the for(String in Object) loop like this: var i:String; for(i in obj){ trace(i + ": " + obj[i]); } /** * Output: * var1: hello * var2: there * name: marty */
Surely there's a way, as here's an example of identifying a property using a String: var ar:Array = [new MovieClip(), new MovieClip()]; ar.sortOn("alpha", Array.ASCENDING); So just to make my question more to-the-point: I want to be able to get and set properties that I can identify using a String.
have a button on the stage that you called "myButt". Now suppose you want to change its size. You write:myButt._xscale = 25;Now suppose you don't know it's name, but you get the name from another variable:buttname = "myButt";How do you change its size then? in some compiler languages you can expand the string buttname into its value at compile time, with special flagging, such as:
I have an object with an Array of objects inside. Each object has a name property. To scope it directly I would use:
ActionScript Code: obj._arrayOfObjects[0]._object name; // trace returns the first object's name in the array if you understand this so far then here is an easy question for you.
This is sort of difficult to explain but I'll do my best. I've got 6 score variables that go up over time.
Each corresponds to a different color of "Monster" class I reated. "GreenMonster", "BlueMonster", etc. are all custom classes. Each class has a string property called "MonsterColor". So "Blue1.MonsterColor = "Blue".
To save lines of code, and learn, I'm trying to use a local string variable to take the place of whichever of these 6 int variables I need. So inside a for loop, I've created a variable called "colorscore".
I would like to dinamically create array variables, depending on a XML file. The problem I have is that I don't know how to create them dinamically using a name I have constructed into a string variable. What I would like is something like this:
var strVarName; ... strVarName = "Var" + i; var strVarName = new Array(); ...
So I would have n arrays called Var1, Var2, ... Varn.
I have here a bubble popping game where bubbles fall from top of the game to the bottom and the player tries to pop as many bubbles as possible in 30 seconds. It is a 3 frame game, 1st frame is the start button, 2nd frame is the game, 3rd frame is the score and play again. 1st frame: Buttons to go to the second frame 2nd Frame: timer to count 30 seconds of play time 3rd frame: buttons to play again. ScoreValue is a dynamic textbox in the last frame of the game. It records the points based on size the size scale of the bubble, and should be change based on the amount of bubbles the player has popped.
Im getting this as output in my program, does any one know why? Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts.
I just want to acquire the existing label from the currently selected item in a ComboBox. I populated it with a DataProvider with a list of strings and it will not allow me to get the currently selected label, especially if I input a new one, not included in the DataProvider
I have got two movieclips on the main timeline. First one is envelope_mc and second is bg_main. In envelope_mc timeline there is a button on 25th frame which plays ahead when clicked. Here's the code for first movieclip:
Code on_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAhead); function playAhead(event:MouseEvent):void { play(); }I have also got some animation on bg_main which
I have got two movieclips on the main timeline. First one is envelope_mc and second is bg_main. In envelope_mc timeline there is a button on 25th frame which plays ahead when clicked. Here's the code for first movieclip:
Code: on_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAhead); function playAhead(event:MouseEvent):void { play(); }
I have also got some animation on bg_main which I wan't to trigger on 30th frame (inside bg_main timeline) when button is clicked in envelope_mc timeline. Here's the code for second movieclip:
Code: MovieClip(root).on_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAhead); function playAhead(event:MouseEvent):void { play(); }
Complete error: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at Flashphotographygallerywebsite7_fla::bg_1/frame25()
I'm trying to access a parent movieClip from the child movieClip
Here's what I want to do,
I've got a movieClip named wrong_mc, which plays for a couple of frames and on the last frame, its got a close button "close_btn" inside of it, now I wanna write the code such that when close_btn is played the movieClip "wrong_mc" should go and stop at frame1, I'm just not able to access this movieClip from the button.
I have a problem accessing a variable loaded from another swf. Actually the variable is a singeltone class, which needs to be initialized.It has structure presented in the last part of the message.The project has the following structure:
- main.swf - this loads all the other swf files and is their holder.
- assets.swf - contains some common elements and initializes the SingleTone class
- interface.swf - contains some interface elements and needs to use the SingleTone class
- all the three swf files have access to a common class structure, where the SingleTone class is defined.
Now, the problem I have is accessing the SingleTone class from the interface.swf file. If I try to send the SingleTone.singleTone. property parameter to the class I get "Type coercion failed: cannot convert from ClassName@.. to ClassName". If I try to access the SingleTone class directly from the interface.swf file i get "Cannot access a property or reference of a null object...". Both errors I get seem logical:
- if I send a parameter, I send the reference to that object, but the interface.swf file does not have access to the assets.swf domain;
- if I try to access the SingleTone class directly from the interface.swf file, I get the null error because the class is not initialized over the interface.swf domain.
Is there any work arround? I know a simple solution may be to initialize the variable over the interface.swf domain, but what if there is a variable that can only be instantiated in the assets.swf? Can I access that variable from another swf, or can I change the ApplicationDomain?
I've got two classes running...one is a document class (EgoGame.as) and another is a class linked to several similar movie clips (Ball.as).I'm trying to access a public variable from Ball.as which has been declared in the doucment class EgoGame.as.When I run the test the outputs states the following...1120: Access of undefined property _ballPlaced.Here's my code. What I'm trying to do is remove the event listeners from the Ball.as when the _ballPlaced variable is true, so that the user can't drag and drop the balls after they've been placed in a zone.