Actionscript 3 :: Manipulate With Symbol On Stage From Document Class Without Creating New Instance?

Sep 18, 2011

So I have one movie clip on stage rect_mc and document class I can import movie clip to document class with [code]...

but is there any way to manipulate rect_mc without craating new instance and attaching it to a stage with addChild()

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Accessing A Stage Instance From A Class Other The Document?

Dec 19, 2010

I have a main document class with another class instanciated (mouse within it. I want the mouse follower class to access a stage instance. How is this done?

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Access An Instance Reference To Document Class From Stage's Timeline?

Dec 30, 2009

Is there a way to get an instance reference to the document class to call a method of it from the stage's timeline?I see that here's a possible solution: using a singletonOther solution I though of is using stage.getChildAt( 0 ) but it's not very nice.Is there an 'official' instance reference? because the document class is obviously instantiated at startup, but is that instance accessible in any way without having to use a custom solution like the ones mentioned?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Instance Of A Symbol Created And Added To The Stage In One Class?

Oct 31, 2010

How do you access an instance of a symbol created and added to the stage through the addChild(); method, from a different class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Document Class Vs Manual Instance Of The Same Class?

Apr 6, 2010

I mean a have a class called Login and when I make an instance of this class

PHP Code: var log:Login = new Login(); 

doesn't give me the wanted results.

- When it is declared Document class it adds a child on stage

- When the same class is called manually (via the above code) although I get no errors nothing is added on stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Instance Of Symbol To Stage?

Jul 29, 2009

I know this is one of the most basic things, but I am having trouble adding an instance of a symbol to the stage with action script in Flash CS4. I have a "fireball" symbol and at the beginning of my code I say:
var myFireball:MovieClip = new fireball;
But it says : "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method fireball."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Symbol Instance On The Stage In An External Package?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a symbol called s1 in the library and I also created an instance of it on the stage on the first frame, its name is myS01Before I linked the document to a class (this was for youtube player) I was able to add event listeners, such as mousevents, onto this instance in my actions panel. But, after I linked my document to the external class in a package without a name, I cannot add any code into Actions panel, because it gives me all kinds of weird problems.Instead I am trying to use this symbol and add listeners to it in my external class file (the one linked to the document) with no external class file looks like:

package {  import flash.display.Sprite;  import flash.display.Stage;  import flash.display.StageAlign;  import flash.display.StageScaleMode;  import;  import*; 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Inside Symbol Not Recognized On Stage

Nov 11, 2011

I bought Flash recently and I'm getting started on making a game, a platform shooter game, thing. What I have, is a button on the main stage that I want to activate a function in an instance. But that instance is inside a symbol. So it's Stage->Character->Gun. But if I put down:

Shoot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Fire);
//Shoot is the button on the stage
function Fire(evt:MouseEvent):void{
Derp(); //This being the function I want to be activated

This is the code in the Gun instance:
function Derp():void{
//epic code goes here

It will give me an error saying "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Derp." So basically it's telling me it can't get to this code because it's not on the same stage. How can I get an instance to be recognized by all code in my project, regardless of we're it is in the project? I want to keep all my symbols where they are, so external ActionScript file won't be good if I have to recreate the object on the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Document Class Instance Available To Sub Class?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm creating a Papervision3D scene in a document class. I have added an instance of a PointLight3D object. I'd like to create a class that uses the light instance in the main document class for its material. What would the Actionscript be to do this? I can't refer to the light as super.light because my class is inheriting the Sphere class. parent.light does not work either (even if I wait for the class to be added to the stage).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Instance Of Document Class

Jun 5, 2009

I have a really peculiar problem that relates to the old question of how to best access the instance of the document class from a different class. I usually add a 'this' as parameter when I create an instance of another class inside the document class. Then I save this 'this' in a class property of the type 'Object'. It usually works just fine but lately I have encountered a really bizzarr error.

When my movie first starts I have to load 2 xml-Files. I do that in another class - that calls upon the document class instance when it is finished. I use 4 methods for that, each calling the other, when it is finished.
(like one doing loader.load(urlRequest),
then loader.addEventListener
(Event.Complete, nexthandler) and so on

Now, when I call back to my document class from the last of these 4 methods it works just fine. But when I try skipping the first two methods (since I now need only one xml-File) - my try/catch-statement suddenly complains: TypeError: Error #1010! Like it needed more time to establish the instance of the document class or something similar strange.

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Symbol Within A Class?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a class called "playerClass" which I want to create multiple players from. I have made a movie clip symbol called "soldierOrange" and exported it for actionscript. I have also removed it off the stage. I have tried various bits of code to add it to a child and then the stage, read many tutorials but nothing has worked so far.

Here is my code below with the unrelevent code taken out.

import flash.display.*;
public class playerClass{


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Flash :: Creating An Instance Of A Class That Implements An Interface Based On The Class Name?

Feb 17, 2011

Is there a way to generate an instance of a class that implements an interface based on the name of the class?

I am trying:

var ClassReference:Object = getDefinitionByName("movement.OuterSpaceMovement") as IMovement;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference as IMovement;
trace("startup..." + m);

-But I am getting an error message ReferenceError: Error #1065 (OuterSpaceMovement) not defined.

I have several classes that implement the same interface (IMovement) but I need to be able to generate new instances of these classes and then pass these instances as a datatype (IMovement datatype) to other classes...

So then I tried:

var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("OuterSpaceMovement") as Class;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference() as IMovement;
and this doesn't seem to work...but the following
var m:IMovement = new OuterSpaceMovement();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A New Instance Fails When Base Class Is Assigned To An External Class File?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to create a new instance of a MovieClip when the original one has been used. Would sound easy enough. Just use: var

instanceName:ClassName = new ClassName();

the class name/mc in the library im trying to duplicate is MCg1 so

var instanceName:MCg1 = new MCg1(); right?

However, the particular object in the library i'm trying to duplicate has a base class that is an external class file (just to control it's drag drop functionality)... i.e baseclass is not set to the standard flash.display.MovieClip, or whatever the case maybe. So i end out with a: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Static Reference To Document Class Instance?

May 3, 2010

What I'm looking for is a way to reference the document class instance, to be able to access functions and variables that other classes need. I'm currently doing it with this little piece of code I found on some blog or forum.

Code: Select all// This is in the document class
private static var _instance:DocClass;    // I have tried setting this to public and accessing it directly as well
public static function get instance():DocClass { return _instance; }


This seems to work as it should in Flash CS4, but when I try to run the same code in CS5 I get the following error message:

Code: Select allC:UsersImpenDocumentsMy DropboxFlash Project\, Line 238   1195: Attempted access of inaccessible method globalFunction through a reference with static type DocClass.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip On Stage From Custom Class Of Document Class

Dec 7, 2009

Is there a way I can reference a Movie clip I have on the main stage from a custom class of a document class?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap The Sprite Instance For A Movieclip Via The Document Class?

Mar 29, 2011

how to swap the sprite instance for a movieclip via the document class.

this a boid example from soulwire, and works great but i want to use a library clip instead of the vector sprite - for arguments sake - the library clip would be "boid"...


but am not able to work out what i need to add/edit...

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Actionscript 3 :: Stage Properties In Custom Class, Not Document Class?

Oct 14, 2011

I need to use stage.width/height in my CustomClass so I found some topics about it.

if (stage)


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Actionscript 3 :: Access A Displayobject On Stage In A Class That Is Not A Document Class?

Mar 7, 2012

How to access a display object on the stage in a class which is not a document class?

I am looking for a solution that doesn't involve passing the stage as a parameter to the class.

One solution i always come across is using "". Is it a good method because as far as I have heard using global variables is not recommended because it might cause some problems while working on big projects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip On The Stage From A Class Of The Document Class?

Dec 8, 2009

Is there a way to refer to a Movieclip on the stage from a class file of the document class

Lets say I have 3 MovieClips on the stage(a Circle, a Square and a Triangle)

I have the document class which calls another class that controls the MC on the stage


ActionScript Code:
package {
public class Example extends Sprite {
//Create the instance of the class being called


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Actionscript 3 :: Creating A Class For A Flash Symbol In HaXe?

Mar 31, 2012

I am having trouble incorporating graphical assets created in Flash with my haXe code.

In the Flash IDE, I've created a symbol with the linkage name "MySprite". I compile this into assets.swf. I know that to use symbols in this .swf from my haXe code, I need to add the following option when using the haxe compiler:

-swf-lib assets.swf

I'd now like to write a class called "MySprite" which is associated with this symbol, like so:

class MySprite extends Sprite {
public function new() {
// ...

Basically, I'd like to achieve something similar to the technique presented in this tutorial:

package {
import flash.display.*;
[Embed(source="assets.swf", symbol="MySprite")]


It's unclear from the haXe documentation whether this can be done, or what the syntax is for doing it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Stage From A Class Which Isn't The Document Class?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm being really dumb today and I know this should be simple.....How do i access the stage from a class which isn't the Document Class? For instance, I want to create a tween which takes in the parameters of the stage's width? So I've written.....

ActionScript Code:
var myTweenX:Tween = new Tween(this, "x", Regular.easeOut, this.x, stage.stageWidth, 60, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Sprite And Calling It With Document Class

Dec 14, 2009

I want a cass using drawing API which will create a sprite with 2 levels...(item.addChild(sprite.1)......... addChild(item))
I want a document class to call this sprite and place it on the stage for animation...
how to create a multilevel spirte and then instantiate it using doucment class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A GotoAndPlay Function On A Button In A Document Class?

Oct 27, 2011

I got a simple block of code that stops the main timeline on a certain frame, but so far I've been unable to form a code that would gotoAndPlay when mouse click happens on a button I made, and mind you I'm doing this in a document class. I've heard different instructions how to make the button, some say make it a movieclip, some say nest it in a movieclip

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Instance Of TextField On Stage

Oct 5, 2010

I wanted to create an instance of a textField on the stage with simple text. I thought the following piece of code would work:

var textfield1:TextField = new TextField();
textfield1.text = "testing text";
textfield1.x = 300;
textfield1.y = 300;
textfield1.height = 150;
textfield1.width = 150;
textfield1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

As far as I can tell the object is created and IS there but I have to call it somehow I guess.

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Accessing Stage From A Class Which Isn't The Document Class?

Jul 3, 2009

How do i access the stage from a class which isn't the Document Class? For instance, I want to create a tween which takes in the parameters of the stage's width?[code]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Creating New Instance Of A Class?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a situation wherein I would like to know if there is any impact on performance.
I have two custom classes & written below:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Different Instance Of Same Class

Dec 29, 2008

I am having some problems with creating different instance of the same class in as2..Pretty sure this should work in as3, so I'm not sure exactly.[code] I thought using the new keyword should create a new object independent of other instances..unless constructors are static in as2 and i just didn't know it.

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AS3 - Error 1010 When Creating Class Instance

Dec 27, 2010

When I try to create a new instance of a class that I created from a symbol in the library, I get a 1010 (A term is undefined and has no properties) error. I gave it a class name in it's linkage properties and it extends MovieClip. Is there anything else that I'm supposed to do? Maybe it's a syntax error when I'm creating an new instance of the class. It used just like any other class or datatype, right?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Class Instance With Variable Value

Dec 16, 2009

Topic title explains what i want to do. Say I have a variable roomNumber (a string) and in a game where i move about, roomNumber will change (say, room34 to room35). When a new room is visited i want a new instance of my class Room to be created, but with the instancename of what the variable currently is. (point is that i can go back to a previous room, without it being changed because the instance has already been created) so... roomNumber:RoomClass = new RoomClass(); well, it unfortunately works so that the new instance is named roomNumber, and not room34.

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Stage Is Null In Document Class?

May 13, 2011

In my document class named Engine, the stage variable is for some reason null:

package game
import flash.display.MovieClip;


This was working fine up until now. I just recently added two dynamic text fields into a symbol, and all of a sudden the stage is null. I really don't see the connection.

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