Actionscript :: Iterate Through Each Of SharedObjects?
Aug 14, 2009
Is it possible to execute a "foreach" through each of my SharedObjects?
Something like this . . .
_so = SharedObject.getLocal("test","/");
foreach (var item:Object in _so)
// print key name and value
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Nov 18, 2009
Ive tried converting the SharedObject tutorial [url...] provided by Adobe from AS2 to AS3. When one client moves the ball, the other client should be able to see the ball moving on another swf, and vice versa.The AS2 one worked fine with my flash media server 3.5 and wampp server on. When I tried the AS3 one, the sharedObject cannot sync, even though the connection was successful and the sharedObject "position" was created in the server.[code]...
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May 25, 2005
[URL]. Click options, and in the resulting panel you will notice that there is a bunch of different options you can turn on/off/change. How can I use these variables with sharedObjects so that anything the user saves will get saved for the next time they come to visit my site?
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Is there a difference if your array is varied or if it only contains one class type
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Feb 20, 2005
How can I iterate through all the MovieClips in a MovieClip ?
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Aug 1, 2008
I'm having trouble reading a sharedObject. I know it's written to the server because I can open it with wordpad and read it and the proper values are there. However, is always null or the size is 0.
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" initialize="initApp()">
public var welcomeMessage:String;
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Dec 26, 2009
Lets suppose, I have a class with so many public properties
class person{
public var address:String;
public var name:String;
public var fathername:String;
//etc etc
Now i want to iterate over them in a simple way like
for (var key:string in person){
trace("property is " + key + " and value is " + person[key]);
But AS3 doesnt allow this to do with Classes
what would be the better and simple way to iterate over them as i dont want to do so many if(else) on it.
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Sep 15, 2010
is there any way to delete all shared object data for a domain? We used generated names for our swfs and over time it has created enough to reach the 100kb limit for our domain, creating the user prompt. AFAIK, I cannot access the path above catOrgan_3342.swf to clear the other dirs catOrgan_3341.swf catOrgan_3340.swf etc, nor is there a global clear, or a way of enumerating the subdirectories.
Application DataMacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsQBX3423www.fluffycats.comcatOrgan_3342.swf<m y files>
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Oct 20, 2010
I am serving two different swfs that read and write to the same SharedObject variable. The SharedObject variable is a number, and each swf checks that number to make sure it isn't using the same number twice. It then stores the last number it selects. In this way both swfs should never use the same number twice, no matter which order they're loaded.
If I repeatedly load one of the swfs, the never-twice rotation works. However, when switching back and forth between swfs, sometimes the number is repeated. SharedObjects are supposed to be global to the Flash Player, so why would this happen?
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Feb 9, 2012
I have an created an associative array of MovieClips, but when I try to iterate through them, the for loop never gets entered (nothing gets outputted). It's like as-if the Array is empty.
var navItems:Array = new Array();
navItems["home"] = item_home;
navItems["featuredfilms"] = item_featuredfilms;
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Jan 11, 2012
Say, for example, I have a car on a flat plane. It can move either left, up, right or down. I also have 10 obstacles on the stage. Each time the car hits one of them it should automatically turn to avoid it. I could loop through each obstacle and check if it is colliding with the car but a better approach would be to make an obstacle class that checks if the car is going to collide with that obstacle and if it does, make it change direction. My problem though is what about if I had 5 cars? Would the obstacle class have to loop through each of the cars to check if any are colliding with it? My main concern with this is how much the performance of the program would be affected. I imagine with only 5 cars the difference would be insignificant, but what if I had 1000 cars and 1000 obstacles? Going back to the first example, it is easy to see how you can use a class as opposed to using a loop but with the second example, I just don't know.
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May 6, 2003
So I did the tutorial about SharedObjects, and I created a login movie which works fine.
My questions are as follows: Can i use a shared object I created in one movie (call it "mycookie") in a separate movie on another page, similar to an HTML cookie? If so, what is the syntax?
I tried reusing the mycookie = SharedObject.getLocal("user_profile")and it didn't seem to work. =(
Also, I know that alternatively I can pass flash variables to the URL with the POST method, but I forget the syntax. Time is of the essence here (project due tomorrow) so I'd really like some help if somebody knows the answer..
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Aug 31, 2006
Is it possible to iterate through a MovieClip's child MovieClips?
Lets say I have a MovieClip "a_mc" which itself is made up of n number of child movieclips. Is there a way to iterate through all the children without creating an instance for each one?
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Jul 1, 2009
Everything dealing with sharedObjects in the first frame is this:
var PlannerData:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("PlannerData");
SubjectChoices =;
if (SubjectChoices == undefined) {[code]....
Going to the second frame from the first frame, the data is perfect. Going back to the first frame from the second, I'll trace the data many times throughout the code without an onEnterFrame, and it'll tell me that the Array is good...But when I trace the onEnterFrame, it shows the Array is [undefined, undefined, ...] like..undefined 17 times.
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Oct 9, 2009
I am trying to make a little picture store for my website.I want to store the items in sharedObjects, so the next time people come to my site the selected pictures are there for them.I learned a little bit of sharedObjects and make it work for me with Strings but I can't make it work with and Array.
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Jun 13, 2009
I have a an array of a custom class that I'm trying to store in a SharedObject.Storing is working fine, but when I recall the SO next compile it only returns an array of generic Objects instead of my custom class. This only happens with custom classes.Code excerpt below, this may be way too cut out, but it seems it's what I've narrowed the problem down too.[code]
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Dec 10, 2010
I would like to know is there a way to iterate through all parents in a display object.I need to do this because i am loading swfs to application and swfs have different number of nested movieClips and i would like to be able to access loader properties like width and height dynamically from within any depth.
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Jun 2, 2011
I have a project that I think may be more manageable if I break it up into multiple small .swf files rather than having a gargantuan mega .swf.Now, I know that I could use a root .swf and load data from the others, but I think that it'll be a lot easier to debug and update if I'm using separate self-contained .swfs, so this is the direction I'm currently investigating.
However, the .swfs won't really work unless I can have user-data persist between them, so I'm wondering if I can load a SharedObject saved by another .swf file? Are there any important caveats that I need to be aware of?In particular, can anyone give me sample code that would allow me to do this with both an online and offline copy of the files; i.e - if I run the same set of .swfs from, and locally, I want them to still be able to share data with one-another. In this case though I won't need to worry about sharing data between a local copy and [url]..., just so long as the files themselves can pass data within whatever domain they're loaded it should be fine.
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Mar 8, 2011
I am using Flex dictionary to store ValueObjects with Timestamp as the 'key' for each object.
Given a timestamp, I want to iterate over the dictionary starting from the given timestamp key value.
The Docs discuss the following for dictionary iteration, but this iterates from the first key-value pair.
for (var key:Object in myDictionary)
trace(key, myDictionary[key]);
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Dec 6, 2009
I'm accessing the classes from an externally loaded SWF so that I can "skin" SWF applications at runtime. Everything works fine but I'd like to make it as dynamic as possible and allow developers to access all the class definitions in a loaded SWF without having the FLA file or a list of their names.
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Jan 27, 2011
There are 3 flv movie in my flash page. Is there a way to indicate in my flash page if the flv movie is already viewed on user's browser? I need to put a mark on the movie if one of them is already viewed? Am I to use Shared Object?
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May 20, 2011
I am iterating through aChildObject which extends ParentClass. however the props from the parent aren't showing up.
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Sep 11, 2011
So, I'm creating a quiz, and I'm using shared objects to save their resume data. So far so good. MOST of the various things I put into work fine. But oddly, two bits of information, specifically a String and an Array of Strings come out as [object][Object] when they are reloaded later. Now, at first I thought that maybe they just weren't getting written correctly, so I thought to trace them out before and after I put them in the SO.
When I do trace( or even trace( the first time (i.e. immediately after they get written, but before closing the window) everything works as expected. But if I trace those same things out upon the reopening of the swf, those things become [object][Object] for the String, and an array of [object][Object]s for the Array. So I thought maybe it was Strings in general, but other pieces of information, also Strings or Arrays of Strings trace out fine before and after. It's just these two pieces.
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Aug 4, 2004
I've got a loop which creates a movie clip for each day of the month and lines them up. so, depending on how many days are in the current month, the counter var for the loop is 28, 30, or 31.
for(var j:Number=1; j <= lastDay; j++){
// Create the Empty Movie Clip
var dateClip:MovieClip = _root["dateClip"+j];
Within this very same loop I am also using the same counter var (j) to iterate thru an array that is created from parsing my xml file. Now, I don't have 28, 30, or 31 dates in my xml file -- just about 4 or 5. so if i trace out this array I'll get values for the first 4 or 5 positions but then a series of 'undefineds' for the rest. that's normal, right?
The problem comes when I try to target the movie clip instances based on the "dateClip" and the "ArrDate". Here it comes up totally undefined in all circumstances.
I can trace out dateClip and I can trace out the ArrDate (even though it returns only 4 values and the rest undefined).
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Sep 12, 2007
Question regarding math: I am trying to interate through an xml set (the xml will constantly change) and display 6 items at a time. If the total from xml is not divisible by 6 and lets say 4 left from the array, only show 4 and set the other attached mcs to false. I am adding them via attachMovie and basically do not know how to set up the math on it, can anyone shed some light?
View 9 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
I would like to know is there a way to iterate through all parents in a display object. I need to do this because i am loading swfs to application and swfs have different number of nested movieClips and i would like to be able to access loader properties like width and height dynamically from within any depth. How can i do that?
View 13 Replies
Mar 20, 2012
I often need to set the alpha of all but one of a list of objects.
beastie1.alpha = 0;
beastie2.alpha = 1;
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Feb 17, 2010
I'm trying to optimize a site I'm building with Django/Flash and am having a problem using Django's iterate over chunks() feature. I'm sending an image from Flash to Django using request.POST data rather than through a form (using request.FILES). The problem I foresee is that if there is large user volume, I could potentially kill memory. But it seems that Django only allows iterating over chunks with request.FILES. Is there a way to:
1) wrap my request.POST data into a request.FILES (thus spoofing Django)
2) use chunks() with request.POST data
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