Android :: Running Flex 4.5.1 Mobile Application In Internet Browser?

Jul 23, 2011

I read that using Flash Builder 4.5.1 you can create one application and run it on a mobile device, in Internet browser and in Desktop AIR. However, I created a mobile application and the only option to run it is 'Run as mobile application'. Is it really possible to run the same Flex application in browser and on mobile?

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Android :: Hide The Running Flex Mobile Application Or Change Its Name?

Dec 4, 2011

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If not, is there a way to change the name and icon of the app in run-time after installation?

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Android :: Load Flex Application In Mobile Application?

Mar 7, 2012

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Android :: Debug A Crash With A Flex/AIR Mobile Application?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a flex app using the 4.5.1 sdk and AIR 2.7 running on an Android 3.2 tablet. During use, I can get it to crash fairly regularly. It's usually when I'm rapidly scrolling around in a List control. I can't seem to find the cause.

The application will just suddenly close. It happens in both debug and release builds.

When in debug mode, it just disconnects from the debugger and doesn't give me any useful information.

I'm at a loss on how to debug this. What are some techniques I can use?

I found the "adb logcat" command. Relevant info from the log below, unfortunately it doesn't mean much to me.


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package valueObjects


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-1120: Access of undefined property ids.

-Access of undefined property ids

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Nov 10, 2011

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Mar 14, 2012

I am building an Adobe Air Mobile application currently targeting Android (and eventually iOS). I'm using Flash Builder 4.6 (which is Flex).I have a requirement to download a zip file from a url, save it to local storage and unzip the contents.There seem to be a few example on how to do a download in Flex/Air, but not many in Flex/Air/Mobile. Additionally, the mix of examples seem to be all over the place with namespace versions, etc. Edit: What I've tried:So, from the examples on the web, the first thing I did was add namespace in Flex declarations: xmlns:net="*" Then I added the following component: <net:URLLoader id="urlLoader" /> Then, in the button click event, I called it: urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(downloadUrl)); I get a run time error: Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://...

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May 26, 2011

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Does anyone know how to connect to a debug session running on the device? My device in this case is an Android Samsung Galaxy S.

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Apr 8, 2012

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Android :: Using Flex For Facebook Mobile API Login Method?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to implement the 1.6 Mobile Facebook API [URL]into an Air for Android application. I've succesfully used the Web and Desktop API's however with the mobile app it's expecting an extra parameter to a stageReference, see:

login(callback:Function, stageRef:Stage, extendedPermissions:Array, webView:StageWebView = null)

But, using i'm using Flex and not Flash CS5, i can't just pass in this.stage or this or anything like that.What exactly would you guys think I need to pass into that using Flash builder Flex? I can't seem to find any examples for the mobile actionscript API ?

Here's the login information from the Mobile API Docs:

login () method
public static function login(callback:Function, stageRef:Stage, extendedPermissions:Array, webView:StageWebView = null):void
Opens a new login window so the current user can log in to Facebook.


callback:Function — The method to call when login is successful. The handler must have the signature of callback(success:Object, fail:Object); Success will be a FacebookSession if successful, or null if not.

stageRef:Stage — A reference to the stageextendedPermissions:Array — (Optional) Array of extended permissions to ask the user for once they are logged in.webView:StageWebView (default = null) — (Optional) The instance of StageWebView to use for the login window For the most current list of extended permissions[URL].

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Adobe AIR Need To Be Installed On An Android 2.2 Phone To Run A Flex Mobile App?

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Android :: Multi Threading In Flex Mobile Project?

Jun 20, 2011

I want to download a video on mobile device through flex framework. For that reason I need to have support of multithreading so that I can download video in background. Unfortunately, Flex doesn't have multithreading support. I am quite new with flex environment.

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Android :: Flex Mobile Project On Eclipse Plugin

Sep 6, 2011

I wanted to develop a flex based mobile project. I have Eclipse plugin for Adobe Flash Builder. But I cannot see any option in the "Create Project" list for Mobile project.I have seen Mobile Project is available in Flash Builder Standalone version, but I wanted it in eclipse plugin.

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Android :: Flex Mobile - Opening External Files

Mar 6, 2012

Can I import files from other apps into my app? If I for instance on iOS, I email myself a xml-file, I click the attachment in the mail-app. Now I want the "open in" option to show up, send that file to my app, and process that data there. Is this possible in flex/as3?

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Android :: Flex DropDownList Working Weird In Mobile Devices?

Jul 15, 2011

I try to use spark DropDownList Controller for flex mobile project but its not working properly. Is there any alternative solution available?

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Develop Flex Mobile Project :: Runs In Both Android And Iphone?

Aug 6, 2011

Can we develop flex mobile project that runs in both android and iphone.Also I want to know , can we use all the device capabilities of both android and iphone in same project

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