ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Bitmap Data Into Binary Form?
Jun 25, 2010converting bitmap data in flash movieclip to binary form. Need the solution using AS2.
View 1 Repliesconverting bitmap data in flash movieclip to binary form. Need the solution using AS2.
View 1 RepliesHow can I change this so it saves the image as binary data. This code works fine but when the image is created the file size is too big.
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
unpacking data from a binary string. I realized it with a php code:
list($empty,$size) = unpack( 'V', fread($socket,4) ); $theresult = fread($socket,$size);
But how can i do this in as3 ? I didnīt find a possibilty to encode "unsigned long (always 32 bit, little endian byte order)". Is there a option like unpack in as3 ?
i have a string which contains all binary data. the binary data represents a custom object in my application.
i want to convert all the data inside the string into binary format and store it in a ByteArray. then I want to read the object from the ByteArray using readObject.
I want to convert bitmap data to an image file like jpg or png file in AS3.
View 1 RepliesI am trying to convert data entered into a form into an xml file which needs to be you go about converting Strings to Files and circumventing the browsing process?
View 1 RepliesI would like to know if you can convert decimal to binary using actionscript 3.0?
View 6 RepliesI will like to convert string into binary
here is the code
private function sendCommand(e:MouseEvent):void {
var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba.writeMultiByte(command.text + "
I will like to convet command.text in to binary format and send it to server.
First time using bitwise and i have the following problem:
Let's say i have 1110 in binary (binary=1110)
I want to convert it to Gray code. So basically i have to apply it a bitwise right shift and xor the result with the initial value.[code]...
I am trying to create a simple form using Actionscript 3 that will collect data from a form, then pass that data to an asp file. I have attached the following code to the submit button,but this is not working.I'm not sure if I have to add anything else and I don't understand why this is not working. I'm trying to load all the variable info into one variable called email form.
submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......
Im having a problem with this code to convert decimal to binary ive got the formula but it wont print to the screen_txt only on the console and also my calculator wont let me change any other number other than 3 so if i press 7 binary should be 111 but it stays 11...
I am trying to convert the following java binary search routine to as3.I assume that 'compareTo' is a built in java method and that '>>>' s a type of bitwise operation.
package binary;
public class Finder {
public static int find( String[ ] keys, String target) {
int high = keys.length;[code]..........
I am using Flex builder with sdk 3.5. I want to convert binary string to unsigned int.
View 1 RepliesI need to create some sort of video-editor for dummies, which has to generate a video file as output.The editor has to load a movie-file scale and rotate it to a certain degree, and generate a composite video of a background bitmap and the rotated and placed video.The frontend will be done in Flash/AS3 and has to use some background tools for processing the video.Can I use FFmpeg to generate such a composite? Or is there any other good background task available?
View 1 RepliesI'm building an image viewer that has violent content (video games), and so it requires users to enter their birthdays. Problem is that because of company policy, I can't expose any of the source images being viewed in the event that someone might use their resources/net tabs (or just sniff the request) and get the direct link to the image. (I know that they could screenshot it, but that's out of anyone's control and not something I'm worried about.)Is there anyway to inherently mask loaded resources (images)? I've been using sockets, which is great, but there's also the problem of actually loading the image binary (after HTTP request headers are removed) as a Bitmap in Flash.
View 4 RepliesIm trying to convert a flash binary-decimal converter to another programming language (TI-Basic). I've got all of it down except one key part. I've got a solid backing of actionscript understanding but find myself unable to understand the following statement:
if (iNumber%2) { bin = "1"+bin; }
from this tutorial
I realize that inumber%2 will return a value being the remainder of inumber divided by 2, but how can this be a conditional? "if (2) { }" doesn't work for conditonals im used to. Or if your a TI-Basic wiz
p.s. how do you wrap actionscript tags around content in a post on the forum?
I'm cutting my teeth in actionscript 3 on a game that has a character running through a world. So, I have set up my Hit Testing by using the bitmap data hit test method, since I figured my world is going to be destructible - it'd be nice to update the level and then redraw it and have the character interact with the new change. (That works beautifully) I am however; a bit confused as to how I have my hit Testing set up. I've been messing around with it, and it works for now - but I'm not sure why.. currently, I have a character set up by using a class I built and using a series of animations I created. So, this character has a walking and falling animation, etc. This is a movie clip.
Then there's a bitmap 'emptyBitmap' with bitmap data created - however; I never really added this as a child to the character. This is sized to the dimensions of my character. My level is created as a movielip, then it's drawn to a bitmap - when the level movieclip is changed, the bitmap redraws, and that's how this updates.
I have a custom socket class designed to connect to a server and talk with it. At one point, the server uses hex data for speed, however Flash seems to not get ANY of this data. In fact, it doesn't get ANY of the data from that point to the next packet.
View 2 RepliesI wrote an image editor for my cms and wanted to send the image respectively the through the BitmapData's getPixels()-method received ByteArray to a PHP-script that displays and finally saves the image. Obviously I didn't succeed. How do I have to encode my binary data so that PHP is able to read it and how do I have to treat the bytes in PHP? I also tried encoding the image data with the corelib classes from [URL] but it didn't work as well.
View 4 RepliesI am using pixelfumes reflect class to create a releflection, the problem i have is (i) It only accepts reference to a movieclip. (ii) I cannot cast my binary data as a movieClip var item:Bitmap has to stay as a bitmap so either I make a copy of it as a moveclip and reflect it or find a way to pass it directly into the new Reflect() constructor.
We have a system that allows a user to upload any image, which we store on the server. Of course, it is simple to load an image (that you know the path to) using loadMovie, but I also want to load certain pieces of meta data about the image that is precalculated and stored on the server; we may one day want to retrieve things completely unrelated to the image as well, so consider the non-image data to be arbitrary.So, that said, is there a way to simply return the image as a variable (urlencoded and returned in a loadVars request, perhaps) and then load that data into a movie clip?
Bonus Lightning Round Question: Is there a way to check the output of a PHP script which processes uploads when the request is sent via FileReference.upload(url:String)? Should I load/escape the binary data and then send it using a loadVars() request if I want to see the output?
I'm trying to load some binary data from server like this
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/test.php");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
I'm trying to retrieve binary data using AS3 from a PHP server via HTTP, but very often (~50%) a few bytes arrive corrupted.
PHP snippets:
echo $this->page;
I am porting a python app that makes use of these functions [URL] to read a 32-bit little value.
View 1 RepliesSo, as the title says I was wondering if it is possible to scale bytearray/binary data from lets say 640x480 which is being captured from the stage to 1024 x 768
View 1 RepliesI am working on the web base flash application I am trying to communicate with server through binary socket to the server IP Address and Port using Action script 3.0 at the server side we are using java. I will like to send binary data string to the server in a clubbed single packet.
View 1 RepliesSometimes flash-socket ignors data which is being sent by server. I dunna know exactly if it's server-side problem(data actually aint being sent) or flash.How does flash handle numerous of data packages comming from server ? I know that flash perform all actions in single thread, but what happen when flash recive a lot of packages at same time ? Does flash serialize incomming packages and then call ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA for each package or just ignore those packages which cant be handled runtime ?
View 5 RepliesI have a problem with my application. Here's what i have up till now[code]...
Everything works fine, you can scale the image etc.
I would like to download the new image after you scaled it. I have been trying it for a long time now but i cant get it to work.[code]...
I'm missing a couple of bits somewhere. I'm trying to send and receive compressed binary data using AS and PHP, but I receive allways the error "Error #2058: There was an error decompressing the data". [code]...
View 1 RepliesI would need to save some binary data (bitmap data or similar) as a part of XML file.[code]...
I suppose I must serialize or encode "ba" (binary bytearray data) some way to string before writeing to XML and decode them back during the reading from XML, but I cannot find the correct way how to do it.