Actionscript 3 :: Embedding Assets - "Warning: Failed To Parse Corrupt Data"?

Aug 17, 2010

I've got an AS3 project where I'm trying to compile in several images, a soundtrack, and a video via [Embed] metadata. It's a product requirement that these be embedded, so network transfer is not an option.I'm getting some really strange behavior - a sort of intermittent corruption of the compiled-in data. Sometimes after the project compiles, I run the swf and it closes immediately and writes "Warning: Failed to parse corrupt data" to the flash log. If I delete the binary and clean the project, sometimes it'll run fine after building it again. Sometimes it doesn't. This is probably the strangest part about this problem, but sometimes when I see that error, I can physically move the video [Embed] lines to the end of the file, then clean the project, and it will build and run no problem. Sometimes I move them back to the beginning of the file and it builds and runs fine.


I've tried both removing the -debug compiler option and adding the -optimize option, but no luck.Everything is being ran through the GNU C preprocessor for some other tasks, so maybe I'll try removing the preprocessor stuff and hardcoding those variables...Turns out the corrupted data message was due to images created with Photoshop's "Save for web" feature. If I save them outright as PNG images I don't get the message. However, the intermittent nature of the movie compiling properly still seems to be an issue. Now sometimes when the project is compiled it won't throw any compiler errors, but I get a blank flash player window. Right clicking in flash player shows a context menu with a message that says "Movie not loaded..." This doesn't appear to have anything to do with things being ran through CPP first.

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public var tutorialBg:Class;


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<caption>Roll over this</caption>
<caption>This is the first Caption.</caption>
<caption>This is the second Caption.</caption>

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var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("blog.xml");
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function readRss(e:Event):void{       xml = XML(;       txt_field.text=xml.entry[1];


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private function CompleteHandler(event:Event):void
var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
trace(;   \ trace the received data

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ActionScript Code:
for each (var sButton:XML in xml.datos.menus.label.submenus)

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ActionScript Code:
sBotonMenu.btnText.text = sButton.submenus.toString();

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I have the following code:

import shared.GlobalsManager;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Newlines Format And Parse The Data With Php?

Jan 10, 2005

when a user writes something down in a inputTextfield (in a compleet flash page) and presses enter (make a newline)how are the newlines then formated ?

" , "
" or "
" ?

is it crossbrowser ? the reason i ask is that i save the data in a Mysql database and when the data return to flash i see "" in the debugger so, i think flash uses the "" newline format, but before i add the data into the database i want to parse the data with php

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Data Objects Or Just Parse XML When Necessary?

Jul 27, 2010

In a recent project, after loading an XML document, I immediately parsed it and created a bunch of custom data objects that represented the data in the XML document.Now that the project is complete, I have a little bit of time to reflect and am wondering if I should have bypassed creating the data objects and just create a handful of methods that parse the XML in specific ways.I just did a quick rewrite to test it out and it is definitely simpler (which I tend to think is better). If the XML structure changed later on in time, I could just update or write new wrapper functions for parsing it.

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Flex :: Error :faultCode:Channel.Call.Failed FaultString:'error' FaultDetail:'NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed'"

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I have a Flex and Java application and i am using BlazeDS between flex and java. Generally my application works fine. I observed when ever i try fetch data little faster(not giving gap between two fetch commands) then i am getting the error "Server error :faultCode:Channel.Call.Failed faultString:'error' faultDetail:'NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed'"

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I have a sensor that sends data as text file. Data format as follow: dat=110405120000+000.00+000.00+005.65+000.00+040.71+000.00+000.00+000.20.

How can i parse this data? The output i want is:

date: 05-04-11
time: 12:00:00
ch01: 000.00
ch02: 000.00


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The RSS Feed that I am trying to use to power a dynamic timeline has a [CData] section in the description node of each item. I need to parse the data inside of the CData block. Can this be done?




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Apr 26, 2011

I've been working in as3 for quite a while now, trying various methods of loading in XML and parsing it between classes - from storing the XML data using objects, storing it in arrays, or parsing XML nodes directly between their relevant classes. Should I be extracting it all in the document class first, into arrays, or objects and then parsing the array or object to the relevant class? Or simply parsing the XML node that relates to the class and extracting it there?I've also heard that looping through XML and storing the data in multi-dimentional arrays before parsing it, is the way to go.. some have also suggested using a separate public data class to store all the variables from xml.. and referencing it globally.

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