Arrays :: Prevent This Arbitrary Text Truncation?

Dec 28, 2011

Below is code that populates a menu. Everything seems to work great, with no errors thrown, except for one crucial part. My megaPages array has the values ["HOME","BABIES","BRIDALS","MISC","WEDDINGS","ABOUT"], but the actual text that displays on screen (which is produced by megaPages) is like this:

As you can see, some of the text is arbitrarily being truncated. I've traced the text strings as they get passed through the various functions at various stages of the menu-build, and they are always right, but somehow when each DisplayObject make it on screen, letters get ommitted (notice though that 'HOME' abd 'ABOUT' are fine). I don't even know where to start with this problem.


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for(i=1; i<=1; i++){

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function foo(){
for(i=1; i<=1; i++){


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for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
x = undefined;
[Code] .....

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x: Date(July 25, 2010) y: 32


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foo(fileToLoad : File) : void
var theCompletedHandler : Function =


Can I use event.currentTaget and use the Loader instance as an index? Will that have any weird dependencies ?

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May 15, 2011

I'm trying to write a custom fadeTo(component, x, y):void method, which takes an arbitrary Flex Component as an argument and moves it to a given location, but smoothly.

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I want to send the component itself as argument, like this: (using Button as an example only)

fadeTo(myButton, 200, 500);

(this should move myButton smoothly from its current position to the position indicated as parameter)

However, I don't really know what type an arbitrary Flex Component is. How should I handle that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrays Into Dynamic Text Boxes?

Nov 30, 2004

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questionArray = ["What is 5 multiplied by 5?"];
answerArray = ["25"];
Question = (questionArray [0]);


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var num_ary:Array = new Array(5,9);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrays Into Dynamic Text Boxes

Nov 30, 2004

I have created an array, however, when I go to call up this array within a dynamic text box, for instance, putting 'varname[1]', into the variable field. However, this does not return a result. Is there something I'm doing wrong here, or do I have to feed the array into normal variables for the dynamic text box to be able to read it?

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Arrays :: Flash - Pushing Or Adding Arrays As Values Into A Multi-dimensional Array?

Jan 21, 2011

I am running into some trouble adding an array into another array to create a multi-dimensional array.The code appears as below:

var slideDataArray:Array = new Array();
var slideShowDataArray:Array = new Array();
slideDataArray[0] = xmlData.SlideShowParameters.SlideShowImagesDirectory;[code]........

I am looking for a means of placing the slideDataArray into a 'slot' or value of slideShowDataArray so that I can in the end pass the slideShowDataArray as a parameter to another function.As of now, the last slideDataArray appears 11 times (the loop runs 11 times) in slideShowDataArray and the way the code is written the slideDataArray is unique every iteration of the loop.

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