Flex :: Adobe AIR For Mobile Connect To Running Debug Session?
May 26, 2011
I have a AIR for mobile pure AS3 project that saves a file on the device the first time it runs into the file.applicationStorage directory. The second and subsequent times the application launches I need it to look at that file I've saved.
My problem is that when I debug the application from Flex Builder 4.5 it wipes the application and application storage. So the application always behaves like it is running for the first time. I can't get into a debug session and step through my code as I read in that file.
Does anyone know how to connect to a debug session running on the device? My device in this case is an Android Samsung Galaxy S.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Apr 21, 2010
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2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (i)2581223 Core (56012) is no longer active. -2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (w)2581256 Core (56012) _defaultRoot_:_defaultVHost_:::_0 experienced 1 failure[s]! 56012 is the core process on which this session was running. So is it somehow related? I mean no fso being recorded on server with core recycling? In access log these are the last 2 messages on this core:disconnect session 2010-04-18 14:52:20 Central Daylight Time 56012connect session 2010-04-18 14:52:46 Central Daylight Time 56012 FMS server version is:FMS is 3.0.2Windows server 2003.
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Feb 7, 2012
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-game menu entered
-instructions open
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I have seen a few blog entries on this and have had a discussion or two with my team mates but I would like to see what the stack overflow community thinks.
So why does the Adobe Alchemy Tool create so much faster running flash byte code than the flex compiler?
Also, when will the flex compiler be able to make similar performance gains? Will it require programmer specific use of special Array's or something of that nature to get the same performance?
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