Actionscript 3 :: Create A Composite From Bitmap And Video File With FFmpeg Or Other Binary Via As3 Frontend

Nov 13, 2011

I need to create some sort of video-editor for dummies, which has to generate a video file as output.The editor has to load a movie-file scale and rotate it to a certain degree, and generate a composite video of a background bitmap and the rotated and placed video.The frontend will be done in Flash/AS3 and has to use some background tools for processing the video.Can I use FFmpeg to generate such a composite? Or is there any other good background task available?

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Flash :: Ffmpeg On Windows: Use Mp3 As Audio Codec To Create Mp4 Files?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The Image Binary (after HTTP Request Headers Are Removed) As A Bitmap In Flash?

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I'm building an image viewer that has violent content (video games), and so it requires users to enter their birthdays. Problem is that because of company policy, I can't expose any of the source images being viewed in the event that someone might use their resources/net tabs (or just sniff the request) and get the direct link to the image. (I know that they could screenshot it, but that's out of anyone's control and not something I'm worried about.)Is there anyway to inherently mask loaded resources (images)? I've been using sockets, which is great, but there's also the problem of actually loading the image binary (after HTTP request headers are removed) as a Bitmap in Flash.

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Flex :: Composite MXML Component - Display File Info On Single Line

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying componentize one of the pieces of UI in an AIR application that I'm developing in Flex. In this example, I want to display file information on a single line (which has an icon, some text/link and the size).

My code looks like this (component is called FileDisplay):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="[URL]"><mx:Script>
public function set iconType(source:String):void {
this.ficon.source = source;
[Code] .....

However, when I do this, I get an error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. This is because the child components of the FileDisplay are null (or at least they show up that way in the debugger). Am I supposed to be waiting for events indicating the child components were created? For now I can manually do everything in ActionScript in my main app (create a Canvas and add children to it) but how to separate the code more cleanly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Binary File (a BMP File)

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Flex :: Can Do Binary File Input And Out

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ByteArray To Cffile Binary File?

Mar 17, 2010

I m trying to write AS3 to take a screenshot of a MC thats on the stage and pass the data to a .cfc method which saves it as a jpg on the server.The current code I have kind of works except the jpg is unreadable.I think it has something to do with not using Flex, AMF, and writing binary files.When I look at the jpg via a hex viewer I think it doesnt have the right jpg header.The jpg begins with:c3 bf c3 98 c3 bf c3 a0 00 10 4a 46. When I think it should begin with:ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46

//AS3 source code[code].......

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// ActionScript file
package source.fileApi{
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;


But this did not give me the binary content of the file.. how to retrieve the full binary content of the given file using Flex (I am using FP 10.0).....

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Sep 12, 2010

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Create Pre-loader For Video File?

Dec 15, 2010

how can i create pre-loader for video files, because i tried to apply the pre-loader that i use with images, and it load actual and when it loaded appears in output pane that message "Loaded file is an unknown type" !!, and my video doesn't play...

this is my code

Code: Select allstop();
var video:Video = new Video(320, 240);
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Java :: Binary Socket And Policy File In Flex

May 17, 2010

I'm trying to evaluate whether Flex can access binary sockets. Seems that there's a class calles Socket ( package). The requirement is that Flex will connect to a server serving binary data. It will then subscribe to data and receive the feed which it will interpret and display as a chart. I've never worked with Flex, my experience lies with Java, so everything is new to me. So I'm trying to quickly set something simple up. The Java server expects the following:

DataInputStream in = .....
byte cmd = in.readByte();
int size = in.readByte();
byte[] buf = new byte[size];
[Code] .....

After that - EOFException happens on the server and that's it. So the question is, am I approaching whole streaming data issue wrong when it comes to Flex? Am I sending the policy file wrong? Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good solid example of how to do it. It seems to me that Flex can do binary Client-Server application, but I personally lack some basic knowledge when doing it. I'm using Flex 3.5 in IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

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Flash :: Source Control System For Binary File?

Oct 20, 2010

We use subversion, which works great for software projects. We also have a lot of flash projects, which we don't use any kind of source control. Each flash project contain quite a few images. The time frame of each project is a couple weeks, but few can go upto a couple months.

The number of files we create contribute to quite a bit of file size. To keep repository size at a minimum, we want to keep the latest version only and wipe out previous history once a project is finished. History is useless to us after a project is finished.

It looked into subversion, but it doesn't allow to remove anything from the repository. I need to perform this workaround here.

One easy way is creating a separate repository for each project. When the project is over, save the latest version to archive and wipe out the repository. The number of active projects is about 50 - 100. Is there any issue with creating one repository per project?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Binary Socket Policy File On Server

Jan 15, 2009

I am attempting to setup a binary socket connection between flash running on my desktop and a Rabbit RCM3800 Microcontroller providing the server on my home network, which has no file system and has a very basic http server on it. Due to limitations of the microC I cannot run Java/Perl/Python or any other server on it other than setting up a server using its own native Dynamic C language (essentially manually opening and controlling sockets in C). I am able to successfully connect to a socket on port 3333 of the server and transfer information between the server and the .swf file when it is the sandbox type "local-trusted" (while I'm debugging in Flash).

Because of this I'm fairly certain the code to setup the socket between the server and flash works fine. My problem occurs when I try to run the .swf file as "local-with-network" (such as running it after publishing on my desktop) or "remote" (accessing the .swf file when it is located on the server) and it then requires a socket policy server to host a socket policy file on the server. On my server I have code setup such that whenever a socket opens on port 843 or port 3333 (my data port) and sends a stream of raw data containing the request <policy-file-request/>, the server writes back in ASCII the below code and closes the socket.

Select all<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "[URL]">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" />
[Code] .....

So for some reason flash times out while waiting for the socket policy file. I have tested sending the <policy-request-file/> over telnet, and have received the above policy file. I have also sniffed using wireshark and saw that my desktop sent the policy request and received the policy file. I am guessing that Flash times out because it is waiting for some kind of terminating character that states the end of the policy file, and to that end I have tried sending. Interestingly, instead of sending the policy file I have tried sending random data from the server to flash, and flash displayed the Warning: Ignoring policy file at (URL) due to incorrect syntax. Because I don't receive this warning when I send my policy file I don't think it is formatted incorrectly.

I have also tried using the below flash code to hold the socket request open indefinitely, but it also errors after 20seconds.
Code: Select allSecurity.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://");
The .swf file will eventually reside on the server itself at I have only tested the flash file remotely on the server a couple times, and in addition to the previous warnings/errors, I received the warning: SWF from (URL) may not connect to a socket in its own domain without a policy file.

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Actionscript 3 :: Create Video File From BitmapDatas In Flash?

May 31, 2011

Basically I'd like to know if there are any libraries out there that lets me create a video file in the flash runtime. I know such a process would take a lot of resources, but I would still like to know if it was possible?I would guess it could work like just passing it a bitmapdata for each frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parsing A Text File Full Of Binary Data?

Jun 22, 2009

i have a large text file full of several chunks of binary data, each chunk separated by "---"

so it looks like this:


I have loaded the data in an untyped variable. var data:* = URLLoader(; so data contains all the text file content. my problem is that i want to parse this text file and put each chunk of binary data into a ByteArray.

any ideas of how i can go about doing that? i have never dealt with untyped variables before so i am not sure what to do. and i don't want to lose the binary data representation by casting (if that happens).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create The Sample File For Loading The Video Images With Thumnail?

Jun 3, 2011

I am trying to create the sample file for loading the video images with thumnail.But i don't know how to create thumnail for video file (using video component).give any tutorial and give some sample files.

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Flex :: Flash Frontend For Wordpress?

May 28, 2010

We all know what Wordpress can do with a little bit of css goodness. I was wondering whether the idea could be extended even further and make a completely separate Flash/Flex frontend for a website, that uses Wordpress in the back. That would certainly be possible. I was just wondering whether its practical.

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Silverlight :: Choosing A Frontend Technology

Mar 7, 2012

For a new application I need to make a decision on what frontend technology to use. I know this question has been asked before and I've found several studies, blogs and other references discussing Flash vs. Silverlight vs HTML5 vs JavaFX, but in my case there is a business requirement that complicates the situation.The application must run as an offline, stand-alone desktop application and as an online client-server application and perhaps in the future it needs to run on tablets as well. And to minimise maintenance we would like to have just one code-base. The server side should preferably run on Linux.

From earlier projects we have experience with Java and Flex for the client-server configuration, but I haven't found out if it is possible to package this into a stand-alone application. Java and JavaFX would be an alternative, but JavaFX still seems to be immature and lacking development tools. If we go for Silverlight we would more or less have to switch to C# or C++ for the backend, or use something like JNBridge, which would make the stand-alone installation more complicated. And HTML5 would be the choice for the future, but less suited for a complex application and we might run into browser-dependencies.So I haven't found the ideal solution yet and could use some help. Perhaps we need to limit the one code-base requirement only for the server/backend side and accept different front-ends for different usages.

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Professional :: Use An Image Composite Like Many Buttons?

Feb 3, 2012

how can I make a series of buttons using an image. I have diferents image for each area in GIF format. I create a button with each image. But, when I put each button in the frame, the area where a button is over another button capture the event of the mouse over.What do I have to do for determinate the edge for each button with the image?

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Java :: Making A Web Player Frontend For My Media Server?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a small media server. It's actually a Netgear GoFlex Home (NAS) running Plugbox Linux. It's currently running a bunch of servers HTTP/FTP/WebDAV/DLNA/Webmin etc and I want to create a frontend for my multimedia that I can access from the internet. (I preimarily use it as a DLNA media server).At first I considered using a Java Servlets backend with a Flex based frontend but that fact that I can't use Flex Builder from work (licensing) and I'm unwilling to pay a few hundred pounds for it, that's out of the question.

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Flex :: Show Success Message From Backend And Display In Frontend?

Apr 20, 2011

How to show success message in frontend....when a record is inserted in backend.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Composite Menu - Submenu Not Disappearing On Mouseout

Jan 3, 2011

I'm creating a menu from XML. It will be able to traverse over the XML recursively (so n-levels deep). The menu itself is a composite -- each node in the menu, either a menuList or menuItem, is a menuComponent. menuComponent is more-or-less an abstract class so they all inherit and override a draw() function. If the object is a menuList, then it has a Sprite container to hold all of it's children. I did this so it would be easy to add and remove all of it's children by just adding and removing a container that holds all of them.

The issue I'm having is with the event listeners. I am adding a mouse_over event to a button. The button is within a Sprite container. When I mouse over the button, I'm adding the submenu into the buttons container. The problem comes when I mouse out of the button. I've gotten the submenu to stay but not disappear on mouse_out OR it appears when I'm over the button but disappears as soon as I exit it. I THOUGHT if I attach the mouse_out listener to the container, it would work because the container should expand when I add the submenu into it.

ActionScript Code:
package as3 {
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
[Code] .....

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C++ :: FFMPEG - Convert SWF To Image?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to use ffmpeg to convert swf to png ,and I can't extract image from some kind of swf like: [URL] and I use this code in bat file(1.bat)
cws2fws Movie1.swf 3.swf
ffmpeg -i 3.swf -f image2 -vcodec png tese%d.png
I only want to convert swf to image.

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Flash :: Converting RGB To YUV + Ffmpeg

Feb 27, 2012

I am trying the following to record a live video from my Flash/AIR application: I take a "screenshot" (BitmapData from stage) each frame. I convert each pixel to yuv format like this (V2):


I'm not really a codec expert (just starting ;)), so I don't know what to make of most of that. Here is a zip that contains one of the frames and the video output. What should be visible is a green smiling pear, without any artifacts. Remember the size is 600x700 and the format yuv420. Best to view such raw image files with irfanview, IMO. Don't mind the noise, its from pushing against my microphone ;)

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Professional :: IPad Apps For Animation And Composite With Export Options?

Mar 26, 2012

I was wondering if there are any apps that have animation in a format that could be somehow exported for use in Flash, After Effects, or 3D software. So something other than flip book style "paint" animation. Instead something like vector point animation or object/property animation.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3 Event Propagation On A Composite Custom Component?

Jul 24, 2009

I have a custom component made up of a selectable control (radio button)and a text input. I want to perform some logic in response to the change events from both of those controls, but after that I want anything that is registered on the composite component's change handler to have a change to handle the events as well. The problem is, when I re-dispatch the events the event target has changed to my custom component, losing the originating event's target.

Here's my custom component:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="" label="{listItem.@text}" data="{listItem.@level.toString()}">


In the event handler that receives change events from this component, I see that is an instance of SpecifyRadioButton, not the TextInput or RadioButton, as I'd expect. How should I propagate the event to get what I want here?

Getting event [Event type="change" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
from question0.tabSurvey.questionForm.questionContainer.Single94.VBox95.SpecifyRadioButton111

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