Actionscript 3 :: Using ComputeSpectrum() Call On Arbitrary Data?

Mar 28, 2011

i have some arbitrary signal data which i'd like to get a frequency analysis of. it's not audio data. is there a way to coerce AS3's computeSpectrum() call into doing this work for me ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash ComputeSpectrum: How Often Does The Data Change

Jun 25, 2010

I am executing a computeSpectrum function every 1/10 of a second (the speed I should be sampling the sound frequency to obtain a data bit). However the computeSpectrum seems to be giving me the same output every two or three times I call it.

Take a look at the source code and check the Binary read. Notice the binary read is repeating numbers, and the lack of single '0' or '1' bits? There should be some single '0's and '1's in there! I even made arrays of all of the input to check if the uncompressed ByteArray data was repeating and sure enough, the samples were quite often IDENTICAL every 2 or 3 calls...

PS: The audio sample data [More audio samples available there] I'm using is Peceptive Development's 'How to talk to Tin Can' [More info on reading audio as data there]. The audio sample provided in the archive is 'Low speed', which means the data is being sent at 100 baud (100 baud / 1000 ms = 10 bits per second)

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Flash :: Translate FFT Data To Match ComputeSpectrum FFT Output

May 30, 2011

I'm used to using SoundMixer.computeSpectrum, but I need to get some data on-the-fly from the microphone (and I can't use the SoundMixer with the microphone).

I'm having trouble translating the FFT data (from this class) as shown in this excellent spectral analysis example to match the ByteArray output from computeSpectrum. My existing code is built to handle the data received from computeSpectrum (with FFT set to true).

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foo(fileToLoad : File) : void
var theCompletedHandler : Function =


Can I use event.currentTaget and use the Loader instance as an index? Will that have any weird dependencies ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Mute The Sound And Still Get Sound Data From SoundMixer.computeSpectrum?

Jun 25, 2011

I wrote something to capture sound from my microphone. I can visualise the sound data with there a way to mute the sound and still get sound data from SoundMixer.computeSpectrum?Now I have this:;
var t:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(0, 0);
sc.soundTransform = t;

but I do not get any data. if I pump up the volume, data comes through again(I need to mute it because it will echo otherwise).

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36, > 2 years, Compliance
6, 0-90 Days, Compliance


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundMixer.computeSpectrum Seems Off?

May 21, 2009

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I have several custom functions that I import as .as files, but I frequently have to modify them to suit projects, which makes standardization and version tracking harder.Is there a way to pass arbitrary expressions to a function when it's called? For example, if I write the function,

function foo(){
for(i=1; i<=1; i++){

would there be some way to attach an additional expression after the trace function during the function call? As in,



where the function would act as if it had said,

function foo(){
for(i=1; i<=1; i++){


but without modifying the original function?I realize I could add an expression to the original function within a conditional, and toggle it via an argument within the call, but since I don't know what I'll add next, or whether I'll need it next time, this would become impractical quickly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Computespectrum Failing Randomly

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am trying to make a mp3 player by using actionscript3.In this , am trying a upload a mp3 file and play that particular file. Am also using the computespectrum() to display the graphics.Now the problem am facing is with the computespectrum . Randomly , the computespectrum is failing for the same file and is throwing error.The error is as follows [code]Am actually uploading the file into a folder named "mp3files". The "mp3files" folder and the swf are lying in the same domain.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube Api And SoundMixer.computeSpectrum?

Mar 31, 2011

I connect to the sound of youtube website, how can I bond SoundMixer.computeSpectrum


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Run ComputeSpectrum On Multiple Files

Dec 8, 2009

Since there's (obviously) only one instance of SoundMixer in any given file, is it not possible to run computeSpectrum discreetly on different soundfiles loaded into an application? Basically I want to visualise each sound differently. Anyone come across any workarounds?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remaking SoundMixer.computeSpectrum()?

Jul 8, 2009

For the past couple of weeks I've been wracking my brains over SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(), arguably the coolest method in ActionScript 3. It's the one that spits out the last 256 (or so) audio samples that hit the speakers, with the option of viewing that data in the time domain (waveform) or the frequency domain (Fourier transform). It's great for visualizing music, but its major drawback is that it only operates on global, playing audio, which means you cannot visualize different channels or preprocess the visualization.

Sound.extract(), a new method in Flash Player 10, gives you a Sound object's entire waveform at any time you want; I've managed to line up the waveform in Sound.extract() perfectly with the waveform in SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(), so they are literally neck-in-neck. In this SWF I'm drawing two lines- a blue line, which uses data from SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(), and a red line, which uses data from


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ComputeSpectrum On Sound Class?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm trying to do some beat detection on a sound, but I want other sounds playing at the same time, and I don't want those to be included in the beat detection. Is there anything like SoundMixer.computeSpectrum for individual Sound or SoundChannel instances ?

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Flex :: Convert An Arbitrary String To Float In Range 0 And 1?

Aug 22, 2011

I'd like to convert an arbitrary string (or for easier process a string hash) to a float number between 0 and 1. The purpose is to create a function that returns a color code for a given string so the user always sees that entity in the same color that is generated from its name.OP included this code in comments (included here for readability):

var hashed:String = MD5.hash(input); // creates a 32 long hexa
const max:Number = Number("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
var hashedHexa:Number = Number("0x" + hashed);


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JavaScript :: Comparing Undefined / Null Or NaN With Arbitrary Number

Dec 15, 2011

In ActionScript 1 and 2, if you compare undefined, null or NaN with an arbitrary number using >= or <= operator, the result is always true. Test code:

var x, n, range = 1000;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
x = undefined;
[Code] .....

Furthermore, isNaN(null) return true. These are contrary to JavaScript and may not conform with ECMA standard.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate A Sine Wave To An Arbitrary Angle?

Aug 5, 2011

I want to be able to take a general sine wave y=Math.sin(x) and rotate it around some other angle, so instead of going strictly left-to-right, I'd like to go from, say, the top left corner toward the "center," or from the bottom right to the center, or any other arbitrary angle. Like this: I want to be able to use that wave as a "path" for enemies in a game, but I cannot seem to wrap my head around it. I've tried matrix transformations, but I was missing something there, too, because the origin was wrong.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube Api And SoundMixer.computeSpectrum Does Not Work

Mar 31, 2011

I managed to run my youtube api and SoundMixer.computeSpectrum.SoundMixer.computeSpectrum are online, positionBar, player.getDuration (), player.getCurrentTime () does not work.Everything is running on localhost.I do not know is the security issue,

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Flash :: Flex: ComputeSpectrum With Streaming Media?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a Flex3 app I wrote and I'm streaming audio over RTMP from a Red5 server. I'd love to be able to use SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(), but the spectrum data is all zeros. In one location, Adobe writes that SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() does not work with RTMP data:

"For media loaded from RTMP sources, you cannot use the BitmapData.draw() and SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() methods to extract run-time graphics and sound data." [URL] Clear enough. Except, there's the actual documentation for computeSpectrum(): "In addition, this method cannot be used to extract data from RTMP streams, even when it is called by content that reside in the same domain as the RTMP server. [...] This method is supported over RTMP in Flash Player and later and in Adobe AIR."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundMixer.computeSpectrum With Loaded FLV Movies?

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying to use the code below to show a graphical representation of the sound from externally loaded FLVs, as they play.The code I have is below, can I change this to listen for whatever sounds Flash is playing at the moment and computeSpectrum from tha

var url:String = "song.mp3";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);


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Actionscript 3 :: Execute Arbitrary Code In Flash Like Javascript's Eval()?

Apr 1, 2010

Is there any way to execute arbitrary code in Flash, like javascript's eval()? I'd like to take some code as a string and execute it, if possible

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