Actionscript 3 :: Find The Matching Items Given In An Array?
Apr 7, 2012
i don't understand arrays in functions, but how do you find the matching items given in an array? for example:
var fruit:Array = ["apples", "oranges", "grapes", "oranges", "apples", "grapes"];
how can i get it to show only the number of apples in the array?
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Apr 6, 2012
i don't understand arrays in functions, but how do you find the matching items given in an array? for example: var fruit:Array = ["apples", "oranges", "grapes", "oranges", "apples", "grapes"]; how can i get it to show only the number of apples in the array?
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Feb 6, 2012
I have an array that holds a list of items. In a movie clip, I have that same list as the frame labels. I'm using a for loop to iterate through the array and then assigning event listeners so that when you roll over an icon, it sends the movie clip to the right frame label (matching the item in the array).
However, the code I have now only returns the first match and not any of the others. Here's my code:
for (var j:uint = 0; j<interiorCallouts.length; j++) {
featureTextArray[j].text = interiorCallouts[j];
featureArray.length = interiorCallouts.length;
See the showCallout function. I'm using the interiorCallouts array to match the frame label in the callouts_mc, but I'm only getting the first match. None of the others.
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Aug 9, 2007
I'm working on a project where I have an array of coordinate points (4 of them) and a menu system that, when clicked, rearranges the boxes so that they all move around. The problem is that the values I pull out of the array are not always unique so some of the items end up not moving (or sometimes it ends up moving two to the same spot because the last one didn't move and one of them moved to a spot that is already occupied).
Here is the code I was using which for the most part works, except as mentioned, sometimes the check for the last one in the loop sees that the conditional is not equal so it doesn't do anything because there is no other values to loop through and it just leaves it in that spot.
private function checkCoordinates($item:MenuItem, $coords:Array):Void
var numItems:Number = $coords.length;
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Nov 30, 2009
I'm developing a flash application, and one of the things it has to do is take some user input, compare it to a number of possible matches in an XML file, and return the closest match. At the moment, I'm putting the user input into an array, looping through it, then looping through the XML and keeping track of how many nodes match in a separate array.That all sounds very confusing so here's an example:
The XML is structured like this:
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Mar 7, 2012
This is a somewhat modified excerpt of code I'm trying to implement:
public class View extends Sprite
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Feb 3, 2011
A quick review of the project, I am importing information from an xml file into an array. From there I have passed the information from the array to a variable.I find it that when I try to match the variable to a string letter, that it is not running through the case switch properly and going straight to the default bit. I have tried numerous solution to check where the problem lies;I have trace the actual position of the array to check if it is the correct letter I am trying to match.Did a length check on the variable that it is only 1, and not containing any spacesWhen I hardcode the letter into the variable, the case works perfectly.Any idea on why this is happening would greatly be apreciated. I have pasted a sample of the code below;
var switchTest = initialSlide_array[1];
switch (switchTest) { //switch case used to check template type
case "A":
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Sep 23, 2010
I'm trying to resolve the following:I'v got a long xml file with a node called 'ows_Sub_x002d_Site' - this has several different values (e.g Home, about us e.t.c) which i then filter to make sure only items with that specific value are then looped thro to build a menu.
That part i got sorted (see below).The problem i have is that i need to know how many items there are in the xml file with that value before i loop thro the xml and build the menu (so i can determine the overall width of the menu e.t.c).
function buildTheMenu():void {
var filterBy:String = "Home";
var rss:Namespace = new Namespace("#RowsetSchema");[code]....
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Oct 5, 2009
I am working on trying to collect data within an array (which works) and this data is collected when a button is pressed or selected. I also want the ability to remove an item from the array if the button is pressed again. Currently, I have these buttons dynamically generated and everything works well. The buttons have ids applied to them. SO what I am trying to get working is, if I select button 0, 2, 3 (0 indexing), the data array created holds [A., C., D.]. I want to remove A. after I click button 0. Instead, it seems to cause problems. What I am doing wrong with splicing??? trace statement:
A. items so far selected
selected items are: 0
A.,C. items so far selected
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Oct 20, 2010
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The script below are all on an enterFrame function
var level:int = 5;
var ball:ball_mc;
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Sep 10, 2009
I need to sort String items in an Array. Actually I need to organize children of a MOvieClip inside an Array.
I have a "menu" mc object which has 8 children with names "m1", "m2", and so on..... the last one is "m8" . They are NOT created dynamically.
the children are even organized in layers alphabetically.
i've already tried:
//for each (var item:MovieClip in menu)
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May 17, 2011
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Jun 17, 2011
I have an array that contains movieclips. All of the movieclips have te type and they are all positioned on the stage next to eachother.
Above the displayed movieclips i have 3 buttons, each simbolizing a type, what i want to do is: i click on one of the buttons and all of the movieclips that dont match the right type should be removed from the stage, the remaining movieclips should then tween so that they are next to eachother again. If i click the button again then the movieclips should be displayed again to where they were and should all be positioned again next to eachother.
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Apr 20, 2010
I'm a bit green when it comes to code and I have a specific thing I need to do which has had me going round in circles (no laughing at the back!). It must be pretty simple but I'm stumped! Basically I have 6 movieclips on the timeline with instance names 'btn1', 'btn2' etc to 'btn6'. These movieclips have an "on" and an "off" state (frame labels)
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Jul 13, 2010
I am getting number 0,1,2,or 3 as rundom now when I am running following script. How can I get items a1,a2, a3 or a4 as rundom instead of number?
ActionScript Code:
exam_arr = [a1, a2, a3, a4];
ranNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*exam_arr .length);
var exam1= exam_arr[ranNum];
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Feb 21, 2012
I am undergoing some experiments on creating object arrays before I attempt to implement it on my main flash document.
Ive created an object array with 3 variables, and im attempting to change the values, then trace the values back to see if its working. Ive tried many things but I keep getting [object: Object] back in the output window.[code]...
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May 27, 2005
Is it possible to give an array of 6 items different x and y.. like as in 2 columns
startx = 0;
starty = 0;
for (var i = 0; i<itemArray.length; i++) {
First 3 items:
nav._y = starty+25*i;
View 6 Replies
Jun 5, 2005
What I've got is a menu that loads images as buttons. It will only display menu items that are within a certain group (i.e. if themenuitem.node Value == groupid[q] then it will display that menu item. Each of the menu items has a unique number (Itemnumber[n]). I have a loop that goes through and displays the menu items that are within a certain group. I am currently able to also find out the unique number of each of the menu items where themenuitem.nodeValue == groupid[q], but what I want to do with these numbers, is place them all into an array as it loops through.So, say for example, it finds an item in the loop. It tells me this item is number 4 (if I tell it to trace(Itemnumber[n]) within the loop). Then, it finds another item in the loop, and it tells me this item number is 6. I want to be able to add items to an array as it loops through, so I'll have an array at the end like this: (4, 6).Currently my ActionScript looks like the following. Never mind if there are variables that are not defined in there -- they have been defined in other parts of my movie.[code]As you can see, I've made an attept at achieving this by trying numarray[numarraylength] = n; -- but all this does is send me an array, then overwrite it next time it loops (so I get an array like (4, 4), then one like (6, 6). I've added comments in the code to further explain what I'm trying to do.
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Feb 24, 2009
I've got a combo box adding items from an array. The labels are working just fine, but adding the data with a variable won't work for me. If I put in an actual number, I get that result, but trying to add it with a variable I always get 1 as a result. classData only ever = 1. I can access the array. I know it must be in the syntax.[code]
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Apr 21, 2010
I'm a bit green when it comes to code and I have a specific thing I need to do which has had me going round in circles (no laughing at the back!). It must be pretty simple but I'm stumped!Basically I have 6 movieclips on the timeline with instance names 'btn1', 'btn2' etc to 'btn6'. These movieclips have an "on" and an "off" state (frame labels)
I make an array:
ActionScript Code:
var buttons = [btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6];
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Jul 23, 2010
i want to make some kind of gallery, to put in a banner..
This is my code:
var path:String="fotos.xml";
var xmlImages:XML;
I think the only thing i need to do is to add the items of my array to the stage
View 5 Replies
Dec 14, 2004
im trying to put a few items from a page into a 2d array, the page output looks like this
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Feb 24, 2009
I want that clip on line 5 to equal the items of an array excluding the item that is the currently active/clicked on. Becuase one array contains buttons and the other array contains movie clips that I want to fade when the corresponding button is clicked
PHP Code:
function groupOn(event:MouseEvent):void {var clickedIndex:int = leftMenuArray.indexOf(event.currentTarget); currentClip =
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Dec 30, 2010
I'm making a very short text adventure, not one that will be all that fun, but just so I can learn a little as3. So I was designing a system that splits the persons input into an array of words, and then goes through and takes out unimportant words like "on." To test this out, I quickly (and messily) coded it up, and the only thing you can do is sit on a box. but it doesn't seem to be working. if you type "sit box" it works, but "sit on box" does not.
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Mar 3, 2011
The buttons search and find the movie clip in the array flawlessly, but I'm having trouble adding a transition to every movie clip as it is appears. Most tutorials on transitions require a specific instance name, but I want ALL instances to have a transition. Heard the .getChildAt() method is the way to go but cannot find solid guidance on this. Here is the basic code:
var myDishArray = [chicken, steak, tuna, pasta, iceCream];
for each (var btn in myDishArray) {
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDishBtnClick);
how do I properly use the transition manager or add a transition code?
View 2 Replies
Mar 3, 2011
Found some great code that adds Button Event Listeners in a loop. The buttons search and find the movie clip in the array flawlessly, but I'm having trouble adding a transition to every movie clip as it is appears. Most tutorials on transitions require a specific instance name, but I want ALL instances to have a transition. Heard the .getChildAt() method is the way to go but cannot find solid guidance on this. Here is the basic code:
var myDishArray = [chicken, steak, tuna, pasta, iceCream];
for each (var btn in myDishArray) {
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onDishBtnClick);
how do I properly use the transition manager or add a transition code?
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Jan 19, 2010
I used to put a load of instance names linking to library objs into an array in AS2, then use a loop to add them to the stage..I htought this would work in AS3, alas no.
var list:Array new Array("one", "two","three");
for(var i:int=0;i<list.length;i++)
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