Actionscript 3 :: Set Popup Window Position To Center Of Screen

Jan 19, 2012

I make advance data grid to view tabulate data. Each row has icon. When user click that icon show extra data for the that row. I want show popup in my page center. I used PopUpManager.centerPopUp(panel); to do it. This is my code sample.


Now pop up show in center of hole page but not screen. When data grid have more data popup window is hide. I want show it center of screen. How can i do it. Can i set popup position manually?

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I have tried:

PopUpManager.addPopUp(AlertPopUp,DisplayObject(spark.components.Application), true);

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Oct 9, 2009

I am editing an XML gallery and I have some questions..I wonder how I can position my images in the center of the screen. The images are all the same size (800x600) and I need them to display in the center of the screen.I played around with the code and I found out that when I change the Width and Height, the images starts to move (finally)... But it's very hard to find the correct position, so how can I just get it to the horizontal en vertical center of the screen/file?

Here's what the code looks like:

<gallery dir="Photos/">
<img id='0' align="center" file="foodcongres2009_1.jpg" width='1024' height='768'>
Test foto nummer 1


And next... I have just two arrows (left, right), but when I click on the left one (previous), it goes to the next image instead of the previous one.. How about that?

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on (release) {
getURL("'','CulWea','width=1133,height= 425,left=425,top=1133,screenX=1133,screenY=425');C ultWear.focus();void(0);");

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Jan 20, 2009

[ X ] Problem solved I just came up with something i have some trouble to handle I've tried a couple of solution but none seems to work perfectly

What I'm trying to do is simple, get my flash to go full screen, but whatever resolution the user has, my flash must centers itself with the biggest proportion possible, and two movie clips goes right and left of it, as if they were borders.

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this popup opens in the SAME window and not ina new window. What can I do to let it open in a new window and given the same properties to this new window as above: toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... a geturl opens it in a new window but does not give toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No etc.... properties to the window

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Jun 28, 2010

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on(release) {
attachMovie("gallery_mc", "window", 1);
window._x = 250;
window._y = 150;

I then included a close button that simply posts

on(release) {

I am curious as how to make the movie clip popup centered in the screen as it is now popping up in the upper left hand side of the flash movie.

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Dec 9, 2009

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on (release) {
getURL [code]......

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CS3 Play An .flv File In A Popup Window?

Jul 19, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Popup Window

Jan 5, 2010

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Javascript Popup Window Buggy

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to open a new browser window popup from Flash. I am using:


What is supposed to happen is that the popup should open in a new smaller window whilst the original window keeps displaying the flash file. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is there a better way to go about this? NOTE: I know that you can call JavaScript functions and house your js in the HTML file, but I cannot edit the HTML file since it is a page from a remote site.

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Actionscript 3 :: Open A Popup Window From A Swf?

Nov 19, 2010

How should I open a popup window from a swf?My method - create another panel and overlay on the original swf.The problem is that the size of the original swf is small compared to the size of the popup window.No JS call allowed which does not allow me to use javascript call.I need to be able to communicate with this popup window as well. This eliminates opening a new window using navigateToURL method.

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Flex :: Set A Public Var In A Popup Window?

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to set a variable in a titlewindow pupup and use it in a script section. The variable is not being set and I don't know why. Here is my Main.mxml file:


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Flex :: Air - Popup Window - Get [ok] Or [cancel]

May 23, 2009

I've done a lot of C# programming with both Winforms and WPF. I'm working on a Flex/Air app now for cross platform support. But this is my first flex project, so I'm learning as I go. I've got a window that I want to popup, that the user will fill out a form, then hit OK or CANCEL. I set it up the same way I would've in C#, but it doesn't work, and I can't really see a way to make it do what I want.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Popup Window Always On Top And Centered

Sep 11, 2009

I'm using this code in Flash to popup a window:
on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'[URL]','win','height=550,width=830,toolbar =no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");

The code is in 10 different buttons, each loading a different content for the same popup window. In Safari, if I click on the parent window and then click on another button, the popup window will come back on top of all other pages automatically, but it does not work with Firefox. In Firefox, the popup window will stay behind the parent window. I'd like for the popup window to be always centered on any screen.

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