ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Fonts - Loading Fonts From The Server?
Jul 21, 2010
Right I can upload the font to the server.But the only examples I can find - require registerFont(Verdana);Which means I'll need to create a new SWF with the new font embedded and reupload to the server. I need an automated way of doing this or perhaps something different altogether?
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Feb 25, 2010
my web site has a lots of text field. it is xml based is locally run perfectly but after i upload it to my server it's text fields' fonts replace to default fonts.some text gone its confused to me.i used Myridpro it is replace to default font .can u tell what is the solution for that..? [URL]
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Dec 7, 2010
How is it possible to upload (or anything like that) the fonts you used in your flash project in order the user to see the exact same fonts you've chosen and not replace them with an other font?
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Jul 11, 2010
I save my (embedded) fonts in an external file (fonts.swf) that gets loaded at runtime. Pretty standard. I also use a bunch of UI artwork generated in the Flash IDE. Some of this artwork contains static textfields (thus, not proper TextFields that can change. Just frozen glyphs). Here's the problem: if I use the same font in any static textfield and then embed that same font into my collection of runtime fonts, the runtime font will refuse to render. It's the same effect you get if you set a textfield with embeddedFonts=true to use a font that isn't embedded. If I change the static textfields to use a different font, the runtime fonts work just fine.
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Dec 22, 2010
Edited Short Version:The Adobe Flash docs list a property embedFonts on TextAreas:
A Boolean value that indicates whether the font specified in fontFamily is an embedded font. This style must be set to true if fontFamily refers to an embedded font. Otherwise, the embedded font is not used. If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed. The default value is false. Regarding the "If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed" statement: How can I detect in ActionScript when this scenario happens?
TL;DR Original Version: I have a flash application which loads external .swf files containing embedded fonts, so that these fonts can be used within the main application. We're accomplishing this by using the following ActionScript code on anything which uses custom fonts:
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Mar 29, 2009
I've recently had to format my computer and now having a problem with the flash actionscript window: the actionscript text looks like bold, or in a different font. The problem is that when I search for something like "flash" and "fonts", no matter which other words I use, always comes a lot of things about fonts for flash files, or for flash embedding fonts, but never for the program itself. Wich font is missing in my system that flash CS3 needs?
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Oct 23, 2009
Can fonts be dynamically loaded or do all of the fonts have to be compiled into a swf?
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Sep 5, 2009
Say I have a dynamic textfield and I'm using a specific font that the user doesnt have. Is it not possible to put the font into the same directory as the flash file and get flash to load it?
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Jan 3, 2010
I have spent quite a few hours looking into loading bitmap fonts to use and I cant seem to find anything on it. I have a bitmap font saved in a png file and I'm thinking I will need to create a new font, set the dimensions etc.
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Aug 25, 2010
I know this question comes up often, but I have been through the forum several times and I am now confused as to which approach I should take. Hopefully someone can guide me as I am new to AC3.I have a Flash file with a dynamic text object.I have some existing AS3 which loads in text content from an XML file, and drops this into the dynamic text object. This all works fine.What I would like to do is be able to specify a font name in the XML and hence change the font used in the Dynamic text field.Later I would like to explore the option of dynamically loading in the fonts as and when needed, but for now I have embedded two fonts in the Flash file.I have tried the code below, which just manually changes the font (not from the XML yet), but this just doesn't seem to work? Have I missed something?
import fl.containers.UILoader;
import flash.text.Font;
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Jul 30, 2009
Posting this is my last resort�I've spent the entire afternoon trying to figure this out. I'm to load a font at runtime using some updated code found here. The problem is no matter what I try I always get the following error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter font must be non-null.
at flash.text::Font$/registerFont()
at cardmaker::FontLoader/fontLoaded()
which is saying that "FontLibrary._Bradley" is null in registerFont(); I know the swf exists on the server and the font symbol is being Exported for ActionScript with a class name and symbol name of both "_Bradley".
View 5 Replies
Apr 30, 2010
In AS2, if I have a swf file that I have added a font to the library how do I load that swf file into my main swf on runtime and utilize that font? I figured it would be use loadmovie, but not sure after that.
I really don't want to load the fonts directly in the library of the main swf if I don't have to, because I have 12 fonts to load. So, I will be passing the main swf file a variable that will tell it which font file to load.
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Sep 16, 2010
As part of the subtitle work I'm doing on our player, I've built a little system that lets people load fonts during runtime in order to keep the player file size down as much as possible.It's been working great locally, but for some reason it is failing on a remote server.I *think* the problem may be related to the ApplicationDomain, but I'm not so sure.I'm thinking this because I have a wrapper .swf which loads the player .swf into a separate application domain (to resolve an issue with shared classes between the two swfs). When I'm running locally, I'm testing the player in the IDE without the wrapper (so it's all one domain), but remotely it needs the wrapper (separate domains).Here's the code that loads the font(s), in the player .swf:
// settings.basepath_fonts and font.font_url are determined prior
var fontLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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Nov 10, 2010
I am currently struggling big time with whole process of dynamic font loading. I created several swf's. Each swf has its own font type with different styles. I have 3 swfs:1. arial: 4 fontclasses, regular, bold, italic, boldItalic2. verdana: 3 fontclasses, regular, bold, italic3. tahoma: 2 fontclasses, regular, boldIn the first frame I have "Font.registerFont(classname);" for all available font classes and I also have a dynamic textfield on the stage for each class with the specific font selected.So I am loading these swf's in my main project. For the Tahoma swf all works well, I can switch between "regular" and "bold". For Arial however only "regular" works well. When choosing the bold version the textfield gooes all blank and italic appears as regular. I doubled check the properties of the font classes of Arial, they all seems ok.
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Apr 10, 2007
I need to create a tool which allows the users to apply a wide range of fonts to their text. The fonts may or may not be present on the user's system. I know how to embed fonts, but the problem is that I will have to import every font to my library and set their linkage properties. that will get very cumbersome. Instead, is there any way to dynamically load fonts from a folder on the server into the flash file? Or is there a better way to achieve what i need?
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May 3, 2011
I typically embed the fonts in a library and use it this way but sometimes this gives me issues. I'm using Flash Pro CS5 and I'm trying the Embed method. I've seen many blogs/posts (here, here, here, here, etc in order of which my problems arose) but none of them are working for me. I'm getting the transcode error issue.
Can anyone shed more light on what the Error: Unable to transcode 'some/path/to/a.ttf' transcoding error is? Im sure the path is right, I've tried embedding with and without various options like mimeType, I can't get it to embed the font, or any font for that matter. Tips on embedding a font? My code would typically look like this:
[Embed(source="dat/SomeFont.ttf", fontFamily="SomeFont", mimeType="application/x-font")] var SomeFontClass:Class; var SomeFont:Font = SomeFontClass();
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Nov 28, 2009
As some of these languages have very big font sizes (e.g. Chinese), I do not want to load all these fonts into the app. at once but was thinking to put them into different modules and then load only the specific module (depending on which language is chosen in the main app). For this I moved the style part from the main app:
into the different modules. Above one is e.g. for the Chinese font (cma.ttf).
The modules are created and I can also use the fontstyle (DedicatedFont) in the module itself, but I can not access it from my main application.
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Dec 16, 2011
I have saved a dozen Fonts into separate swf files (embedded in the library of their respective .fla files). I am loading up to four of them and whilst most of them work, the script silently fails for Arial and Times New Roman. These fonts have been embedded and compiled the same as the others, and when I trace the available fonts I get an object saying that the required font has been loaded ([Object { fontName="Arial", fontStyle="regular", fontType="embedded"}]), however the text is not being rendered. If I change which font to use then the text is rendered using the correct font and performs as expected. It is only with these two fonts that I have a problem with.Is there a common problem with embedding these two fonts or is it possible I have changed a setting somewhere?
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Sep 17, 2009
I am embedding fonts and loading text in using xml, brill that all works brilliantly.However, when it is being converted to other languages, mainly german, & characters are coming in weird.I am embedding the fonts using the following,
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Dec 21, 2009
I am making a game, then I learned to load the resources (images,etc) just when I need them, using the Loader class.I would like to know if I embed them they would be loaded with the game swf file (I am thinking as if my game is on a website) or when I instantiate them.If I load it one time and not use it anymore (loose its reference) and after some time load it again, will it be downloaded from server again? Or it will load from my pc?If I put the resources on a folder in the server (now I am using a folder on my pc) anyone would go there and get all the resources! What should I do?
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May 25, 2009
Everytime I try to load a font, I get a blank screen that flashes on and off and have to shut my computer down for it to stop. I use to be able to download them all the time. I don't know what changed on my computer to make this happen.
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Nov 29, 2010
We have a large flash site which is translated into 11 languages. We have a font loading system whereby all the characters required to display the site in each language are embedded in external swfs (so 11 swfs).recent update to the site requires us to use the Text Layout Framework (TLF) for one area of text display, which of course only supports fonts embedded in the new CFF format. I've attempted to embed a second instance of the font using the tag embedAsCFF="true", and after loading in the font SWF I can see this font is correctly registered as it shows up in the array returned by Font.enumerateFonts.The TextFlow instance I am using has the following properties set:
textFlow.fontLookup = FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
textFlow.renderingMode = RenderingMode.CFF;
textFlow.fontFamily = "HeadingFontCFF";
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Jul 12, 2011
For a large project I have the following setup:
a content editor made with Flex SDK 3.5
a content viewer made with Flex SDK 4.1
Both need to work with dynamically loaded fonts as the user can use the fonts he wants.
So we used this approach:
convert the font files with Flash Professional to SWF-files (Creating a Font SWF)
editor: load the fonts with Loader (Loading a SWF font) the fonts can then be perfectly used within the application to generate htmlText viewer: the same approach to load the fonts + register them with Font.registerFont (Flex 4 Embed font from swf)
Now the problems: although the loaded fonts are listed when you trace Font.enumerateFonts(false), they are not used in the textarea. There the text is shown with the default font.
Maybe the problem is the fonts are loaded as embedAsCFF for the Text Layout Framework, and that way are not usable in an mx.controls.TextArea? But as I can not change that to a spark TextArea for multiple reasons, I need a solution to use the loaded fonts in that mx.controls.TextArea.
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Nov 4, 2009
What I want is to have my application be able to load a .TTF or .OTF file.What I found so far is people embedding their fonts into an .SWF and using the Loader class to load the font that way.That does not work for me because I want people using my system to be able to upload their own fonts, and not forcing them to embed it in an .SWF, because I want to keep my system as simple as possible.
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May 9, 2006
I was following the 'news-ticker tutorial' the other day but couldn't get to work with the embedded font (yes, the embedded font contains these characters).It works great if I'm loading the xml from a local path but the thing with this news-ticker is that the xml-content will be updated as you reload the page (not saved in cache).Therefor the path to the xml-file looks like this
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm new to AS & Flash, but not programming in general. I've got a project where I'm needing to use embedded fonts. To save the size of my main .swf, I've been using the Loader class to import .swf files with the fonts embedded at runtime. The "font library" .swf files contain just the embedded font, and in frame 1 have
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Jul 21, 2010
I've run into this incredibly annoying problem today. I have numerous dynamic textfields in my movie that embed the font Gill Sans MT. Some of them are normal/regualar, some of them are bold. But, in the published swf all bold text fields are displayed as normal/regular! I've investigated this for hours, and the only way I can get the bold font to display properly is to NOT use the regular one anywhere in the movie.
I also tried making a new flash movie containing two text fields, one that embeds Gill Sans Normal, and one that embeds Gill Sans Bold and that worked fine. So my suspicion now is that my original .fla has somehow gone corrupt so that the bold font data is overwritten with the normal font data. Is this a known issue?
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Jun 29, 2009
I want to find a way to list all the fonts in my FLA files. I want to see that the developers get the fonts they need before the problems crop up - wild idea, I know. Using the edit/font mapping option seems to only show fonts which are missing or have been re-mapped. How do I get the FLA to give me the name of every font it's holding?
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Sep 17, 2009
I am trying to find a font to satisfy a client and I was wondering how I can get several new fonts in flash cs3?
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Jan 5, 2010
What I need to do to use an external style sheet? Should it be a style sheet or an mxml file?I saw this tutorial, which offers quite a bit of good information (some of which I also found in the livedocs) via the comments.[code]...
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