Actionscript 3 :: Arraycollection Sorting Based On Array Of Values?

Apr 8, 2011

I have been working on sorting Arraycollection like ascending , descending the numeric list. Total length of my collection will go up to 100. Now I want to preform sort to nested data like this

Data Structure

Name : String
Categories : Array ["A","x or y or z","C"]

Categories array will have maximum 3 items , out of that three items the second item can have 3 different values either X or Y or Z. My result data looks like here

{"Mike" , ["A","x","C"]}
{"Tim" , ["A","y","C"]}
{"Bob" , ["A","x","C"]}[code]....

anyone please explain how to sort this type of data in a way showing all "x" first , "y" next and "z" at the last and vice a versa.

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//sort the chosen ones into an array


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{date: 2009-12-01, visits=13555, bouceRate=45}
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{date: 2009-12-06, visits=13685, bouceRate=45}


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Actionscript Code:
function clearTowers():void {  while (towerHolder.numChildren > 0) {  towerHolder.removeChildAt(0);  }}function orderTowers():void {  clearTowers(); 


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for (n=1; n<6; n++) {
var hr = "horse"+[n];


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like myArray.sortOn(x, Array.NUMERIC)
Dealing with Vector arrays of primitives not complex objects.

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Nov 2, 2010

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var f:String;
I need to access the photoFilePath where series = f. So if f=2, then I need /pics/my2.png
So, pseudo code: myAc.(series="f").photoFilePath
<mx:ArrayCollection id="myAC">
<mx:Object label="Label 1" series="1" photoFilePath="/pics/my1.png" pageTitle="First"/>
<mx:Object label="Label 2" series="2" photoFilePath="/pics/my2.png" pageTitle="Second"/>

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Sep 6, 2009

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private var myARR:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
private function abc(){
var myStr:String="{year:'2004',Test1:10,Test2:20,Test3 :30}";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sorting A New Array From An Existing Array?

Sep 19, 2005

i got an existing array, main[y], which after an equation, will come out with another array.

if (main[y] === topicList.getValue()){
subTopic = [];
subTopic = fTitle[y]

However, i could not sort the subTopic, as it gkeep giving me undefined. Is there any way to sort this subTopic, such that they are in alphabetical orders?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Array In Arraycollection And Add Item To The End Of Array?

Aug 24, 2010

I have this code to try to acess the values of the array in the arraycollection but it does not work it actually creates a value to the end of the arraycollection. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong i basically whant to modifys the individual arrays in the arraycollection and add Login_user.

for(var i:int = 0; i< dispArray.length; ++i){

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Flex :: Pass The Array Values (not The Array Collection Values) To The Bar Charts Or Column Charts?

Sep 7, 2010

Is there anyway where I can pass the Array values (not the array collection values) to the Bar charts or column charts using flex 3.5...

here is the thing i want:::

I have array values like this,,

array1 = [23, 49, 40, 239, 20, 80, 39,49,120, 24, 31,41];

and i want to show these values on the Yaxis and months on Xaxis....

I have two Qns,

1) how can I pass this array to Bar chart or column chart.

2) how do I need to show months on Xaxis. beacuse I'm asking this regarding, I have kept a filters that even if we want to see some months or a particular months or perticalar span of months... there on Xaxis it need to change the months dynamically depending on the filters..... (for ex, on Xaxis the values should be (Jan, Apr, Jun,Oct) if i select the 3 months period filter....)

I have written a logic to collect the values of those particular months into an array, but not understading how to pass this array to Bar chart,, beacuse there I don't know what Xfield and Yfield to be given....

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IDE :: Sorting Again Array Of Objects?

Sep 18, 2009

Trying to re-sort an array of objects from:
var arr:Array = new Array({num:0},{num:1},{num:2},{num:3})
var arr:Array = ({num:0},{num:3},{num:1},{num:2})

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting An Array Of MC's By X/y?

Mar 23, 2010

- Put a bunch of MC's on the stage distributed horizontally.

- Store them in an array.

- yourArray.sortOn("x", Array.DESCENDING)

- loop though the now "sorted" array and trace their x property.

Doesn't work, does it? If it did, shuffle them up and try again (sometimes, perhaps randomly they will be in order).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting A Two Dimensional Array?

Mar 8, 2009

have a twodimensional array that consists of 6 other arrays(like array[0 to 5][0 to 4]). The [4] of each sub-array is a indexnumber that i'd like to use for sorting the array[0][x] toarray[5][x] according to their array[x][4]-value. How would I do

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting Array By Largest Sum?

Feb 1, 2010

How would I do to sort this array by the largest sum and not just the first number?
var myArray:Array = new Array(100, 200, 9);
//puts out (9, 200, 100)
How would I do to get it (200, 100, 9)?

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Actionscript 3 :: Sorting An Array Of Objects?

May 23, 2010

I'm trying to sort an array of objects with ActionScript 3.

The array is like this:

var arr:Array = new Array ();
arr.push ({name:"John", date:"20080324", message:"Hi"});
arr.push ({name:"Susan", date:"20090528", message:"hello"});

can I do something with Array.sort(...) method?

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