Actionscript 3 :: Let Run Flash-app Only On Page(domain), Not Local And Not On Other Domain?
Dec 9, 2011
I created some game and would like to let the users play it only on my domain, so to forbid to play it offline or put on some other site. Is there a way to do it? Somehow check domain or so?
I have moved a web application from old domain to new domain. I cannot get Flash to engage. I have changed the domain in flash_images.php file to the new domain. I have a flash_box.swf file and I have a js file these are the only flash components that I see--old domain is e.g. new domain is [URL]..I am not a flash developer, how do I get flash to work on the new domain?
post the code for a working cross-domain securityfile that allows access only from the same domain as all the flashfiles and xml files are in?used to be easy in as2 but i think i dont know what i need to know about it in as3..
We are running FMS3 on Windows 2003 Server. Videos stream and play fine when inside our domain, but outside the domain the videos take anywhere from 20 or more seconds before playing.
After analizing the connections it was determined that the player is randomly trying to access ports until it gets to the one that works, but this is ONLY happening from people trying to view videos from outside our domain.
I need my swf to be able to see the domain of the page that it's loaded on. Normally to to this I would just look at window.location over ExternalInterface, but in this particular case the swf is going to be embedded with allowscriptaccess="never", so that's not going to work. Is there an actual api that will give me that or do I have to resort to ugly hacks?
find the code to pull some simple text from an external website's RSS feed into a basic text box in a Flash movie. It would need to be in AS2 to fit with the website. I understand I need to pull the content via an xml / php page under my own domain in order to get around the Flash security, but I still can't scrape together the right code for it to work.
FLash CS5 Actionscript AS2 Publishing for player 9
My swf works fine when previewed locally but because of flash cross domain issues (link below) doesnt work live. [URL] Ive used a 'crossbrowser.php file to .load in xml but am not having success with the sendAndLoad command. [URL]
i have a php page hosted on 1 domain and a flash login page on another and im trying to get the SWF on one domain to retrieve data from the php page on the other domain.If i run the SWF file on the same domain as the login script it works fine, The swf retrieves the info from PHP The current AS code is here.[code]
I know how to get the URL of the page, but how can I extract simply the domain and the domain alone? It must return the same value with or without www, and it must also return the same value regardless of file, with or without trailing slash, etc.
So[url].... would return [url]...., and [url]......... would return the same as well.Is this possible?If so, is there a way to do it without calling'window.location.href.toString')?
I have a flash that loads from an rss feed (xml). It works great if i putt (www + my domain dot com) in the url, but wont load the data if I just use mydomain dot com (without the www). I have heard of crossdomain.xml.
I'm successfully loading swf from another domain, but when i addChild loaded content, it doesn't appear on the stage. My firebug shows that swf loaded with status (304 Not Modified), means no problem.
I've built a flash application on which I've created a webservice client to consume a dotnet service. when the full domain ex: is used to load the site (primarily html and code with just a flash client) everything is fine. If I load the website using just... yourdomain (no www) then the flash interface activates but never returns a response. I've tried loading a cross domain policy file to see if that could be the issue to no avail. So far no www flash bugs are turning up as a common issue on Google, maybe I'm not using the right key words?
I want to limit my SWF file so that it cannot be stolen and hosted on another server. So if the domain serving the SWF file isn't on a list of approved domains, the SWF will not load normally but will instead display a message that links to one of the approved locations. What I'm unsure about is how to access the domain that is hosting the file (or get the fully qualified URL of the file). If You know how to get that information, I'm using Flash CS4 to compile the code targeting FP 9.
I don't know which title I should use for this question. I have a webpage (e.g. index.html) which contains flash content, url: [URL] After I finish the webpage and upload onto the staging server, the customers said that they may need to use different domain to go to the site, e.g. [URL] The images or hyperlink do not work because of this. To handle this, I try to use the base tag as follows: <base href="[URL] The images and hyperlink work. However, flash file cannot call javascript afterwards. I would like to know how I can fix the problem.
I have two swf files hosted on different domains [URL] and [URL]. a.swf is loading b.swf and trying to cast it to some interface. When both of these swf files are under the same domain everything works fine. But when they are under different domains I'm getting null after casting b.swf to the implemented interface IComponent. Both of these swfs are compiled with use-network=true and with the same
Is there a way to get all the classes in the current application. Say for example you create a blank Application and want to see all the classes that exist, this would list system manager, application, uicomponent, etc.
I have an issue with a Flash applet that I've written; it's an MP3 player that is supposed to load an MP3 file from a web address.
When I run the SWF on my local computer, it works like a charm. However, when I put it on a webpage, it does not load the MP3 file. (I guess that's what I get for not testing it that way beforehand.) I've double-checked permissions and it seems that everything is as it should be.
I know that AS3 has some cross-domain policies, but I'm loading the MP3 file from the same domain. I understand that Flash has sandbox properties, but I would expect that a file in the same domain shouldn't be a problem. I've heard of people having problems with SWFs before, but not regular media files.
If possible, I'd like find a solution that doesn't require rewriting the code, as I have a release version of the SWF on my site currently. (Rewriting won't be a problem, but I have to wait until the end of the day to do it, and the SWF is on display now.)
Edit: I had three friends test this, and it worked for them. However, it still didn't work for me. I'm at home now, and I'm testing - my applet loads an MP3 in Firefox, but not in Chrome. (Oddly, the friends who tested were using Chrome, which loaded it with no issues.) At work, my applet would not load an MP3 in Chrome or Firefox.
I have a flash swf loading data from an xml via jsp from the same domain. The swf is displaying the data perfectly fine from where I am at and for most of my user. However, one of my most important user report to me that the flash isn't displaying the data.
So here lies my question. At first, I thought it was merely an Flash player not up to date problem, but that user said he's using flash player 10 already and he has tested it with all sorts of browser. I have also try connecting to the website from that user's area, and it appears to be fine as well.
Base on the user's feedback, he was able to load the flash, but the xml data just won't appear. Somehow, I believe that it could be an individual computer's problem, but since I am no expert in the networking, and am having some trouble solving this problem,
I was looking around but couldn't find it where can I add the cross domain policy of Adobe in Apache server. Because without it, its not letting me access my XML on another server.
The company I work for has their own Flash based video player and the question I get from our execs is "Can we tell what website our player is embedded on?"At first, I hypothesized I could use Apache mod_rewrite, extract the HTTP_REFFER, and append it to the end of the requested URL. So as the browser gets http://.../viewer.swf, I could slap on ?However, I don't think our CDN will cater to our htaccess file. Plus, mostly all the access_log entries show a dash rather than the domain.So I'm casting this question our here to see if I catch any ideas or solutions. Currently, everything points to 'not possible'.
As you might know, browser's security model does not allow a script loaded in a page from http:[url]... to make cross-domain requests (no AJAX calls to any other domain other than url...).The Javascript file itself could have been served from a different domain altogether (url....) and that is irrelevant. This is the Same-Origin Policy.
Flash also has something similar? But does Flash treat the origin to be the HTML page where the .swf file was loaded or origin is the domain which served the .swf file?
So http:[url]... loads a .swf file from http:[url].... Now .swf can load resources only from [url].... or only [url....? I'm assuming there are no cross-domain.xml files setup on either [url]....
Using SharedObject.getLocal I can get access to what appears to be an infinite number of files simply by using unique identifiers in the method call; What I want to know is how can I retrieve a list of all active files or shared objects that have been saved for my current domain.
I'm trying to write a save game mechanism that allows you to save your game (potentially many megabytes) so using a single shared object seems like it might cause performance issues however if I use multiple objects I'm not sure how I'd find out what has been saved without using an object just to specify the id's of the other saves - then my question becomes what happens if this "header" object is removed or deleted - how can the player access the other files?
A snippet from the flash docs:
Local disk space considerations. Local shared objects have some limitations that are important to consider as you design your application. Sometimes SWF files may not be allowed to write local shared objects, and sometimes the data stored in local shared objects can be deleted without your knowledge. Flash Player users can manage the disk space that is available to individual domains or to all domains. When users decrease the amount of disk space available, some local shared objects may be deleted. Flash Player users also have privacy controls that can prevent third-party domains (domains other than the domain in the current browser address bar) from reading or writing local shared objects.
I'm running a rails3 project with an external asset host for all javascript, images, swfs etc. This is on a completely different domain. So know I tried to embed some SWFs using swfobject. In development (same host) everything works fine, but in production (different hosts) it doesn't start the flash (firebug shows the file is loaded but nothing appears on the page). I already put this crossdomain.xml file in the root of the asset host but it does not change anything at all.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" />
What can I do to make it work? The SWFs I'm using are not developed by me, so I cannot change them. Some are simple sounds, others are videos and small "apps". I don't want to have to make rails serve the swfs.
I have a flash accordion embedded using SWFObject. The SWF and related XML file are hosted on one domain. I have about 10 sites embedding this SWF from it's hosted location, both the SWF and the XML. The accordion links to various pages of my domains. The domain in which the SWF and XML file are hosted, the links work as expected. The other domains that the SWF is not hosted on, the links do not work at all. I verified it's a cross domain issue by placing the SWF and XML files locally on each domain and they worked, but this is not how I want it setup. I attempted to use crossdomain.xml and allow access from all hosts but that didn't work either.
i like to know that there is way to remove all data after unload swf .Calling Loader.unloadAndStop(); remove content and loaded bytes , but loaded classes stays in application domain .If i load it to separated new ApplicationDomain , gc is going to collect them after unload and remove all references ?
I have create a Flash EXE in AS3. At the time of launch the exe loads a XML from a web link to validate itself.
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); var urlLoader:Loader = new Loader(); urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, startLoad); urlLoader.load(urlRequest);
I have also place a crossdomain.xml at the root. When I launch the EXE, the debugger shows "SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context."I just found a strange thing that when I'm writing the code on the timeline, its working (no security errors). But when I'm writing this code in the document class its not working.
can Flash stream audio from a different domain? Like, if I have my .swf on and then my .mp3 on Url..., will trying to stream it work?Also, is there a way to have music saved on the person's harddrive or cached so that if they load the song, they dont have to load it each time when you stream audio or load it from another source?
The update to Flash 10.1 kills my cross-domain. Formerly, my file looked like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""><cross-domain-policy>[code]......
I updated to this based on what I read on this site:
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM [code].....
We are using SAP Business Objects Xcelsius, which creates the .swf file that users are using to access our environment. So, I do not have any control over the code base itself.
My webpage loads a background flash which will connect to the server using socket. If a user open multiple windows/tabs of my website, the server will get multiple socket connections. Any idea of how to make sure that only one socket is connected from the same user and same browser?
I am thinking of using Javascript to monitor the window close event, if a window that was connected to the server is closed, one of the other windows will try to connect to the server. But I can't find a way to listen to that event.I was thinking of Flash's LocalConnection too, but can't find a way to assign unique connection names and let other Flashes know.