Actionscript 3 :: Class Organization: Function Internal Or External?

Jul 15, 2011

I am creating a side scrolling game in Flash (as3) and trying to keep things organized and clean.Ive created a "Level" class that gets all the level data, player data, and creates all the terrain objects and the player object. Its starting to get messy because im handlng all of the functions for player collision checks and player movement, terrain movement, sound starting and stopping, enemies, and more, all in this class. Is this normal? Or is there a better way to organize things to keep them separate, but still allow them to interact with each other.

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Function In External Class Located In External Swf

Oct 22, 2011

I am trying to access a function in a loaded swf that has external class.. I would like to avoid having to put the function on my "Main" Doc class in the external swf and instead access the function directly from the class

This is what ive tried so far and it's a no dice:

private function startLoad(){
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("one.swf");


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AS3 :: Flash - Preloader Internal Or External?

Feb 13, 2011

I was wondering what the best way to load my flash game would be. I know how to make an external preloader, but if I want to upload the .swf of the game to a site like newgrounds, Im guessing I need an internal preloader.I've tried a few times but my game only displays after the swf is 100% loaded. While its loading I just see white screen with grey "..." which im guessing is built into the flash player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Internal To External AS?

Jan 26, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash External AS To Internal?

Feb 14, 2012

im now working for a school assignment of flash game with AS3.0 which allows us to use someowever, i found that many source codes i downloaded are in external classes( ),I want to convert it back to inner flash AS.. like: package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Video Gets Stuck When C# Calling Their On Internal Function

Oct 6, 2010

In our live chat application when C# calls our swf file. Swf loads successfully and chat start vidoe streaming is perfect. But in the mean time if any of the C# function calls their internal function(C# function) video gets stuck for that duration and play again after C# function gets data.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving External File To Internal FLA?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading External XML Attribute To Internal

Apr 3, 2011

str = "<mytag name='Here should have attributes from an external file'>''</ mytag> ";
doc = new XML (str);
foot_name.text =;trace (y);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Text With Internal Links?

Jan 28, 2009

I understand loading external text into flash through actionscript to produce a quick way to modify text without modifying the flash movie. The problem is being able to create hyperlinks in the external text to navigate within the movie (website). So my question, Is there a way to load external text but with the ability to code links into words or phrases that point to instance names (frames) within the movie (website).

current method
create *.txt file
*.txt loads into .swf file

.swf is called from loader component on main movie.Or is this impossible and the text has to made within the main movie and edited through flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Internal To External File?

Nov 29, 2009

I have a nice contact form working with the code in a 2 frame movieclip.

I need to transfer the code to an external .as file.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Internal OnPress Screens Off The External One

Jan 11, 2012

if inside a movieclip my_mc I have onPress=function_1;

and then on the main timeline I have


Then function_1 will not be called at all as my_mc.onPress=function_2 will screen off the internal onPress=function_1?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Internal Code To External?

Mar 2, 2012

I've got a project that I've been avoiding because it's something I've never done before. I have a concept game that I put together with internal AS3. I wasn't given much time make it work, otherwise I would have done the code externally to start.

The project is now 'go', but I want to convert the crappy internal code to external. I don't have any of those fancy IDE's. I could get one, if it would help.Does anyone know of any tutorials covering internal to external conversion? Has anyone else done this? Is there a simple list of things to convert to make the code work externally?

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Call Function In Main Doc Class From External SWF?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a main.swf that loads in an external swf called home.swf. I want to be able to call a function in main.swf's doc class from the loaded swf:


function loadArtist():void { // my function }

in the main timeline of home.swf I'm calling it this way:


function timeToGo(m:MouseEvent):void {
trace("button pressed");
MovieClip(this.parent.parent).loadArtist(); }

the home.swf compiles fine but when loaded in the main.swf & the button is pressed i get this error:

TypeError: Error #1006: loadArtist is not a function.
at home_fla::MainTimeline/timeToGo()

It seems that it thinks loadArtist is a property. Ack. I've got 3 objects loaded dynamically using addChildAt(mc, 0) ...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extend Class / Function External Swf

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to load an external swf into another swf and acces some variables and functions. This actually works quite well, however I'm dealing with some variables from the external loaded swf that are read-only.I'm wondering if I could somehow change the variable to be writeable as well by extending a function from the loaded swf.Maybe there's also another way to change the read-only variable, but I have no clue.I know all the variables, functions and class names from the loaded swf, I just can't change them myself, I have to do it by loading the swf externally.The class from the external swf is called "Application" where I want to change the "public const DEV_SERVER_URL:String" to another string, or extend the function: "private function get serverUrl()" returning a string.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiating Class From External Function?

Nov 11, 2010

I've got a confusing situation which wont seem to fix itself basically I have my main class, my iContent class (which will hold each page and have functions for all pages), and my individual pages.

The homepage is instantiated by calling the iContentClass.goHome method in the main document class. The home page contains a button to go on to the next page. This button references the goColourBrowserPage function within the iContentClass, which removes the child (being the home page) and attempts to add a child (colourBrowserPage).

For some reason this doesnt work! It doesnt seem to add the child and wont let me remove the child of the home page! I've been sitting here for 3 hours trying to work it but to no avail!


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Professional :: External SWF Or Internal Symbol For Movie Clips?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm creating a Flash interactive thing which is basically a couple minute animated intro and then a menu of products to choose from. You click on one of 12 products and get a little animation about how it works. So my question is where to put these 12 product animations? I was originally thinking to just put them in the main timeline and just jump to them with labels but I'm thinking that the timeline is going to get too hairy, it's already got a lot. Now I'm wondering what the best approach should be. Should I produce 12 external SWF movies to be loaded when clicked on, or should I just make each product animation an internal movie symbol and just add an instance from the library to my main timeline? Or is there any other approach that might be better for some reason?

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Flash :: IDE Internal Cache When Loading External Data?

Aug 12, 2010

When retrieving external variables from the server URLVariables my Flash get stuck on first compilation values. Whenever I update server values flash compiles the first old values. Only after i restart CS4 IDE values are updated. Is there an internal cache?

There is nothing wrong with my code, because it works fine on my mac, but not on pc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Approach - Internal And External Assets

Nov 5, 2009

Working on my first real project in as 3.0, trying to decide how to best work in a preloader. What I have is a single swf containing some assets, and a target to a main doc class. After loading those assets onto the stage, it runs through a routine to load several other swfs, and then 'does stuff' with them... anyway. got all that working nicely. How, now to best track the loading of the main swf? If I understand it correctly the Loader class is purely for loading external assets. well - what about internal assets?

Got this:
ActionScript Code:
//A large SWF file can monitor its download by calling
this.root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, func)

I think it would be called AFTER the whole main.swf has loaded. In AS2.0 i could target _level0 to get information back about the currently loading swf...
ActionScript Code:
initPercent = (_level0.getBytesLoaded()/_level0.getBytesTotal());

But, again, these are internal assets, not even living in memory yet. As far as I can tell - I need to use a preliminary (separate) swf to load the main.swf. (Like i used to do with AS2) - But if there was a method of targeting internal assets - a 'self loader' that would be cleaner...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert External File To Internal Actions?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm wondering if there's a "fix" for converting a tutorial that uses an external .as file to using ActionScript internal to the Flash file itself.For example, the Colorful Explosion tutorial runs all of its ActionScript from a separate file that must be present with the swf file to run the animation.


Is there a way to have all of the animation ActionScript run from within the swf file by, say, pasting the code into the Actions panel or other internal method? I just don't want to complicate a project with multiple files and want others to only have convenient access to a single swf file.

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IDE :: External Html And Internal Flash Frame Links?

Jan 3, 2010

Not sure if I'm in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm somewhat proficient with html, but fairly new to flash, using cs4pro, as3.Here's my dilemma. Converting an existing html/css site to flash. Flash is main site now but a few html pages are still linked, a buy page and a form page, a few others. I can get the all the external html pages to link to a frame in the flash movie, and I can get the flash to link with all external urls.My problem comes when I move to a frame outside the main timeline. The movie is lets say 393 frames. All symbols/content are on seperate layers, and so is the action. Once the full movie ends, I have several frames past that where I have basically created frames for additional "pages" and created anchors for those frames, new layes for content, new layers for anchor (labeled) and new layers for a stop(); on each frame, I extended the pertinant graphic frames out to 410 from the original movie.

Now when the movies runs the buttons appear at about frame 115, so in the action layer I coded a keyframe and then added frames of it out to frame 410 or so: I have attached the .fla (not able to attach at this forum .fla here:s say to an external link (button) like members, the html member page opens, and if you click home button, back to flash frame, and all works, all buttons, on the home frame 393. But if you go to any of the external htmls, and then go back to any other frame like frame 401 the about page, and all the rest 402 403, etc, the page appears properly, but then none of the links function.

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Flex :: Call An External Function From Inside A Class?

Aug 1, 2011

i want to call an external function inside a class. thats the code;

in checkConnectionStatus function,

this[_funcNameForSucceededCon].apply(); doesnt work because "this" is the class, not the Application. How can i reach Application at this time or what can i do?

package myLibrary


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Main Class Function From External?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm quite confused about how to do it, look at this [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An External Class / Function To Return Variables

Jul 29, 2008

I'm using a class that I converted from AS2 to AS3 using Patrick Mineault's converter: [URL]

The original AS2 class:

* Colour handling routines
* Culled from many places:
* -


Is the AS2 to AS3 conversion part of the problem (aside from my ignorance of how to use it)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Function From External Method In Same Class?

Jan 30, 2010

For some reason I cant figure this out,I have a function thats in a method in a class..I have a second method in the same class, trying to call the function from the second methodeg:

package com.sarin


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket Class Unable To Connect To Internal Loopback?

Feb 16, 2011

I am building an AIR application where I receive UDP messages from Max/MSP using the Socket class. When testing in an internal loopback environment ( messages sent from at port 7400 ) I can see the UDP messages being sent, as in: I can receive the messages I'm broadcasting in Max/MSP by listening to port 7400.However, the AIR app throws IO errors when trying to connect ( via the Socket class, using Socket.connect ) to aforementioned IP and port and I for the life of me can't find out why the app has no access to the internal loopback sending UTP ( if for instance, I start a Apache server at the same IP but at different port, the Socket class connects immediately to that IP - it won't receive data of course, but at least it can establish a connection )I am thinking the problem lies outside of the AS app and is an internal networking issue, I'd like to know if someone has experienced a similar error ( I'm on OS X, btw ) as I don't think it's a security sandbox error ( as the event isn't thrown, and the application type is trusted ).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Internal Classes With An Extended Public Class?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a class that extends another, e.g.,
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class MySprite extends Sprite{


and extend that class, if more than one internal classes are defined:
package {    
public class MainClass extends MySprite {         
public function MainClass():void{}   


ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable MainClass is not defined.Note that this only happens (as far as I can tell) when the public class of the package extends another class, and multiple internal classes are defined. The internal classes don't even need to be instanced or referenced to generate the error (the bare-bones code above will error out). If only a single internal class is defined, it works fine (no error).  Even if the internal class is instanced.

View 11 Replies

External And Internal Links - Move To A Frame Outside The Main Timeline

Jan 3, 2010

Not sure if I'm in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm somewhat proficient with html, but fairly new to flash, using cs4pro, as3. Here's my dilemma. Converting an existing html/css site to flash. Flash is main site now but a few html pages are still linked, a buy page and a form page, a few others. I can get the all the external html pages to link to a frame in the flash movie, and I can get the flash to link with all external urls.

My problem comes when I move to a frame outside the main timeline. The movie is lets say 393 frames. All symbols/content are on seperate layers, and so is the action. Once the full movie ends, I have several frames past that where I have basically created frames for additional "pages" and created anchors for those frames, new layes for content, new layers for anchor (labeled) and new layers for a stop(); on each frame, I extended the pertinant graphic frames out to 410 from the original movie.

Now when the movies runs the buttons appear at about frame 115, so in the action layer I coded a keyframe and then added frames of it out to frame 410 or so: I have attached the .fla Now I'm lost here. When you navigate the site, from home lets say to an external link (button) like members, the html member page opens, and if you click home button, back to flash frame, and all works, all buttons, on the home frame 393. But if you go to any of the external htmls, and then go back to any other frame like frame 401 the about page, and all the rest 402 403, etc, the page appears properly, but then none of the links function. the site URL is [URL]there is a flash intro too, swf in question is actually at[URL]

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Professional :: Load An External .swf File On Internal Movie Clip?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a movie clip called - contenct_mc       ----------------inside this movie clip I have another movie clip called - Introduction_mc    ------inside this mvovie clip There is another movie clip called - Footer_mc       -------inside this movie clip on actions layer I have copied the below code to show clock.swf file....but the following code doesn't work
CODE:I am using Flash CS4 AS3
var R:Loader=new Loader();addChild(R);
R.load(new URLRequest("clock.swf"));R.x = 540;R.y = 205;
R.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, RgrowLoader);
function RgrowLoader(evt:Event):void {
R.width = 200;     R.height = 200;}

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AS3 :: Flash - Difference Between Adding Internal And External Event Listeners?

Aug 2, 2011

I have some MovieClip class that has eventListener, added from inside the constructor of the class (it's MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN). Now, I want to add the same listener externally, from parent class, for other purposes. Will these two interfere with each other or it's okay?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting SWFAddress Value With Internal State Of External Clips

May 3, 2010

My project consists of various external SWF files and also uses SWFAddress. What I want is the internal state of some external clips to set the SWFAddress value.

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