As3 :: Flash - Adding A Object Randomly On The Screen

Dec 15, 2011

so i am having trouble with adding a box randomly on the screen. I have done this before and it seems like it should have a relatively easy solution. But alas, i have not been able to figure this out. This is the info: I have a box mc with exporting as Box. I have a Box Actionscript file with this code in it:


Nothing happens at all but there is no errors. Also i would like to keep everything in the classes.

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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, createbox);
var _box:Box = new Box;
var boxlimit:int = 2;


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// Questions Array
question = new Array(); {
question[0] = "How many hedgehogs are in the bed?";


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private function beginClass(e:Event):void{
_root = MovieClip(root);
do {


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ActionScript Code:
Add the AS2 in a box like this one

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<!-- Our black overlay -->
<s:Graphic width="100%" height="100%" cacheAsBitmap="true" mask="{this.focus}"


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Feb 14, 2008


I'm trying to make the text elements (graphics) in the above link shake. Barely, randomly, and sporadically. Just enough to get somebody's attention.

Anyway, I've used flash a couple times, built a couple flash websites, but nothing much with ActionScript. I figure AS would be the best way to do this, since I might repeat this on other elements within this website.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Move Randomly

Nov 11, 2001

I've been working endlessly to figure out if there is a method to make an object move randomly. I know there is a way, because I have seen many sites using it. Yet, I am unable to create anything besides specified movement in the x and y values. I can't make anything move randomly.

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Feb 18, 2006

I have created a game in which the user controls a object which moves across the bottom of the screen firing bullets at fish which randomly swim across the screen. My problem however is that when the timer runs out some of the fish stay on the screen instead of disappearing, I have tried everything to make them all go away but I always end up with one or two which stay stuck and remain there no matter what the user does. My code for the balloons moving n disappearing is as follows:

function moveBalloons() {
// loop through balloons in array
for(i=balloons.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
// get speed and clip
dx = balloons[i].d;
balloon = _root[balloons[i].clip];
[Code] ......

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