Actionscript 3 :: Styles That Are Not Found In Flex Documentation?

Jan 9, 2010

today I wanted to change the border color of TextInput when user has a focus on it. I could not find any style that would allow me to change thatlittle bit of Google searching and I found answer to be themeColor.Why is it that there are some styles that work and which are not even mentioned in the Flex documentation? (and how can one find out about em, except doing some web searching?)

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Actionscript 3 :: Writing Documentation - Creating Online Documentation?

Jun 17, 2011

I've been working on a framework in AS3 that I want to release, but first I obviously need to prepare some documentation for it.I've noticed that quite a few sites have the exact same layout, functionality etc as Adobe Livedocs, which has let me to believe that there's something open source out there for creating online documentation.

Ideally the system would be specifically suited for documentation in ActionScript 3. I don't have a requirement in terms of the documentation being automatically generated either - if there's something out there that looks/works nice I'm happy to manually create the documentation (provided it comes with tools for easily adding classes, arguments, etc).

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AS3 :: Flex Documentation Of The Lesser Know Properties

Sep 17, 2009

Over the past three weeks, I have lost at least 120 man hours because of some lesser known functionality in ActionScript 3. One of the problems was that, with Internet Explorer, if there are too many messages sent through LocalConnections, it will slow the messages sent through, but in the standalone player and in Firefox, this threshold is significantly higher. Another was that the static values of a class are instantiated even if the member itself is not being used:[code]Since FooClass had a static reference to a Singleton, that Singleton was instantiated so when I loaded a Module which used that Singleton, it would bind to values in an unpredictable way.Additional cases where things behave in an unexpected way:

So here's the question (and I'm sorry for omitting this in the original post), is there any consolidated documentation for this type of behavior anywhere? Is there any (even non-Adobe) documentation on these issues (websites, forums, books, ANYTHING)? I know that these things are definitely easy enough TO document, but has anyone done so?

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Flex :: Programmatically Get Documentation Comments From A Class , Method / Property?

Dec 11, 2010

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I suspect, documentation is removed when classes are compiled into SWF so it might be impossible to get comments during run-time.

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Flex :: How Does A Component Know Whether One Of Its Styles Got Changed

Jun 26, 2009

I inherited a custom component from TextField. The component needs to know when any of its styles got changed at runtime via setStyle. How would I do that? It's probably obvious but I couldn't find an event or appropriate method to override.

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Flex :: How To Change Component Styles In AS3

Nov 4, 2009

In MXML, there is a Button class which you can instantiate like so:
<mx:Button id="something />
But what if you wanted to dynamically build this in AS3 and add it to the Flex app dynamically, without the use of components (just AS3) and then modify Flex's styles, for example, here you access the Button's properties and set them:

var btn:Button = new Button();
btn.height = 50;
btn.width = 75;
btn.x = 100;
btn.y = 40;

But how would you go about changing the Style, for example:
btn.downSkin = "something";
btn.color = "0xfffff";

I'm sort of starting to lean towards making a flex component in MXMLand than just making it visible true/false, but I like the fact that i create an object in AS3 and then destroy it when I don't need it anymore, than create it again once needed.

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Flex :: Custom ItemRenderer Does Not Use Styles Specified

Mar 18, 2010

I have a custom item renderer which I use for my DataGrid. The DataGrid has specified selectionColor, rollOverColor and themeColor. The Problem is that the custom item renderer, does ignore those colors, and doesn't give any Feedback...

I tried to add the lines:
setStyle("selectionColor", 0xEDF1F7);
setStyle("rollOverColor", 0xE1F5DE);
setStyle("themeColor", 0x3569B0);
But with no effect...

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Overridden Styles For Flex Module?

Jun 11, 2009

Can a flex module have styles different from the main application which loads the modules? Meaning... can I have a main set of styles for the application, and separate styles for each module.. with each of them rendering their own styles without disturbing the other at runtime?

My specific case:The main application is developed by me... and the modules are developed by different people who want to contribute to the main application. I want to provide some way for each of the module developers to have their own styles for their modules, without touching the main application or its styles.

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Flex :: Applying Dynamic Styles To Skins

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I want to be able to style or set properties dynamically.[code]I want to be able to set these properties in the skin so the skin can be styled differently for each component that uses it.

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Flex :: Applying Styles For Custom TextArea?

Apr 5, 2010

I have the following code to create and apply a few styles for a custom TextArea in ActionScript 3.

public class MyCustomTextArea extends TextArea
override protected function createChildren():void


I have two problems with this code.this.styleSheet is always null when I create an instance of the class. If this.styleSheet is initialized to new StyleSheet() to avoid this issue, then the TextArea instance does not seem to recognize any of the HTML tags that can be used with the htmlText property.

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Flex :: Modules Does Not Inherit Css Styles When Built With Ant

Nov 26, 2010

I'm creating a Flex 4 application which contains different modules in it. The main application contains a style sheet and the modules inherit the styles defined in this file.Its working fine when the swf's are generated using Flash Builder. But when I'm generating it using Ant script, the modules does not inherit the styles and everything looks weird.I added isolate-styles="false" as an additional parameter to mxmlc, but still its not working.

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Flex :: Customization - Use Different Skins For Different Components Or To Use Just One Big Css That Has All The Styles Together?

Aug 11, 2011

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Flex :: Handling TextInput Element Width And Styles In AS3

Nov 10, 2009

I made a Form container with few TextInput fields in Flex and I would like to change a style of clicked TextInput element. I managed to do it with MouseEvent.CLICK event listener but it is not what I expected. I would like to change style of TextInput when user try to edit that field. However, I want to change back to 'default' style when user clicks another TextInput field or outside any field. Is there some event listener made specific for such interactions? I have also a question, is it possible to make width of TextInput depending on amount of text? I mean to resize it to width of text inside of it? Text comes from some database and is always different widths...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Datagrid.tooltip With Different Text Styles?

Apr 11, 2010

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Flex :: Current Theme Spark Styles Not Working

May 2, 2011

I am trying to figure out why I am getting an error when using the chromeColor (or other spark style related items):
<s:Button x="10" y="208" label="CALL" width="185" fontWeight="bold" id="bCall" chromeColor="#F90000"/>

This is the error:
The style 'chromeColor' is only supported by type 'spark.components.Button' with the theme(s) 'spark'.

Yet in project - properties, the theme is set to Spark. I also tried setting it to Halo and then back to Spark. Here is my app definition:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="800" minHeight="600" width="100%" height="100%">

I have seen references that define the mx namespace as "xmlns:mx="library://", but then my mx components break (TabNavigator for example) - not sure if that would fix it anyway. I is using flex 4.1 library (I believe the project was originally created when flex builder was at 4.0 if that matters).

No other libraries included.
Project - properties is set to MX+Spark.

Also, if I remove that chromeColor, the project compiles, BUT there are warnings such as: The style 'borderAlpha' is only supported by type 'spark.components.TitleWindow' with the theme(s) 'spark'. Flex Problem (and others - borderColor, cornerRadius, dropShadowVisible).

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Css :: Setting Different Chart DataTip Styles In Flex Components

Nov 1, 2011

I have a following issue:My task is to style a datatip for two charts in Flex 4.5.Both charts reside in two different <Group> based components which are added to the <Application>

So after a thorough research here is what I tried to do.First applying a css descending selectors:

#container#chart1 chartClasses|DataTip{


Then I would like to be able to get access to the instance of the CustomDataTip class.But I can't .So currently the only thing I can do is to create a distinct custom datatip renderer class for each chart.That could be fine if you have only a couple of charts you want to style but what can we do if we have many of them?

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Flex :: Setting Multiple Styles To A Custom LabelItemRenderer?

Nov 19, 2011

I made a custom LabelItemRenderer, inside it I want to give some additional style to a StyleableTextField. How can I do it without losing inherited styles? I tried different things, but always got an error saying antiAliasType must be set.

fontFamily: Arial;


How should I set my text field style, and then set it in the createChildren method?

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Android :: Flex Styles Not Loaded At Runtime In Devices

Dec 8, 2011

I want to load my styles (in swf format) at run time for my flex mobile application. For that requirement, I have compiled my css files into swf format and I loaded for my application using "StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations("style.swf");". I get my styles for application when I run it on my desktop, but after building my files into apk format, I couldn't get the styles applied for my application in device. When I debug my application from my android device, I got the following error message.

Error: Unable to load style(RSL app:/framework_4.5.1.21328.swz failed to load. Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: app:/framework_4.5.1.21328.swz): style.swf. at Function/<anonymous>()[]
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Load Styles From Css File At Run Time?

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to load different styles at run time. In my css files there is only description of the Application tag. If I point to the file in my mxml code: Code:<mx:Style source="name_of_the_file.css"/> it is working. The problem is that I don't know how to do this with as3. I have managed to load datawiththis:Code:StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations( 'name_of_the_file.swf' ); My question is how I can load not swf but .css file like in the example above.

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Flex :: Changing Left / Right Arrow Button Styles For DateChooser?

Jul 25, 2011

My DateChooser code and its style code is shown below:
<mx:DateChooser id="dc" cornerRadius="0" bottom="0" width="100%" allowMultipleSelection="true" allowDisjointSelection="false" styleName="dateChooserGradient" change="fetchDateAgenda(dc.selectedDate)"/>

And the dateChooserGradient:
.dateChooserGradient {
header-colors: #133c59, #29506c;
todayStyleName: myTodayStyleName;
headerStyleName: myHeaderStyleName;
weekDayStyleName: myWeekDayStyleName;
dropShadowEnabled: false;
arrowColor: #062338;
arrowAlpha: 0.1;
What I actually want for my arrows is a transparent background, with borderthickness to be 2, and the arrows and bordercolor to be #062338. Also if I can make the width and height of the arrow itself a bit bigger then what it is as default.

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Actionscript 3 :: Programmatically Set "Faux" Bold And Italic Font Styles In Flex?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a client that I build a business card "builder" application for in Flex. All the text elements that users add to the stage are Flex spark TextArea. I have a list of fonts that we allow the user to set on the text areas and some of the fonts included do have Bold and Italic versions of the font. The others that do not I simply disable these options in the control panel so the user doesn't have the option to click bold or italic buttons.

Photoshop does something similar if you load a font that doesn't have Bold or Italic options they disable the dropdown that would allow you to select these options in the text pallet

When bold and italic aren't an included font face then Photoshop as a couple of buttons for applying Faux Bold and Italic to the font. Basically they programmatically thicken up the font face or slat it to make it look italic.

I've tried just setting fontWeight and fontStyle on the fonts that don't have bold or italic included in the embedded fonts and the result usually is a "web safe" font shows instead of the selected font or nothing at all happens.

I am wondering if there is a programmatic way that anyone has found that will do this in Flash / Flex. Basically thicken the font face or tilt it slightly to look italic. My guess is this would be pretty difficult and not worth the time and effort to the client but would be a neat thing to figure out and have a solution for.

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Flex :: Buttons And Styles - Creating A SWF File Using A MXML File

Aug 11, 2009

I am creating a SWF file using a MXML file. The MXML file define several MX:Button and uses an external stylesheet to style them. There is a problem I am facing at the moment, I am aiming to style the buttons in a way that is similar to the way I can style HTML button elements. However, I could not achieve such look and feel. For example, I could not find a way to define the color and thickness of the borders for each side of the button (top, bottom, left, right), the background color, the margins, the padding, the width, and the height of the button. Also, selector such as hover, active, focus are not available. I was only able to change the size and the font color of the button successfully.

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Flex :: Maven - Flexmojos: Type Was Not Found - UncaughtErrorEvent (Flex 4.1)?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm using flexmojos 3.8 with flex compiler Project compiles fine in Flash Builder, but with flexmojos / maven I get the following Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UncaughtErrorEvent

The Flex Code looks like this:

loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents.addEventListener(UncaughtErrorEvent.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, onUncaughtError);

The Flex Compiler 4.1 should know the type UncaughtErrorEvent - Why does it fail?

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C# :: Flash ActiveX API Documentation?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to put a Flash ActiveX control into a Windows Form but I am running into a problem: a lack of documentation. The best I have found is a site called "F-IN-BOX" that has some documentation but much of the API is still a black box. For example, some property will take an integer or a string and provide no clue about what it wants. Another exanple is the FlashVersion() function that inexplicably returns 655361 on version 10.

Incidentally I'm having the same problem with Apple's Quicktime OCX. I've searched both sites and Google and I'm starting to wonder if either of these companies provide documentation for any of their products. Does anybody know where I can find documentation for either of them, even if it's the unofficial variety?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Make Documentation

Aug 8, 2011

I know when I used to program java that their was a way to produce documentation. You had to comment a certain way and then do a certain procedure.

How do you make the documentation in AS3, Flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Documentation In Flash CS5

Dec 20, 2010

It's been a while since I've done any AS3 dev. but now I'm working with CS5. I remember back in the good ol' days of CS3, You opened it up and there was a whole list of classes and it allowed you to drill down into each and see great examples and full documentation. Now, whenever I click on help it brings up this awkward and overly complex AIR interface. I don't like this! Is there anything like the old interface?

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Flex :: Import AbstractMatcherTestCase Could Not Be Found

Nov 2, 2011

I am trying to use Flex Unit in FlashBuilder 4.5.1 and I am getting the warning " import AbstractMatcherTestCase could not be found". I have hamcrest-as3-flex-1.1.3.swc as one of my referenced libraries for the project. I am trying to import as follows:
import org.hamcrest.AbstractMatcherTestCase;

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Approach To Writing Documentation For XML Files?

Sep 10, 2011

What is your approach to writing documentation explaining the options and use of XML files for a project ?Do you write commented instructions directly in the XML file ?Do you create a different text file in which you write instructions ?Do you explain the use of blocks of XML or do you detail each element and it's function ?I am looking for some guidelines on how to write the documentation for large XML files that control the settings and content of projects.

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Media Server :: Where Is Documentation For AllowedHTMLdomains.txt

Nov 12, 2009

I've been having troubles finding documentation on how to use these 2 files:
point me to some documentation?  I'd need some background about how they work.

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