Actionscript 3 :: Facebook Connect : Popup Not Showing
Jun 3, 2011
I've got a strange bug when trying to use facebook connect with actionscript3. I checked everything, couldn't find a way to resolve this. Look at this [URL] When clicking on "login", the facebook popup appears. But within this swf (click on the "facebook" logo), [URL] It does not work. This is almost the same actionscript code; and it IS the same HTML. You can check some debug informations with the firebug console. Seems the javascript & HTML code is OK. When clicking the Facebook logo, the HTML is updated. Guess facebook IS contacted; but then no popup is shown.
I made a websites which needs the user to login to Facebook. It uses the facebook API to check if the user is logged or not; and the API opens a popup if he is not logged.
Facebook.login(FBfinishedLogin, {perms:"publish_stream,user_location"}); The problem is that with some of the browsers (eg. Safari); the popup is blocked. It is the API and not my code which launches the popup so I have no control on it.
I'm trying to determine the practical difference between using the com.facebook.session.WebSession and com.facebook.session.JSSession. The documentation ([URL]) has more around WebSession - but the example I have which is closest to what solution I'm trying to implement uses JSSession and it looks like I could avoid all of the JavaScript pass-through & ExternalInterface calls I'm making. It appears that the benefit of using this new ActionScript Facebook API is to avoid having to make all of the Facebook calls via JavaScript.
I want to click a button in my flash application, log in to facebook, leave a comment on wall and sign out. I try to figure it out but it seems complicated. Does anyone have an example or any sample code for this easy functionality?
I've started to work on a project that requires facebook connect to invite friends to a website and register. So I downloaded the facebook api classes from adobe, but I have never worked with flash and facebook connect before. So if anyone of you can get me started would be great, not many examples for this on the net. I want to to log in to facebook, get the friends list with pictures and send invitations.
I've been using Facebook connect in a few of my newer sites, and since it took me awhile to figure out a good method for it I figured I would post my code incase anyone needs it. I'm not a coding genius or anything, but I figured it would get someone on the right path if they had questions. I put it together really quickly, and I didn't clean up the code, but all the parts needed to make this work are clear.URL...Here is a very simple demo app I made with Flash and Facebook Connect. Check it out. You can download the source here.URL...Just make sure you use your Facebook api key and path to xdreceiver file!
Facebook Connect uses JS/CSS overlays/popups for user interaction. I have sites with Flash elements, and no matter how I set the z-indices, the Flash always seems to go to the topI have a similar and likely related problem with a div with display:fixed at the top of the screen, where it gets covered by the Flash when you start scrolling.
I'm integrating a Flash-free web site with Facebook Connect.Loading it in Internet Explorer 7 (only in IE 7, not IE 6 nor IE 8) I get the famous IE information bar saying that the current web site requires the Adobe Flash Player and asks me if I want to install it.
If I remove the code needed to the Facebook Connect integration (some facebook-hosted javascript files), IE does not ask me to install Flash anymore.As I've already said my web site does not require Flash at all and with IE 6, IE 8, Firefox or any other browser I'm not asked to install the Adobe Flash Player.Is this normal? Does Facebook Connect require Flash? Does it need Flash only with IE7?
i made flash game in action script 3.0. In my game i have leader score.. i have 2 buttons 1. share on facebook and 2. challenge your friends on facebook.on clicking 1 button it will directly go to facebook and share my score on facebook.And on clicking 2 button my all facebook friends pics will appear with checkbox when i am selecting few of my friends and click on go buttons, the facebook request will go to selected friends only for challenge ... how to do this 2 buttons functionality.
I am trying to popup (addChild) a movieclip with a close button, which has FLVPlayback component in it. When hit close button, movieclip is removed from the scene and flv is stopped. But when popup the same movieclip again, flv is not correctly loaded into player and progress continues forever.vance.
We are writing a new social app that connects to FB using FB connect (actually, it's in Flash so we're using the FB AS3 SDK, which uses the FB Javascript API under the hood AFAIK).
When the flash app is served from our site - it works fine.But when we try to embed it in a 3rd party site (using an Iframe that points to our site) the following happens: when we try to perform a login to FB using the AS3 function Facebook.login(onLogin, opts), a small browser-based login to FB pop-up comes up, but it has the following error first
Or is it possible that FB don't support FB connect apps that are embedded in 3rd party sites?
Does anybody know how to handle a Facebook login from within Flash using REST API/FB Connect, without the popup or redirect? It doesnt seem very possible as the login method seems to force the popup.
Anyone know if you can connect, login, post an image to a Facebook account directly from inside of Flash? I grabbed the Facebook API for AS3 and have it installed, created an application definition on Facebook but am having no look connecting to it? I have seen some refereneces to it only working inside of Flex and am wondering it that's the case. I am looking to do a kiosk application where a camera image will be uploaded directly to the persons FB page.
I need to know if a popup (which is a singleton titlewindow, hence would be initialized only once) is already shown in the screen or not, if not then i will call a function to show it up, otherwise do something else.I tried findPopup.focusEnabled //findPopup is the titlewindow class for popup But it is always true irrespective of whether the popup is shown in the screen currently or not.
For example: Say the application has two VBox with vertical layout. There is a Button in first VBox and when clicked, there is a custom modal popup being shown. By default the whole background of the application remains blur, but I want the second VBox to be visible. Is this possible? If yes how can i accomplish this?
If you create a popup via:[code]It will create a popup and bring it on top of any other visual piece. I have one problem though. This 'popup' needs to stay up even when the user interacts with the background.I would use modal, but I need the ability to interact with the back. Any way to tell the popup manager not to remove the popup when the user clicks off of it?
I'm currently building an application using the Adobe Facebook API and I've run into an issue where for the login method the Facebook login popup displays but when doing a Facebook share/post the popup is blocked.
This code works fine and displays me a Facebook login popup without question (Firefox):
UPDATE: Now I've moved the AMFConnection var declaration to outside the functions in Main, and commented out some trace() commands, and now it gives new errors:
Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.BadVersion at AMFConnection/init()[/Users/Jan/Downloads/amfphp1/] at AMFConnection()[/Users/Jan/Downloads/amfphp1/]
I'm trying to connect to AMFPHP on a server (with Flash AS3), and the swf borks when it reaches the .connect() stage. To make things easier (?) and more reusable (?), I've put all the NetConnection mechanics into a separate class, AMFConnection, which I call from the Main document class like this (details changed):
public function testConnection(e:*=null):void { var conn:AMFConnection = new AMFConnection(); conn.table = "some_table";
AMFConnection actually starts the connection and calls the AMFPHP service with the function gogogo(), and here's where the connect() NetConnection function just won't work. Here's the main section of the AMFConncection class
private var _netConnection:NetConnection; private var _responder:Responder; function AMFConnection()
It also fails to display the stage, instead showing the loading dots. Now, eventually I'm going to move this application to the same server as the AMFPHP service, but even when I try it there with a relative url, instead of an absolute one, it still breaks down at connect(). I've tried changing the publish settings from local only to network only, to no avail.
I have literally spent HOURS trying to solve this mystery... but simply can't seem to get hold of it. I am using the same code lines (literally!) as the example here (official adobe tutorial) and I get different result.
Everything works fine, i.e. everything till it is time to fire the loggedin event. I get asked to log in and all permissions are asked correctly. After I log myself in to facebook, the loggedin event doesn't fire. Is there any way of solving this problem??
i need to connect to have a button on my website that connects to facebook (if not already logged in) and posts to the users wall.I've only done this from within an iFrame - do i still need AppId etc etc?
i'm using the centered pop up window script from: [URL]. i have multiple buttons in my flash movie which open screenshot html pages in external browser windows. the script works fine except when a popup window stays open. the rest of the buttons don't open/replace past that one popup. i tried changing the window name in the onRelease script to screen1, screen2, etc for each button, but that didn't work.
I need to close the popup(adobe flex), non modal window if I click on the parent page of the popup. I have to do the out of focus check and then do some validation before close the popup. So what I was thinking that is there any inbuilt focus check event or do we need to create custom event for that?
I have a facebook application where the user choose 4 of his friends and then it creates a video (swf) with the pictures of your friends in it (loaded via xml). So I need to share this video on the user timeline. Everything works fine but the video is not embedded in the post on his timeline, there is only a post with the link to the page in it.The weird thing is, if I post the url directly on my timeline, the video is embedded, but not if the same link is posted via the is my code called by the share button in js :
function postToFeed() { var obj = { method: 'feed',[code].........
I've recently used the 'Static HTML' application to add autoplaying flash content to a Facebook Page.Nothing too fancy, no sound, and only a few secs long. Now, Facebook say:-"Apps on Pages must not host media that plays automatically without a user's interaction."
What do they mean by 'Media' exactly? I can understand a ban on autoplaying audio content but does the ban extend to something as harmless as an animated GIF? Or more to the point, does an autoplaying .swf file fall under this?
Lastly, what course of action would Facebook take if I did violate this rule? Would they issue a warning (giving me an opportunity to remove the 'offending' item) or would they just shut down my page without any consultation?
I can't find in the Adobe Facebook API how to log the user out of Facebook. The FacebookSessionUtil (and the related sessions and Facebook classes) all have a .logout() function, which will invalidate the user's current *session* within the swf, but it doesn't log the user out of Facebook.
What am I missing here? How are you supposed to log the user out of Facebook with this API? Since it's part of the TOS for Facebook Connect apps, you'd think this would be available in the API somewhere.
I have a web application which contains a data grid. Double clicking on any row of that grid will open a popup (lets call it popup1). Now this popup1 again opens a new popup(lets call it popup2). When I close the popup2, I need pass an Object to popup1. Which is the easiest way to do that?
(PS: While opening popup2 from popup1, I am adding an event listener on Close event of popup2)
I have a parsley popup that can create another popup.The issue comes when I close the root popup, when I open the popup again and click on the child popup, it's actually opening 2 child popups.Any idea why this thing happen?
After I upload a photo on a desktop facebook application i need to store it's post id in a database. From the facebook ActionScript SDK documentation:pi() methodpublic static function api(method:String, callback:Function, params:* = null, requestMethod:String = GET):voidMakes a new request on the Facebook Graph API.Parameters [...]callback:Function — Method that will be called when this request is complete The handler must have the signature of callback(result:Object, fail:Object); On success, result will be the object data returned from Facebook. On fail, result will be null and fail will contain information about the error.
So I implemented my callback function as follows: protected function handleUploadComplete(response:Object, fail:Object):void{ status = (response) ? 'Success' : 'Error';