Actionscript 3 :: Set Object In Middle Of The Screen In Flash ?

Sep 6, 2011

I am new in flash developer. I want to set my frame at the center of the screen interdependent of screen size. but we are working on full screen view (means stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT).Logically I want one background image at back side, which cover all part of the screen, and on that background image I want to set my frame image at center of screen with fix size of (1000 X 750 px).

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash Full Screen Align Middle?

Dec 30, 2008

trying to get my SWF to fullscreen a movie clip and center it on the screen. I have been working with this for a few days now and havent gotten very far. Here is the code I am working with

Code: Select allgoFullScreen = function(){
if(Stage["displayState"] == "normal"){
_root.MPVideo._x = 0;


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I am not able to attach the file here due to it being over 500K, it is 1.54MB, so have uploaded the CS3/AS2 file here: [URL]

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
[Code] .....

Here's an example of how I want my movieclip to get placed, (like the "fullscreen" button): [URL]

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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, createbox);
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function moveBalloons() {
// loop through balloons in array
for(i=balloons.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
// get speed and clip
dx = balloons[i].d;
balloon = _root[balloons[i].clip];
[Code] ......

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Flex :: Move Shape Object Across Screen- Initial Object Remains

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The code is as follows

private var arrow:UIComponent;
private function resetAssets():void{
arrow = new UIComponent();


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Apr 20, 2011

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Jan 25, 2012

I tried to search, but couldn't find anything on the topic. In many languages in eclipse you can execute code in the middle of debug session. Usually it's done through the console.

Is there a way to do the same thing in the Flash Builder? EDIT: Ok, i'll to explain better. Is there a way to execute some code in the middle of the debug session? Like in python you can type in console in pydev(eclipse) when the program is paused(being debugged) and run any code you want.

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Flash :: Generate Instances Of Object Randomly At Top Of Screen And Make Them "fall"?

Apr 2, 2010

I am making a game in Flash CS4 (actionscript 3) and I would like to be able to make "copies" of an instance that would randomly appear at the top of the screen and fall. For example, multiple objects(that are the same one) are falling from the top of the screen continuously, starting at random X positions. (i think this would be considered Real-Time effect).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Scrub Itself Video Starting Out In The Middle Of The Loadbar

Feb 14, 2011

I'm making a working scrubber on a video, but having problems. The scrub itself it starting out in the middle of the loadbar. I've looked everywhere, trying to find out what is wrong with it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - When Press The Magnifying Glass The Middle Picture Should Go Fullscreen

Jun 16, 2010

I've trying to find a solution for a fullscreen bug. Here is a picture showing the "reel" in normal mode:[URL] When I press the magnifying glass the middle picture should go fullscreen. But this is what happens: [URL] As you can see, a part of the left pic is showing as well. Depending on what resolution im on the pictures are shown differently but never with correct fullscreen for the middle picture. I'm attaching some of the code here where I'm guessing the problem might be.


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Keeping Object On Screen

Aug 12, 2011

I'm making this banner, or FMA if you rather call it that, for a company (school assignment). I have some text fading in and out displaying the message. But I want an interactive FMA.I want to make some buttons, and when you go mouse-over on them, I want a picture to be displayed (different image for each button), WHILE the animation keeps going. Thats not the tough part.However, when the animation repeats (starts from the beginning), and if I'm holding the cursor over the button connected to the picture, the picture disappears and I have to go over the button again. [code]

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