Actionscript 3 :: FLVPlayback Component - Random Flv Playback With Arrays?

Aug 16, 2011

I have come a little closer with my project, and still need some help please. I have 5 Flvs which i want to play randomly on this page [url]....The .fla file I have created contains this code:

var files:Array = [ "Sz01Puppet.flv", "Sz02Puppet.flv", "Sz03Puppet.flv", "Sz04Puppet.flv", "Sz05Puppet.flv" ];
var shuffledFiles:Array = shuffleArray(files);
//quick test[code].....

This script works. In the Output every flv is listed randomly, and then repeated. Next up i want this AS Script to work with an FLV Component.But how to I get that to work?In my library I have the 5 flvs, and flvplayback component.I dragged the FLVPlayback component to the stage, but I can only add one flv in the source. How do I get my working actionscript to work with the FLVPlayback my screen looks like.

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Flash - Reset FLVPlayback Component For Playback With Same Source?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm using the same FLVPlayback component to play many page transition videos throughout a large flash site I'm building. On each transition, I'm setting the component's source using myFLVPlayback.source and listening for the event before proceeding with each page transition. This works fine as long as the transition between every pair of pages uses a different video.

Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem when the same page-to-page transition video needs to get invoked for two consecutive transitions. When playing the same video twice in a row, setting the source property of the component to the value it already has doesn't seem to do anything, meaning that my listeners for never fire. I could do something hackish like setting the source to a tiny, never-used-elsewhere FLV before setting it to the FLV that I'm actually using for the transition as a means of "resetting" the component, but I'd like to know what best practices are in a situation like this (insofar as best practices with something like the FLVPlaybackComponent can be discussed with a straight face).

I've perused the livedocs for the component but came up empty-handed, and manually using NetStream, NetConnection, and Video objects at this late stage isn't really an option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Playback Of An FLVPlayback Component When Navigate From Page

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback.complete - Play The Video Files With The Playback Component In Each Of The Frames Where The Video Was

Apr 26, 2010

I am wanting to play a number of movie clips and flash produced video clips. On the main timeline I have a frame for each clip I want to play. In that frame is a flash movie that contains the video that I have embedded onto the timeline for the movie. The filesize for this project is massive and I am struggling to work on the file. I want to be able to play the video files with the playback component in each of the frames where the video was.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Optimize FLVPlayback Playback

Sep 22, 2009

got some FLVPlayback playback problems on IE7. Videos start after too much time. try and click on the right banners:


Did you ever had some similar problem? Do you think that maybe there's some solution? Does FLVPlayback do a progressive download by default? Could raising the default bufferTime (0.1)

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I am using FLVPlayback Component in Flash AS3 to play an F4V video hosted on a different server. I want it to start playing as soon as possible, but the video won't start playing until the F4V is completely downloaded (I checked with Firebug). I tried fooling around with the component's bufferTime parameter, but it didn't seem to make a difference. For what it's worth, the SWF is being embedded in a Facebook profile using the FBML tag fb:swf, although I can't see how that would make a difference here.

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I was wondering if there was a way to get the sound from a FLVPlayback component and manipulate it with using a custom volume slider? Within my Actionscript I currently have this code which enables me to control the volume of a MP3:

var mysong = new music();
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var myTransform = new SoundTransform();
myChannel =,10);


But Instead of using the MP3 for sound, is there a way to use an FLV's sound instead?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Arrays / Loops To Control Sound Playback?

Jan 28, 2012

Attached I have a small .fla that basically does the following:

1. A button is clicked (calling the playSound function)
2. The sound is then played, also a small instance of the button is called from the AS library and placed within a sprite that is within a movie clip at the bottom. The event listener is also removed from the main button so it can only be called once.
3. When the small instance of the button is pressed (within the sprite) it stops the sound, removes the icon and re enables the buttons event listener.

It all works fine, and it is worth mentioning I am still new to Flash but getting to understand it more. I plan on having 20 buttons on the screen, and surely theres an easier way then having 20 functions, all more or less doing the same thing!

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May 22, 2010

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Aug 17, 2010

I know nothing about flash but this is what I am doind with CS5 Adobe Flash Professional:1. Import video. I type in the server location of my .mp4 file.Now when I save it and embed on a webpage it loads and works perfect, however it is not looping. So my question is in adobe flash professional what do I need to exactly?

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Feb 9, 2010

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Apr 8, 2011

With autoHide set to true would like to have the skin show when a video is loaded then fade away after a couple of seconds.

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Set The Size Of A FLV Playback Component?

May 28, 2009

Here is my code that plays the video:
import*; var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback(); myVideo.source = "video.flv"; } addChild(myVideo);
How to I set the size of the video? I have tried "myVideo.videoWidth = 400;" but that gives me an error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Addressing A Flvplayback Component?

Jun 11, 2009

I imported the flvplayback component on-stage in one frame and gave the instance a name of hv.If a button takes the movie to another frame, how do I pause the flv at that point

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Unload A FlvPlayback Component

Jun 29, 2009

What are steps to do unload a flv file after clearing necessary memory used for its loading and also to remove the FLVPlayback component.his is the code i have used for creating FLVPlayback component and setting its source.
public  var m_flvPlayer:FLVPlayback;
m_flvPlayer= new FLVPlayback();
m_flvPlayer.autoPlay = false;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Recognize FLVPlayback Component

Jul 13, 2009

Publish to Flash 8 and using the FLVPlayback component as part of a larger elearning course.We have a legacy pause button that works by recursively looking through every item on stage and if the item is a movieclip following its children and so on. Something like this (there is more to the whole thing, but this is where the problem is):
findCurrent = function (obj){ // RECURSIVE SEARCH FOR MOVIECLIPS for (var i in obj) {  if (typeof (obj[i]) == "movieclip" && obj[i] != obj) {   if (obj[i]._name == "pauser"{
continue;   }   var m = obj[i];   m.frameWas = m._currentFrame;   isCurrent.push(m);   findCurrent(m);  } }};
The issue is that when using the FLVPlayback component the 256 recursions limit is reached. I'm guessing that the video part contains a reference to playback controls skin and the playback controls skin contains a reference to the video part and the recursion just goes round and round till it hits the limit and then all actionscript is disabled for the rest of the file.
I thought of adding a counter, and that is probabaly a good idea, but I was wondering if there is anyway to identify that I've hit a video player and stop following it?
Obviously the topeof(myVideoPlayer) is coming back as "movieclip" or I wouldn't be getting this problem. I don't think there is a getQualifiedName for AS2, right? I looked at the properties and couldn't find one that said, "clearlyVideoPlayer."

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ActionScript 1/2 :: FLVPlayback Component Volume?

Aug 16, 2009

I'm using the FLVPlayback component to play a movie. In the parameters, I'm setting volume to "8" where the default is "1".This works great and gives me the right volume setting, but if the user touches the volume slider (which I'd like to keep), the new maximum volume is only one.

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Feb 10, 2010

I have an array of videos coming from an XML doc. I am getting the name of my video in the trace statement okay, but am not sure how to go about loading the FLV video into the player.I have an FLVPlayback component on the interface named "video". The video I'm going to load will be ("videos/" + videoArray[0]))

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Play Mp3 File Using Flvplayback Component?

Mar 9, 2010

Is there any way that i can load a local mp3 file using flvplayback?

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Professional :: Trying To Modify FLVPlayback Component

Aug 27, 2010

I try to modify ncmanager file. (I want add parameter when connect method is called). I've edited this file but nothing happens in my application. After two hours of headacke, I delete NCManager (I've made a copy on my USB key).I try to place a FLVPlayback on my scene : no problem ! I can place it, but it does'nt work as I want.So I discover that even I try to change NCManager, this file isn't read.I need help to understand what I must do when I modify these file. Should I have to put it somewhere ? must I compile them and how ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Cue Points With FLVplayback Component?

Sep 12, 2009

I need to use cue points in an FLVplayback component to load other movies. I've looked at several tuts, but most are for navigation.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Looping .flv With The FLVPlayBack Component?

Sep 3, 2009

I've noticed, that placing an FLVPlayBack component on Stage, instancenaming it myFLVPlayer and using this code:

Code: Select allmyFLVPlayer.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, playAgain);
function playAgain(e:Event):void {
trace("starting over");


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Actionscript 3.0 :: XML And FLVPlayback Component Won't Play

Apr 8, 2010

Video won't play from XML

I have been trying to pull a single random video (.flv) from an XML list to play it using the FLVPlayback component. I managed to get the description from the <desc> tag and the title <vidtitle> tag in the xml file but can't get the flv to play in the player.

I dragged a FLVPlayback component onto the stage and gave it an instance name of "display" but I still cannot get it to work. I get no errors when hitting "control + enter" the video never loads. My code is below.

Code: Select all//Let's load our video classes


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Component - SeekBarHandle?

Dec 28, 2009

I'm working with an FLVPlayback component in Flash CS4 and I'm trying to target the seek bar handle, which according to what I've read so far, is created at runtime and it's assigned an instance name of handle_mc.I've tried targeting that, but with no success. After researching for most of my day and trying several different methods, I have no idea what else to do to have access to that handle and change its alpha property

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Random MovieClip Playback On Stage

Oct 29, 2010

I have 16 instances of one movie clip on the stage and each one has their own unique instance name. The movie clips have a nested animation and I want each clip to play randomly. I'm familiar with the Math.random class, but not for animating clips. Here is what I have so far:

var turkeyArray:Array = new Array();
turkeyArray[0] = turkey1_mc;
turkeyArray[1] = turkey2_mc;
turkeyArray[2] = turkey3_mc;
turkeyArray[3] = turkey4_mc;
[Code] .....

What goes in here to play each instance randomly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Playback Component Does Not Work

Dec 30, 2010

Link [URL] Problem is the video doesn't play online. It works offline. There's no script involved, I have manually sourced the flv to flv play back component. There's no folders all files are together and easy to find.

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