Flex :: Actionscript - Remove Login Panel Upon Clicking On Screen In Flex?

Sep 19, 2011

i am using following code to popup a login panel whenever i click on some specific button.
the problem is the login panel sticks it should be non visible again if i click somewhere else on screen. Anyone got ideas how to do that.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">


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echo "<?xml version=""1.0" ?>
$con = mysql_connect("HOST","USER","PASS");


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echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>";
//include("connect.php"); // used for your connection to the database.


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private function creationCompleteHandler():void {
if (cs == null)
cs = ServerConfig.getChannelSet(remoteObject.destination);


After that the channlset can be used with the login command of ChannelSet. How can i insure that this is using a secure connection? I know that there is a amf channel and a secure amf channel. But how to tell to provide the credentials in a secure connection?

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Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to implement the 1.6 Mobile Facebook API [URL]into an Air for Android application. I've succesfully used the Web and Desktop API's however with the mobile app it's expecting an extra parameter to a stageReference, see:

login(callback:Function, stageRef:Stage, extendedPermissions:Array, webView:StageWebView = null)

But, using i'm using Flex and not Flash CS5, i can't just pass in this.stage or this or anything like that.What exactly would you guys think I need to pass into that using Flash builder Flex? I can't seem to find any examples for the mobile actionscript API ?

Here's the login information from the Mobile API Docs:

login () method
public static function login(callback:Function, stageRef:Stage, extendedPermissions:Array, webView:StageWebView = null):void
Opens a new login window so the current user can log in to Facebook.


callback:Function — The method to call when login is successful. The handler must have the signature of callback(success:Object, fail:Object); Success will be a FacebookSession if successful, or null if not.

stageRef:Stage — A reference to the stageextendedPermissions:Array — (Optional) Array of extended permissions to ask the user for once they are logged in.webView:StageWebView (default = null) — (Optional) The instance of StageWebView to use for the login window For the most current list of extended permissions[URL].

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Flex :: Gui - Panel Not Being Updated?

Dec 29, 2009

I am drawing a cellular automaton simulation on a Flex Canvas. I alternate computing the state of the automaton with updating the graphics on the Panel. However, the updating of the Panel does not seem to be "keeping up" with the update of the CA state.

I'm wondering whether I am doing something wrong with my handling of the graphics code. The code is below. Sorry it's so lengthy, but I don't think the problem will happen with anything simpler (well, it probably will, but I'm not certain I want to take the time to find it).


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Aug 24, 2009

Using the ArcGIS Server Flex API, is there a way to convert mouse coordinates on the screen or the a map control to spatial coordinates in the map? It seems like there's functionality to convert map points to screen points, but a function for converting in the other direction seems weirdly absent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - TabEnabling Not Working In Simple Login Page

Mar 7, 2011

I am doing a simple login page application in FlashBuilder 4.0 & I have kept 2 input boxes like Login,Password and a submit button. On clicking the button I am calling a method, so far everything is working fine. But some how tabenabling is not working. suppose if you are in login inputbox and i press "tab key" it has to go to password input box.. but its not working. I have tried all the attempts using tabEnabled = "true". But still I am failing to do this.

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Java :: Login Session Lost After Flex Chart Is Displayed From Jsp?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a java web application. When I log in to that application and navigate to a jsp which has flex chart embeded into it, the chart displayes just fine. I am using blaze ds remoting object mechanism. But when I want to navigate to a different page, it logs me out of application since the login session is lost.

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Flex :: Get A ChannelSet To Be Authorized / When Session Already Exists Without Calling Login

Jul 21, 2010

In my Flex application, channelSet is reset on each browser refresh.If you've authenticated and refresh the page and check channelSet. authenticated, it says false, but your remoteObject calls will still work because the server session still exists.I have a service call that checks for a session on the server and can identify that one exists when a user has already authenticated and not logged out, but how can I bypass login and still set the channelSet.authenticated to true without calling channelSet.login() when they come back to the page(before a timeout occurs, of course)?The user session isn't closed if you exit the browser. Currently it does in fact make you log in again. But there is an existing session so blazeds returns a re-authentication error if you're not the user in the session, and it also allows you to login with any password if you are the user because it sees that the session has already been authenticated.So how can I make it so the session is invalidated upon closing the browser or refreshing? I could do it by automatically logging out when the app starts, but that doesn't seem very elegant.[code]

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