Actionscript 3 :: Hiding Content Pane In Flex Panel

Aug 20, 2010

I am writing an custom component in Flex 3.2 that extends the panel component. After a user performs a certain action I would like to hide the main content area in the Panel component, as well as the Control Bar if one is specified. Any ideas on how to do this? controlBar.visible does not seem to hide the control bar, and I don't know of another easy way of accessing the main content area besides iterating through all the children of the main panel, and I would like to avoid that if possible.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


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Just setting top padding does not work because scroll bar still begins from the top of the window after this manipulation.

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CS3 Controlling A Content Movie Clip Through A Navigation Panel?

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The simple code I have so far:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
open_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadBanner);


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Mar 1, 2011

If you add an Accordion navigation component to Flex Application, like this[code]...

Question is: what code should I write to make my Accordion's panes switching animated?

(Like in Adobe's demo called Tour de Flex)

To see what I mean by animated switching between panes:

1) go here: [url]...

2) select Other Components -> Containers -> Super Accordion in the left pane

3) click on Super Accordion's pane headers and see them moving

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I have seen a getTabAt on the mx TabBar but the look of the tab is important and the requirement is for it to look like a tab bar rather than a button bar.

My code for the tabs and for hiding and showing is below:

import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.controls.Label;


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<details name="Cars">


That is I want to hide the contact_person and list nodes.Deleting the nodes from the dataprovider cannot be done.So what i did was to create a custom tree data descriptor by extending DefaultDataDescriptor.Then override the getChildren method and applied a filterfunction to the collection returned by super.getChildren.The problem is when i hide the 'list' node I cannot have the child nodes to show up.So is there any way I can hide 'list' but show the children of 'node'?

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trace( <b>brett</b> ); and to get that to appear in bold in the console window or the output window?

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the problem is the login panel sticks it should be non visible again if i click somewhere else on screen. Anyone got ideas how to do that.


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swatchHeight: 21;
swatchWidth: 24;

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Jul 24, 2009

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Flex :: Gui - Panel Not Being Updated?

Dec 29, 2009

I am drawing a cellular automaton simulation on a Flex Canvas. I alternate computing the state of the automaton with updating the graphics on the Panel. However, the updating of the Panel does not seem to be "keeping up" with the update of the CA state.

I'm wondering whether I am doing something wrong with my handling of the graphics code. The code is below. Sorry it's so lengthy, but I don't think the problem will happen with anything simpler (well, it probably will, but I'm not certain I want to take the time to find it).


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Jul 13, 2009

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Flex :: Add Controls To The Title Bar Of A Panel?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to implement a collapsible TitleWindow popup by adding a handle to the top right corner of a Panel control. Unfortunately, the image that I add as the handle doesn't show up when the control is drawn. I can trigger a redraw by changing the source of the image, so apparently it's there, but it's somehow hidden. Is there a way to make this Image control visible to the user?Here's the code for the window:

import mx.containers.Panel;


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Flex :: Customize Accordion And Panel Look?

Sep 17, 2010

I want to increase the (height) size and change the color of a spark accordion header, similarly I want to change the color of a spark panel header. Can I do this through mxml properties and css or will I need to use a custom skin?

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Flex :: Pop Up Panel By Clicking On GWT(or GXT) Component?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a web-application whose UI is implemented in GXT (ext GWT).Now I want to switch to Flex but as the application is so large that I cannot afford to start migrating the whole application at once.So I have decided to migrate slowly. So what I want is to bring up a Flex panel on the click of a GXT's button.Basically the idea is how to make Flex components listen to the events generated by GXT's component.

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Flex :: How To Make Panel Draggable

Jan 17, 2011

I give my users the ability to create items. The Create item dialogs such as:

<s:Panel id="postitNoteCreatePanel"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"

How can I make panel draggable so that users can move it around the page so it doesn't block other items

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Flex :: Center The Titleicon In A 3 Panel?

May 27, 2011

How can I center the titleicon in a Flex 3 panel? The title is centered but the titleicon is way on the left side of the panel.



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Flex :: Removing Border Of A Panel?

Sep 6, 2011

Is there a way to remove the left+right+bottom border of a mx:Panel?

basically I want to have the right UI instead of the left one ( check the screenshot )

I know that the default spark Panel is able to do so, but I just need to use Flex 3.

Here is what I tried already :

padding (seems only changing the children)
borderStyle = none is removing the color of the header

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