Professional :: Rectangle With Arbitrary Number Of Rectangles?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to tile a rectangle (the stage) with an arbitrary number of rectangles. Simple tiling where all the tiles are the same size and simply stacked in a grid.I'm doing this with a resizable layout and a number of tiles that is arbitrary and will change over time.

Given a more or less 4:3 or 16:9 monitor I would like a solution that tends toward minimizing the perimeter of the tile and being similar in aspect ratio to the screen. I realize that if I have a prime number of tiles that I won't be able to make a nice grid, but other than that it seems there should be some way to do this.Lets say I have 231 tiles I need to arrange. The factors are 1, 3, 7, 11, 21, 33, 77 and 231.If the screen is really, really wide 1 x 231. Wide but not not as crazy wide as before 3 x 77. And most likely 11 x 21 is what I would need.So is there an easy way to do this on the fly? Is there a pre-calculated way to make it easy?

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Attachments: Upload to adobe forum.swf (175.5 K)

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function foo(){
for(i=1; i<=1; i++){

would there be some way to attach an additional expression after the trace function during the function call? As in,



where the function would act as if it had said,

function foo(){
for(i=1; i<=1; i++){


but without modifying the original function?I realize I could add an expression to the original function within a conditional, and toggle it via an argument within the call, but since I don't know what I'll add next, or whether I'll need it next time, this would become impractical quickly.

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var hashed:String = MD5.hash(input); // creates a 32 long hexa
const max:Number = Number("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
var hashedHexa:Number = Number("0x" + hashed);


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