Flex :: Accessing Node In ArrayCollection Based On Variable Value
Nov 2, 2010
I need accessing a value in my arrayCollection in Flex 3.
var f:String;
I need to access the photoFilePath where series = f. So if f=2, then I need /pics/my2.png
So, pseudo code: myAc.(series="f").photoFilePath
<mx:ArrayCollection id="myAC">
<mx:Object label="Label 1" series="1" photoFilePath="/pics/my1.png" pageTitle="First"/>
<mx:Object label="Label 2" series="2" photoFilePath="/pics/my2.png" pageTitle="Second"/>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" >
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{"Tim" , ["A","y","C"]}
{"Bob" , ["A","x","C"]}[code]....
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I'm also a bit confused as to why the code just stops. I realize that flash doesn't generally display errors at runtime, but if it doesn't show up as a compile error or warning what is the best way to avoid the code hang up? Also is this the correct way to access the node? I actually am trying to retrieve the team attribute on the same node with an id that I'm using in the xml search query. Should playXML.players.(@id == '18431').@team get me that value? It seems to cause the same behavior any time I try to use that syntax even with other attributes from the player nodes and if I use something like playXML.players.@id it returns all the nodes id attributes.
Code: Select alltrace("got here");
trace(playXML.players.(@id == '18431'));
trace("also got here");
Here is the xml:
Code: Select all<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<player id="18431" pos="LOT" realpos="OT" name="TT1 Tackle 4" team="1509" number=""/>
Edit:I dropped a try/catch statement around this block and that solves the code execution issue but I still can't access the node I want with a given id using the playXML.players.(@id == '18431') style syntax.
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// Cannot access arrFiles from here.
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TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
at AS3_CSS_external_file2_fla::MainTimeline/onLoaded()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
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Jul 3, 2007
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Oct 7, 2011
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Arraycollection:- [0] - name: abc
[1] - name: hello
[2] - name: hello1
[3] - name:hai
after filtering the arraycollection as 'hell' , the array collection is displaying like the below:
[0] - name: hello1
[1] - name: hello
Can i know the reason why the index got changed after filter it?
* no server side code for filtering. it is only flex side filtering.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have a xml variable with:
I'm trying to get the folder name (xml.folder.@name) based on the imagem variable content with the command: example: folderfile = beach.jpg (dir should be vacation) Quote: dir = xml.folder.(xml.folder.files.imagem == folderfile).@name;
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Feb 4, 2011
i have a problem using the itemRenderer functionality. When using an ArrayCollection the visible Data in the DataGrid using the itemRenderer will be rendered just fine. But if i start scrolling the entries are repeating in the cells using the renderer. The cells are not filled with date according to the id. What mistake i'm doing here.
I read a lot of the explainations like:
here is the code for the set data function (itemRenderer is extending HBox):
override public function set data(value:Object):void {
_data = value;
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Apr 20, 2010
the applicable differences between an ArrayCollection and a Vector in flex? I'm unsure if I should be using one over the other. I saw that Vector is type safe and that makes me feel better, but are there disadvantages?
public var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
public var vec:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
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Sep 21, 2011
i have a question whether we can create a new xml node in as3 node containing dynamic value inside.....
as like if i want to get like..var newNode:XML = <IMAGE FULL="fullimages/3.jpg"THUMB="thumbnails/3.jpg"/>
where the images are dynamic values...
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May 26, 2005
I thought this was going to be easy! I would like to search an XML file for a particular data set i.e. set of nodes depending on a passed variable. However, storing a subset of my XML file via Code:var gallery = this.firstChild; and then searching 'gallery' as you would an array-using a for()-doesn't work since this.firstChild isn't returning an array
<collection title="Christmas 2004">
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Feb 11, 2011
I have a tree with nodes , and a delete button , first user select the node and click this delete button , I want this node to be removed from the tree , Its not XML , every node in tree is of type Object
I tried delete myTree.selectedItem (but compiler wont let me do it) also tried myTree.selectedItem = null (just unselects the item)and also how can I access reference to parent object of myTree.selectedItem ?
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