ActionScript 2.0 :: Everything Dealing With SharedObjects In The First Frame ?
Jul 1, 2009
Everything dealing with sharedObjects in the first frame is this:
var PlannerData:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("PlannerData");
SubjectChoices =;
if (SubjectChoices == undefined) {[code]....
Going to the second frame from the first frame, the data is perfect. Going back to the first frame from the second, I'll trace the data many times throughout the code without an onEnterFrame, and it'll tell me that the Array is good...But when I trace the onEnterFrame, it shows the Array is [undefined, undefined, ...] like..undefined 17 times.
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<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" initialize="initApp()">
public var welcomeMessage:String;
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Sep 11, 2011
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Sep 3, 2010
I'm creating a container and it's content at runtime. Here's a rough structure:
I've tried also validateNowand other similar methods. What I have here:
1. The HScrollBar is being added.
2. We increase a bit the width of container, so it disappears.
3. When it disappears, the validating throws the null-pointer exception when it tries to measure the non-existing scrollbar. I've also tried to add validateProperties before validation, but it didn't worked either.
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Jun 25, 2011
I want to have a series of functions that execute one after another instead of one within another.
here's what I mean
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Oct 3, 2011
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Oct 5, 2011
In my project, there is a frame(png files) placed on the top of all symbols. After that, I apply mouse click event to the symbols that place underneath the frame symbol, but when I run the the game, I cannot click to the below symbols but only the frame symbol, although the frame is transparent.
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Mar 19, 2007
How do professional programmers deal with preferences for their application?when there are options to be chosen in an application, does the program is full of "if" to detect what option has been chosen?Let's say that there is a call to 30 functions in the program.But the user has got to choose between an option A or B that would modify the way those 30 functions work.Would you have to write 60 functions and then place an "if" condition each time to go to the needed one...
Or would it be possible to write at run time (after the program has read the preferences) the corresponding functions? So that it wouldn't be necessary to check conditions each time?The goal being to gain total speed in critical functions preventing their run to be slowed down by condition requests.
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Jul 16, 2011
I have an associative array of values called definitionsArray which I use as references to instantiate classes in a run time shared library.I instantiate and push the object into a new array. The problem is when I try to access or do anything basically with that new array.As they are objects they don't seem to like being in a display list for example.
HTML Code:
var definitionsArray:Array;
var bubblesArray:Array;
var currentBubble:*;[code]...
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Feb 27, 2011
I have an application that uses Remote SharedObjects and I am seeing some strange behaviour. I am writing an ActionScript application in AS3 using Flash Builder and connecting to Wowza Media Server 2. My application is working just fine but I am now trying to write unit tests for it using FlexUnit. My unit tests involve creating multiple connections to the same remote SharedObject and making sure that I am getting updates correctly. Everything seems to be working well except that I am not getting any of the SyncEvent.SYNC events with an info.code of "delete".
When I run my applications independently in separate tabs or even separate swfs embedded in the same page it works fine. For some reason though it does not work when inside a unit test. I have also found that if I load the swfs using a Loader inside the same SWF then I get the same behaviour. It seems to me to be something strange about the way multiples of the same SharedObject behave within the same SWF. I have had to work around other strange behaviour in the unit tests such as oldValues not being set properly in the onSync events too.
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Nov 27, 2010
I have been working on a game (Pokemon haha) since around the beginning of June. I just started experimenting with Classes today and I've run into some big problems (as expected). I have many SharedObjects in my game and I started the game when I barely understood any code. But I've worked on it a lot and learned so much. Right now, I'm trying to create Classes so that I can save time and be more efficient with my code. But... With my first major attempt, I failed.
This is what I want to do:
Create a Class that will switch a bunch of SharedObjects in my game. I don't need the switching part (because that worked before when the code wasn't in a class), just the creating the class part that involves SharedObjects.
This is basically what I have:
ActionScript Code:
class GrassLife {
so = SharedObject.getLocal("so_file");
function Life() { =; =; =;
//The variables switch at this part
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Oct 26, 2008
I've been working on something of late that will display text the first time the user views it, and the second time, say something different. I've accomplished this using haredObjects. However, it seems that the information (the shared object) isn't removed when the user leaves of closes the browser. I there a workaround for this?
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