Actionscript :: Create A Flash Fonts From Different Sources?

Aug 11, 2011

In Actionscript/Flash it is possible to create a swf which contains font data for emedding like this:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Font_times_new_roman extends Sprite {


now what i would like is, to create something like this with glyphs from different source fonts.

for example unicode character x should be taken from Arial, while character y should be from times new roman.

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A Boolean value that indicates whether the font specified in fontFamily is an embedded font. This style must be set to true if fontFamily refers to an embedded font. Otherwise, the embedded font is not used. If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed. The default value is false. Regarding the "If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed" statement: How can I detect in ActionScript when this scenario happens?

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Nov 20, 2009

I have combed through the forums and read every font embedding article I could find and still I don't understand what's going on. I have created a simple test case that I have attached to this post. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.Here's the situation ...ultimately, my goal is to be able to dynamically create text fields with embedded fonts (I'm using Arial or Arial Unicode) that can display a variety of languages (English and Russian are the primary ones I'm working on right now). In the attached sample, I have added a font to the library and set it to use Arial Unicode.I have 3 text fields on the stage: Field 1 is generated entirely from code using createTextField, Field 2 is a design-time text field that uses the embedded library font, and Field 3 is a design-time text field that uses basic Arial rather than Arial Unicode.For the 2 design-time fields I have embedded the glyphs necessary to display English and Russian as well as some others.I also have a few buttons on the stage to create the 3rd text field (using createtextfield), send english or russian text to all 3 fields, and turn embedding on/off of the generated text field.

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//EDIT: I just tried using Arial as the font for the generated text field rather than using the linkage name for the library font and now the embedding works. So I guess my main question is why it doesn't work using the library font....I thought that using the library font .

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Current location need to be filename.mp3 or [URL]. However, I need this location to be edited per use of the swf. In php i know I could call it such as:
$myLocation = "123";
$myLocation = "[URL]";
(The "123" is what changes for each page use)

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onClipEvent (load) {
if (playing!=true) {
myMusic=new Sound();

1. Because of the server set up, I am always required to call items using full absolute urls/paths.
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I have picked up a uiLoader component, and copy-pasted four times, so now I got five of them in my flash movie. Each got a different source (dresses/dresses1.swf, dresses/dresses2.swf, dresses/dresses3.swf, dresses/dresses4.swf, dresses/dresses5.swf). But When I launch the movie, all the 5 uiLoaders display the same content: dresses/dresses2.swf, and I can't understand why. For a test, I have replaced the .swf file with some jpeg files, and they were ok, but as I put the swf files back they show the same content again. The sources are ok, they work perfectly separately, so I can't figure out what is the reason why the swf files are loaded incorrectly..

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Flex :: AS3 :: Loading Bytes From Multiple Sources

Jan 2, 2010

I am loading multiple images into a class instance and I would like to keep track of how large the complete amount of loaded data is at any given point.I have grabbed the totalbytes from my directory of images via a PHP script... but collecting the new bytes from the ProgressEvent on each image seems tricky for some reason.Let's assume that the totalBytes variable is correct and that I am totally unfamiliar with the way that ProgressEvent works.Does an event get fired every time ProgressEvent gets a new byte? If not, how do I keep track of the current total bytes?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Text From External Sources?

Apr 4, 2004

i can load text, but not so that it will change when a button is clicked (load a different file.)

there are two tutorials on this issue in the tutorial section


both of which supply final sources and both of which have errors.

**Warning** Scene=Scene 1, layer=action, frame=1:Line 1: Case-insensitive identifier 'loadVars' will obscure built-in object 'LoadVars'.
loadText = new loadVars();
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

the loadVars error is in both of them.

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Jun 16, 2009

I'm struggling setting up 4 live audio sources with fms 3.5. I have 4 streams input from our studios into 1 encoder server. From here I need to pass it to the internet via 4 FMS 3.5 servers. I do not want to have 4 * 4 encoding sessions on the encoder in order to service the 4 FMS servers. Is there any way to pull the streams from the encoders? I have also tried configuring explicit connections using 1 server as an origin server and 3 as edge servers but being a live stream the load and connections seem to get passed to the origin server which will eventually not handle the load. I've looked through the application.xml server settings but cannot seem to see any noticeable settings?

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Any sources for styling skinning the Slider component?ie setting the background invisible or using another graphic in place of the line/rectangle graphic.   using another graphic for the thumb.  replacing the current graphic thumb has restrictions in dimensions,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Difficulty Loading Text From External Sources

Jul 27, 2004

I have been working on my first site which is my personal blog and I am having trouble getting my external text files to load in my dynamic text field. I would like to have my buttons when clicked to load my text files. This is the swf file that I have been working with: SWF FILE and these are my current dynamic text settings:

on (release) {
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
// trace(success);
main.html = true;
main.htmlText = this.index;

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