Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4.0 / 4.5 Global Error Handling
May 16, 2011
I'm trying to use the new(ish) AS3 global error handling class. I am trying to use it within a Flex mxml application. I can't get it to work at all. Below is an entire program that shows the problem. I set this to use Flash Player 10.2 and compiled with the Flex 4.5 SDK. I've tried using Flex SDK 4.0 and 4.5 but I get the error in either case. I must be missing something obvious here. This is a normal Flex SWF file that will be shown on a web page. Assuming I could import the UncaughtErrorEvent, I would then do something like this to setup the event handler:
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Here is the code, in the index.html file from a Flex Project:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.onkeydown = function(event) {applicationKeyboardHandler(event)}
document.onkeypress = function(event) {applicationKeyboardHandler(event)}
function applicationKeyboardHandler(event) {
alert("Key Pressed")
} </script>
I would like to make it so it could listen to any key press, not just alt/ctrl/cmd.
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Jul 7, 2010
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var myXML:XML = new XML();var XML_URL:String = "questions.xml";
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myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
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public function URLLoaderTest( ) {
_loader = new URLLoader( ); // _loader is private var of this class
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("url_with_php_script");
[Code] .....
This code traces tons of data, when executed with internet connection up:
openHandler: [Event type="open" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
progressHandler loaded:10 total: 30
httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=0]
completeHandler data: 1165428133
but it traces NOTHING (?!),
If the connection is down (whether closed by firewall, or cable-unplugged). So that basically means, none of the above events is fired, none of them takes care of the errorHandling in case of no-internet-connection (or if for some reason we can't reach the server atm). Any ErrorEvent i can use to catch such (connection down) Error Event? Or do I have to use Timer class instead to check wether the server responded in some time or not? I would like to leave this as the last option.
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jul 31, 2009
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<application handles_keys="F5, F6">
<tab1 handles_keys="pgup, pgdn">
<control handles_keys="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" />
I have a class written that will respond to the key events the way I want it to, so how do I register one or more instances of this class to have the results I want? Also, note that there are some situations where this class should receive events that would ordinarily be handled by a UI component. The TAB key is the main example; I have a few cases where I want my key down event handler to fire even when the focus is on a text field.
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var dNow:Date = new Date();
trace("Your time zone offset: " + dNow.getTimezoneOffset() + " minutes");
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Apr 12, 2010
I have couple of questions about AS3 variables handling by AVM/compiler/scope .1. This code in Flash will throw an error:
but it won`t throw an error in Flex (only warning in Editor). Why?.2. How Flash sees variables in loops? Apparently this:
isn`t equal to just: var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip(); var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip(); because it will throw an error again as earlier in Flash, but in Flex in function not? Is Flash changing somehow my loop before compilation?
.3. Where in a class in equivalent to timeline in Flash - where in class I would put code which I put normally on timeline (I assume it is not constructor because of what I have written earlier, or maybe it`s a matter of Flash/Flex compiler)?
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Apr 13, 2010
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Mar 25, 2011
I am developing an AIR app. In the main app I have a module loader 'mainModuleLoader'. I am creating modules as separate mxml files using the <mx:Module> tag. And I am loading such a module in mainModuleLoader dynamically using actionscript. Everything works fine.For the module which I am creating as mxml files, I would like to know how to add an unload event handler. So that, whenever I call mainModuleLoader.unload(), the unload event hander is triggered from inside the module.mxml. I have tried the following without any success.
<mx:Module creatingComplete="init()" unload="unloadHandler()"/>
<mx:Module creatingComplete="init()" remove="unloadHandler()"/>
The problem with the second statement above is that it triggers the unloadHandler even if some child is removed inside the module. I have also tried to add the following in the action script.
private function init()
this.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, unloadHandler);
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Aug 19, 2011
I've noticed BlazeDS has certain things it does not support and it is often difficult to find this out. Ex: polymorphism is not.One must create methods with different names as methods with the same name with different parameters create a conflict.I'm trying to find out if BlazeDS does not support Java static and non-static inner classes.
public class UserDTO {
private String name;
private AddressDTO adddress;
private PhoneDTO phone;
The example code above will compile and the getUser method will work. A call to the updateUser or updatePhone methods on the other hand results in a BlazeDS error. Is there a special way to use inner classes in Flex or are inner classes not supported?
Here is an example of the error messages produced:
[BlazeDS]Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'.
flex.messaging.MessageException: Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'. Type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO' not found.
Example Flex code:
var thisPhone:PhoneDTO = new PhoneDTO();
thisPhone.phoneNumber = "8885551212";
updateTagsResult.token = userService.updatePhone(thisPhone);
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Apr 2, 2010
I have some filters set up, and have assigned some global vars to them, which I then use in my Filters code to display the filters: myText:Filters [,,] Works perfectly. Now I want to assign a global var to each global filter var to determine if it should be shown or not. So...
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Jul 11, 2009
I have a couple of remote object methods that I want to respond to in different ways depending on the context, but I'd rather not set up a bunch of different RemoteObject aliases.Some background: Let's say I have an admin application that displays sales stats in different ways. The remote method looks like:
<mx:RemoteObject id="rpt" destination="AMFServer">
<mx:method name="getSalesStats" fault="getSalesStatsFault(event)"
result = "getSalesStatsSuccess(event)" />[code]........
The getSalesStats method takes an employee ID and a sales type as its arguments. You'd call it like:
rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts");
public function getSalesStatsSuccess(e:ResultEvent):void {
salesdata:ArrayCollection = e.result.rows as ArrayCollection;[code]......
I'd like to pass something through the remote method to the responding function, like:
rpt.getSalesStats(120, "peanuts", "clicked button one");
but that of course throws an error because the server doesn't want that last argument.
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Nov 10, 2009
I made a Form container with few TextInput fields in Flex and I would like to change a style of clicked TextInput element. I managed to do it with MouseEvent.CLICK event listener but it is not what I expected. I would like to change style of TextInput when user try to edit that field. However, I want to change back to 'default' style when user clicks another TextInput field or outside any field. Is there some event listener made specific for such interactions? I have also a question, is it possible to make width of TextInput depending on amount of text? I mean to resize it to width of text inside of it? Text comes from some database and is always different widths...
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm using Flex 4(beta2) with Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 and using RubyAMF to transfer data back and forth between Flex and server. set up Authlogic on the Rails side for authentication. wasn't sure what's the best method to handle user sessions. I know this is done automatically with Rails by sending session id with cookie which Rails use to authenticate the user.What do you suggest the best way to do this with Flex?I thought of couple of options:1. Manually fetching the cookie from the browser and then figuring our a way to send that to the server with every request I send. 2. Handling sessions expiration and flow on Flex side by manually expiring the session
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Jul 28, 2010
In flex, I am handling event like this,
myImage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, redoOperation);
Now, I want to pass some value to redoOperation. (function redoOperation myId:String)) How can I pass String to it?
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Oct 13, 2010
I am developing an AIR app. In the main app I have a module loader 'mainModuleLoader'. I am creating modules as separate mxml files using the <mx:Module> tag. And I am loading such a module in mainModuleLoader dynamically using actionscript. Everything works fine.For the module which I am creating as mxml files, I would like to know how to add an unload event handler. So that, whenever I call mainModuleLoader.unload(), the unload event hander is triggered from inside the module.mxml. I have tried the following without any success.[code]The problem with the second statement above is that it triggers the unloadHandler even if some child is removed inside the module.I have also tried to add the following in the action script.[code]But, it doesn't trigger on unloading the module. Kindly let me know if I am going wrong somewhere or if there is any other method to attach the event handlers.
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